Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 5079: Total Attack 3

Immediately, Saitama's body gathered a huge force.

This huge and fierce force was concentrated on Saitama's body, and her strength was suddenly improved.

However, the burden and physical exhaustion caused by it were replaced by the rune paper on them.

The rune paper of a group of people exploded and then temporarily lost the power of this rune paper, but because the burden on those jade jade was thinned.

Therefore, they were not harmed at all.

The same is true of Saitama.

It wasn't like before, because a joint attack of the natural army **** body was exhibited, it was suddenly consumed, and it could no longer move.

She is full of strength,

Immediately after the attack, he took all the people in the sky to zero, and escaped the attacks of the ancestors of Nalan.

At the time of her attack, the ancestors of Nalan on the other side were also caught off guard.

Their body slammed into Saitama's attack fiercely.

In such a situation, they spit out blood in an instant, and the figure of the crowd abruptly retreated several steps towards the rear.

The figure of some people even stunned.

Before they can stand still, the attack from Saitama and others on the other side has once again rushed to those around the Union City.

Seeing this scene, for a moment, the ancestors of Nalan were angry.


Their voices drank.

However, they haven't waited for their figures to rush towards Saitama and others.

The latter and others have once again taken out an inscription matrix drawing and quietly pasted them--

Luo Qingtong prepared the inscription branding breath for them before they were able to print enough inscription array drawings.

And these drawings, only Luo Qingtong has the ability to imprint the flavor of Saitama on it.

In this case, everyone has enough "stocks" to slowly play with these people in Union City!

Want to hang them?


Immediately after a group of people pasted the drawings of the inscription array method, an extremely powerful and violent attack broke out again, from Saitama to Nalan ancestors and others.

The latter was about to vomit blood in their hearts.

They simply couldn't get close to Saitama and others.

As soon as they approached, Saitama and others blasted out a terrible attack comparable to the Xeon, and stopped them directly.

In this case, Saitama and others immediately attacked, and when they were stopped by the ancestors of Nalan, they immediately bombarded those in the other United City.

The latter and others could not stop their attack at all.

In this way, the people on the other side of the Union City were completely injured, and there was no way to approach the barriers of the sky.

Nalan's ancestors and others had previously thought of restraining Saitama and others, but now they are clearly being restrained by the other party.

When their hearts were angry, others like Luo Qingtong and Nalan Yue arrived.

Seeing the situation facing the ancestors of Nalan, Nalan Yue and others frowned suddenly.

Then he confronted Luo Qingtong and Huang Fuhai and said coldly, "You rush up and deal with them!"

His words are very obvious, that is to let Luo Qingtong and others use their lives to pave the way for Nalan ancestors and others.

After they blocked Saitama and others, they let Nalan ancestors and others take a shot.

In other words, let Luo Qingtong wait for someone to die!


ps: I accompany my mother to check the infusion in the hospital for the past two days, so the update is not stable. Please refresh it. When I am busy, I will update again.

thank you all

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