Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 5574: The birth of the group pet pupil (4)

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"How is this going?"

Everyone was surprised and looked into the pharmacy.

Usually, there are miscellaneous animals here waiting to be dispensed.

When they were injured, they would basically come here and let the pharmacy give the medicine.

Of course, unless it is a very serious injury, otherwise they will not come here for minor injuries.

Because of the effects of the medicinal herbs given to them, sometimes they are not as good as their own self-healing ability.

Under such circumstances, basically, beast warriors like Helentu and others would not come here to dispense medicine.

But this time, several miscellaneous beasts around them were not badly injured. Therefore, Heliantu they brought these miscellaneous animals over and wanted to let Bell and others treat him.

Unexpectedly, the other party and others were not there.

When their hearts were at a loss, some of the beasts of the Helian family on the other side knew the situation and immediately said to them: "Patriarch, please go and see!"

"Ling and others are in Nana's house."

"The beast she brought back before is so powerful."

"It can actually improve the prescription of our tribe."

"A lot of people have watched it in the past."

"Her improved prescription is effective and suitable for miscellaneous animals."

"This time, many people have tried it in the past."

"Ling and others also took most of the herbs on our side."

The rumored beast looked envious.

Some of the things on her hands are not busy.

Otherwise she has watched it in the past.

It is said that Luo Qingtonglian's medicine has a good effect without any side effects.

For their miscellaneous beasts, it is completely gospel.

"By the way, I heard that she is born with this ability, and they still want her to try it out, and remove the impurities of the drugs you are treating.

"By that time, when you usually go to the battlefield, you don't need Lanyuan's treatment every time!"

Lan Yuan and others are in the Helian tribe, specializing in the treatment of Heliantu and others.

The status of the magician is respected, and among the demon clan, although it also belongs to the scope of miscellaneous beasts.

But because he has opened his own abilities, he can fight like a beast warrior.

However, their abilities are basically complementary.

The recovery ability of the Beast Warrior is powerful though.

However, when seriously injured, a doctor's treatment is still required.

Most doctors cannot treat them.

Only those in the magician who have the ability to remove evil spirits and heal can heal them.

If Luo Qingtong can produce drugs that have impurities removed and have obvious therapeutic effects on them, then the strength and combat capabilities of Heliantu and others can be improved to a certain extent.

After all, in the battlefield, do you fall first or others fall first.

This is very important.

And when the sound of the beast of the Helian tribe sounded, the eyes of Heliantu and others suddenly turned on.

Afterwards, he couldn't help but say to those around him: "In this case, then let's go over and see."

No matter whether Luo Qingtong can do it, but even if the other party can only develop medicines that are useful for miscellaneous animals, it is also a great help and benefit for them!

Everyone was thinking this way, and immediately rushed towards the place where Luo Qingtong was.

Luo Qingtong on the other side is living in dire straits.

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