Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 6025: Ask the **** son to do it? !


With the sound of the Demon Emperor's Scepter, the next second, all those in the Sky Demon City rushed towards the direction of the Demon Refining City.


In the entire demon world, there seems to be a storm

All the people in the entire demon world were chasing over here.

And when the figures of these people rushed in, the people from the Xuantian Divine Palace on the other side were going crazy.


"Hurry up and ask Lord God to come out!"

Their voices, constantly screaming, rushed into the Demon Refining City.

At this moment, in the Demon Refining City, only those people in Mingyue Holy Palace are left.

Hearing what they said, the people in the Mingyue Sacred Palace were surprised. They looked at the people in the Xuantian Divine Palace, and then hurriedly whispered: "The mansion of His Highness the Son is surrounded by extremely powerful forces."

"We can't get close."

Although they didn't know who the **** child was, in the Demon Refining City, at this moment, there was only a **** envoy in the Xuantian Divine Palace left in Ye Qianjie, presumably, it was him.

And when their voices sounded, the voices of the people from the Xuantian Divine Palace on the other side said angrily: "Don't you know to let go?!"

"Get out of here!"

When their words were spoken, they rushed to the place where Ye Qianjin was.

And when they rushed to Ye Qianrong’s mansion, the Mingyu and others on the other side had also rushed to them, and then hurriedly said: "My lord gods, in the mysterious formation, A great change has occurred."

"We don't know what is going on, so we are here to ask you to decide."

A group of people did not dare to mention that it was what they did in the Profound Sky Formation that caused such a change.

After all, if these people in the Xuantian Divine Palace knew that they had moved their hands and feet in the Xuantian Array, and sent a group of people who didn’t know the origins into the depths of the Xuantian Array, causing this and It will inevitably be furious.

Although, Sect Master Qifeng and others, as well as Family Master Xu, are not people with abnormal origins.

But who caused them to have been involved with the people of the Yaozu.

And this time, it was Helena who flew out of the mysterious formation!

Mingyu and others, where can you say more?

Originally, Sect Master Qifeng and others, as well as Patriarch Xu and others, did not necessarily enter the Profound Sky Formation.

It was they in order to be able to deal with Luo Qingtong and the others that they got them into the depths of the Xuantian formation.

The result has led to such a change.

This will not know what exactly caused this situation.

But it is undeniable that it must be their fault!

Therefore, the crowd dare not even say a word.

He didn't even tell the affairs of Luo Qingtong and others.

And when their voices sounded, the hearts of those in the Xuantian Divine Palace were anxious.

They looked at Mingyu and the others, but they had no time to care about them.

After all, if the figure of the Demon King Scepter arrived here, then all the people here would have to die!

Including them!

At this moment, only Ye Qianjin can save them!

This will be very fortunate for everyone.

In order to be able to contain Ye Qianren and prevent him from participating in this matter, they deliberately brought part of the power of the sky veins and let Ye Qianren absorb it.

Otherwise, if Ye Qianrong hadn't improved before, I'm afraid it would not be able to stop the power of that Demon King Scepter.

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