Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 5955: Don't hurt that shrine envoy!

Her words are concise and straightforward.

Nalanyuan's expression was startled for a moment, and then he said: "Okay."

The corners of his lips curled slightly.

Originally thought Luo Qingtong would explain to him why she was able to enter the monster clan before, and why she would not be discovered by the monster clan, and she would not do things against the monster clan.

Unexpectedly, the opponent did not play cards like this.

However, it was Luo Qingtong's attitude that made Nalanyuan feel that the other party was like this.

And he can believe her!

After all, if the other party intends to explain, can he believe it?

As for Luo Qingtong, he didn't give any explanation, and only mentioned the cooperative method, which was the best way to deal with it.

After all, in this world, there is no more reassuring way than forming an alliance.

In this world, only interests are the most stable.

And Luo Qingtong and him happened to have the same interests.

At the moment, Na Lanyuan is not entangled with Luo Qingtong's identity, as well as her purpose and ability.

The other party is willing to cooperate with him, that is their greatest advantage.

And the reason why he was looking for her before, wasn't it because of this?

When Nalanyuan's words were uttered, Luo Qingtong's complexion was faint, and then he nodded, and then calmly said to Nalanyuan: "I will help you deal with the people in Refining Demon City!"

"There is no need to worry about Mingyue Sacred Palace."

"I will deal with them naturally."

"In addition, the divine envoy of the divine palace in Lian Yao City is our own person."

"If you succeed here, you can't hurt him under any circumstances."

"how is it?"

"As long as you agree to this, I will help you deal with the people in Mingyue Sacred Palace and the mysterious formation!"

Luo Qingtong's words were uttered, and Na Lanyuan on the other side was taken aback, then looked at her and said, "Only this condition?"

When his words were exported, Luo Qingtong immediately responded in a low voice: "Well, there is only this condition."

In Luo Qingtong’s heart, he was already doubting Ye Qianming’s identity.

But this needs further exploration.

But this does not prevent Luo Qingtong using this as a reason to help Nalanyuan and the others.

Otherwise, how would she explain, why would she help people in the demon world?

Luo Qingtong did not want to reveal his identity for the time being.

This is not good for the people in the demon world.

And when Luo Qingtong spoke, Nalanyuan on the other side did not expect that the divine envoy of the divine palace was also Luo Qingtong's person.

In this way, the opponent's strength in Demon Refining City is simply not too strong.

Could it be said that these people had some differences in the Xuantian Divine Palace.

In other words, they were originally enemies of Xuantian Divine Palace, so they came to help them on purpose?

If this is the case, then the people in their demon world are really lucky!

Na Lanyuan thought so, and then looked at Luo Qingtong and said: "Okay. Nian girl, what should we do next?"

Nalanyuan had already seen that Luo Qingtong's name was a pseudonym.

But the other party is obviously unwilling to use his real name, so he can only continue to call the other party by reading a girl.

And when Nalanyuan’s voice sounded, Luo Qingtong on the other side immediately said, “We have beaten us back to the Mingyue Sacred Palace. At this time, they will definitely send someone to where we were before. We shot."

"I want you……"

Luo Qingtong whispered about his plan to Nalanyuan.

The latter's eyes were getting brighter and brighter, and then he nodded heavily at Luo Qingtong and said, "Okay!"

"Nian girl, we all listen to you!"

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