Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 5957

And the strength of Nalanyuan's people, in front of them, although powerful, but there is no way to compare with the others.

These people who stayed behind in the Mingyue Holy Palace did not know that Mingyu and others had the treasures from the Upper Realm Shrine. They thought that their strength was temporarily imprisoned and abolished by the divine envoy, so they waited in Luo Qingtong and others. Human hands suffer.

Therefore, they will look at Luo Qingtong and others, very disdainful.

What's more, when they looked at Luo Qingtong's figure and dress, they already remembered the rumor in the Yaozu.

The other party should be the lady that Nalanyuan liked.

In this way, if you seize the opponent, there may be a chance to get the blood of the **** machine!

Thinking of this in the hearts of a group of people, they looked at Luo Qingtong's eyes with a sense of inevitable gain.

Seeing their gazes like things in a bag, Luo Qingtong's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he laughed.

She likes the self-confidence of the other party and hopes that they can continue later.

Luo Qingtong thought so, and suddenly waved his hand fiercely.


Following Luo Qingtong's words, in an instant, with a bang, the Nalanyuan people around Luo Qingtong immediately rushed towards the people in the Mingyue Palace.

At the moment when they saw Luo Qingtong and others' actions, the eyes of those who stayed behind in the Mingyue Sacred Palace were also slightly condensed, and then sneered, greeted Luo Qingtong and others.

However, they hadn't waited for their figures to rush in front of Luo Qingtong and the others.

In an instant, there was a boom.

The breath of Luo Qingtong's body was shocked.

Then, the breath of the nine-fold exquisite tower instantly diffused the audience.

The figures of the Nalanyuan people around Luo Qingtong all rose sharply.

Then, their strength quickly improved.

And in this kind of breath, the breath of those who stayed behind in the Mingyue Holy Palace was greatly suppressed.

Their eyes shook, looking at Luo Qingtong's figure.

On the other side, Luo Qingtong's figure moved without the wind, floating above their heads, looking at them, and said with a faint expression: "It seems."

"You don't know yet, how did your saints and them get abused back?"

Luo Qingtong's complexion was faint, and the corners of her lips curled slightly.

Based on the injuries of Mingyu's people, after returning to the Demon Refining City, they could only tell these people what they were here, and the others could not be revealed at all.

If it weren't for this, Luo Qingtong would not choose to ambush them here.

After all, Mingyu and others have already suffered a loss once, how could the people around her suffer a second loss.

But who could have thought that after the other party went back, they would talk about their place, and there was no time to talk about their strength?

Of course, in that Demon Refining City, there is also their Divine Envoy.

But that person, but he is waiting for someone here!

When Luo Qingtong thought so, he waved his hand fiercely.


With her hand waved down again.

At this time, no one doubted the truth or falsehood of her words!

The other party can really keep them, and there is not one left!

What exactly is going on?

Luo Qingtong and others, who are they?

Moreover, how could Saint Mingyu and the others be beaten like this by the other party and fled back to the city of refining monsters.

Moreover, the other party is so powerful, Mingyu Saintess and the others, have to wait for someone to come and die?

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