Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 5290: Who gets into

"You should know what this five-bedroom industry means to us!"

Ye Qianxuan's words exited, and instantly, Nanxun's complexion was sinking.

But soon she was relieved again.

After all, it was as if she had just retreated.

If Ye Qianji didn't do anything, she agreed easily, and she had to surrender the properties in his hands, but she wouldn't believe it.

It always felt that the other party seemed to be conspiring.

After all, the importance of the five-bedroom industry to Luo Qingtong is self-evident.

It's not bad to say that if it wasn't for the beginning, Luo Qingtong would have the Nan family's army.

These five-bedroom properties basically have no part of Luo Qingtong.

And without a five-bedroom property, Luo Qingtong was in the Tan family, so she had a bad name.

Even in this Tan family, she has no right to speak.

For the Ming family, there is no meaning of existence.

Nanxun thought so, and immediately made such a request to Ye Qianxuan, and it was no surprise.

After all, if she fooled the other party casually and got the property of the five-bedroom property, she would not believe it.

Instead, Ye Qianji made a request now, but she could see Ye Qianji's heart shaking.

The other party will soon be hooked!

As for the property of the Tan family, what is she asking the people of the Tan family to give Luo Qingtong to them?

With the short-lived temperament of Luo Qingtong, when he entered the Supervision Academy, he was able to come back alive?

If Luo Qingtong is dealt with by the second-generation successors of those other families, Nanxun may still worry that Luo Qingtong will enter the Supervisory Yuan, and the Ming family will stop there and let those second-generation successors pass by. they.

However, this time it was the people of the Gong family who shot them, as well as them.

The other person was her, and Gong Xiyue's order was obtained.

No matter from the other side's own perspective or their development in the palace house, it is impossible to give up this opportunity to deal with Luo Qingtong.

Even the Ming family's intervention was useless!

Nanxun thought about it here, and then she thought coldly: not to mention, she had already planned ahead.

It doesn't matter if those in the palace family can't stop the Ming family!

Ming family, Hugh wants to destroy her plan to deal with Luo Qingtong this time!

Nanxun carefully thought those thoughts in her heart, and found that she had basically done nothing foolproof!

Luo Qingtong can never have any chance to escape!

And as long as you get these five-room things, even if the Ming family is angry and dissatisfied in the end, there is no way to get rid of them!

Nanxun thought so, and suddenly she said to Ye Qianxuan, "Okay!"

"I let the people of the Tan family transfer all the properties to your name."

"Sister Xianer, I don't really have a half word."

"I will show it to you."

She said that, she immediately straightened her body and looked in the direction of the Tan family master and others.

The latter waited for the menacing charge.

The owner of the Tan family was very excited in this meeting!

He looked at the people in the palace behind Nanzhao and was proud.

Especially those who looked at those palace families, after glaring at Ye Qian, looked more relaxed and refreshed in their hearts!

The whole person is like San Futian drinking ice water from head to toe!

He looked at the place where Ye Qianji and others were, and then sneered--

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