Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 4989: Sao operation (drawing has been repaired

Not to mention it happened to be known to him.

Therefore, it should be that he was designed.

But at that time, his road back to the city had been blocked and he was only able to keep going.

Anyway, there is still a chance to breathe.

If it was discovered that he was noticed immediately in the middle of the journey, he would be killed by someone's hand immediately, and he would not even be able to escape.

The people around him are afraid to sacrifice even more for him.


With the shots of the Nalan family, the huge pot head around Huang Fuhai emerged a little huge ripples.

Its pot is wide open, facing the positions of those of the Nalan family, sucking all their attacks into their stomachs, and then fighting back.

If this were not the case, Huang Fuhai would have been destroyed.

But even in the current situation, Huang Fuhai's situation is not good.

Because the pot heads will be suspended above their heads, there will already be many traces of stars on their bodies.

Obviously, if this continues, it will be broken.


It was another attack and shot. In a flash, the pot's body trembled suddenly, and then the next second, a trace of its body exploded. In a flash, those forces escaped and blasted to Huang Fuhai .

The latter and others were originally resistant to the scattered attacks from the Naran family,

Under such circumstances, they suddenly had no time to resist the power leaked from Shangguotou.


Several people around Huang Fuhai were immediately bombarded by the dissipated energy. Instantly, their figures were blown out.

Not only that, several other people around Huang Fuhai were also spit out by this force.


A group of people wiped out the aftermath of those forces, and they were immediately slammed to the side and fell to the ground fiercely.

And seeing this scene, the people of the Nalan family and the people they organized immediately screamed, "Hurry up, kill Huang Fuhai!"

The group has resisted too long,

The ability of Huang Fuhai's pot head has made everyone aware that the power of the other party's innate soul mark is more terrible than they imagined.

Therefore, a crowd of people suddenly shot out in an instant, rushing towards Huang Fuhai.

And Huang Fuhai would wipe off the blood on the corner of his lips severely.

"I am the grandma of your second grandfather!" His face was fierce, and where did he have the hippie smiley face before, and the joke-like joke.

That face is always smiling, all kinds of treacherous faces, this will only leave a full cold and cold.

"I fight with you today!"

He said that he would jump up and rush towards the people of the Nalan family.

However, his figure just jumped out, and a burst of sound came from the front.

Then ...


There were bursts of bursting sounds, and innumerable attacks instantly burst out from behind the people of the Nalan family.

Then banged, and instantly, those attacks were severely smashed into the teams of the Nalan clan, and immediately stopped their attacks.


With the attack, the eyes of Huang Fuhai and others instantly looked at the direction of those voices.

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