Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 5222: Reached the pinnacle of life! (Repaired)

And on the other side, in a deserted area.

After Luo Qingtong and Ming Yuan'er accepted the site on the third side of Tanye's side, Ming Yuan'er and others withdrew.

After all, she has something to discuss with her father and brother.

Although such a big thing here, Ming Yuaner has already made a certain decision.

But for specific matters, we still have to discuss with her father and brother, and see how the road will go in the future.

However, it can be clearly said that they and the people of the Tan and Nan families are endless!

When the crowd left, Ming Yuan'er was still afraid that Luo Qingtong's side was not safe, thinking about leaving a few people to Luo Qingtong to protect her.

But Luo Qingtong refused.


There are so many secrets on her side, and there is nothing to walk to the evil haunt.

What if someone discovers a secret?

Therefore, Luo Qingtong resolutely rejected Ming Yuan's kindness.

However, in her words, she spoke abnormally and gently.

It only said that the people in Nan's family would not be so stupid and came to fight her.

As for the people of the Tan family, it is even more difficult.

Isn't this rushing to give them a handle?

No matter how stupid the Nan family and the Tan family were, it was impossible for the Ming family to deal with her when they were obviously still in a deserted area.

Even more, they might have to protect her in turn!

After all, if she was killed by the Ming family, wouldn't they still carry the pot?

Ming Yuaner was holding her whip and shaking around.

She hadn't come out of her mind before.

At this moment my heart is depressed.

At this time, Luo Qingtong's words were heard, and she suddenly glanced at her with a smile, and then smiled: "It seems that you are quite smart!"

"You said, should I just kill you and let the Nan family and the Tan family forget it?"

"As a result, how much effort I saved!"

"Lest I still have to think of a way, how to deal with those people!"

Ming Yuaner said here, gritted his teeth fiercely.

That gorgeous and proud face also became a bit gritted.

After hearing what she said, Luo Qingtong gave her a smile and thought: If you really have this idea, you would have no idea where to die.

Where else can I tell these things here?

Luo Qingtong's complexion smiled, and he didn't take Ming Yuan's words at all.

How could the other party not know such a thing?

Killing her is the person who can marry the Nan family and the Tan family.

But obviously, they are not so stupid people, nor are they short-sighted people.

Moreover, the conscience is not so hard.

Otherwise, how could Luo Qingtong's eyesight not be seen?

Back in the day, I started.

In other words, she would never give Ming Yuaner and others a chance to cooperate.

Nor would they tell them that someone was behind them.

Therefore, Luo Qingtong didn't care about Mingyuan's words at all.

Obviously, the other party intentionally teased her and scared her.

In fact, since the "misunderstanding" was lifted, Ming Yuaner has no hostility to Luo Qingtong.

Probably think she is much worse than her!

And a man who likes men.

Therefore, Ming Yuaner was very close to her, but she had a look of treating her as a girlfriend.

Luo Qingtong thought, a twitch in the corner of her lips suddenly.

I always feel that there is a subtle sense of contradiction in this matter. What seems to be wrong?

——When she used to be a woman, she didn't have any girlfriends. After she became a man, she had it? ?

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