Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 5322: Twelve inspectors

When Ming Yuan'er thought about it that way, Luo Qingtong's eyes were stunned.

Then, looking at Ming Yuan'er, she lowered her voice and asked, "Then you Ming family, can't you stop them?"

Luo Qingtong said, Ming Yuan's heart was depressed.

She looked at Luo Qingtong and said, "You think it's that simple!"

"In the Supervision Institute, there are 12 supervision systems!"

"Every inspection system has an inspector general."

"These people are in charge of most of the powers of the Inspectorate."

"Except for the orders of the senior elders of Qingquan Holy Palace, they would not listen to the words of others."

"And among these people, our Ming family members occupy three seats."

"And the people of the Nan family occupy two."

"But there are four people in the palace family."

"In this case, the people in our Ming family cannot deal with the people in their palace."

"At that time, the people of the palace family and the people of the Nan family unite, and the troubles of the second generation of other families, we will have no way to stop their resolution!"

Under Ming Yuaner's explanation, Luo Qingtong finally understood what was going on.

In simple terms, the people in the palace family want to forcefully use their influence in the supervision yard to prevent Luo Qingtong from exercising her power as a newcomer challenger, and do not allow her to directly become people such as Gonglin and others The second generation of the family inherits people's head bosses.

Because of this, the order was issued in the supervisory court.

Therefore, if no one can refute this order, then this matter can be directly implemented in the Supervisory House.

Luo Qingtong could not forcibly take the positions of Gong Lin and others as his own.

And if Luo Qingtong and other people do not agree, and feel that this order does not comply with the rules of the Supervisory Yuan, they can only report it and let the Supreme Elders of Qingquan Holy Palace judge.

But at that time, it was time for each family to play.

Because the interests of the families involved in this incident are very many.

Therefore, I was afraid that at that time, the Ming family would not have the upper hand.

So, in other words, the people in the palace are shameless.

Intentionally pressing Luo Qingtong to get the position of Gong Lin and others, and transferring the internal affairs of the Supervisory House to the affairs of many elder families in the Qingquan Holy Palace.

In this way, even if the people of the Ming family had a lot of power, even under the pressure of the palace family and other families, they were afraid to go back.

After all, once this matter has reached the point where the families play, many families work together, even if they know that the palace family is unreasonable and the Ming family can only concede.

The people in the palace family, because they borrowed the voices of other families, lost their reputation and heritage.

Because, as long as they hide behind those families, they can help the situation properly.

And there is no need to directly confront the Ming family, so that they are criticized, it is too shameless!

Luo Qingtong also admired the people of these palaces. It really was the elite of the first elders family. In such a fast situation, the pros and cons of this matter were clearly thought out, and the one with the least loss was quickly selected. Method.

And if it wasn't for Gong Xiyue's behavior, they didn't know it so quickly, I'm afraid they could think of a better way to get the best of both worlds.

Of course, they are the same as those of the Ming family, who did not expect Luo Qingtong to be able to do such a step.

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