Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 6233

The power of countless golden spaces entered the space where Luo Qingtong was, and even Ji Feiyu and others could feel this terrifying sharp aura.

Their gazes were shocked, looking at Luo Qingtong who was in the mist and didn't know where.

How is this going?

Is the dumpling about to break through?

But, what exactly is this golden edge power? !

And when Ji Feiyu and others were shocked.


The power of countless golden edges descended straight from the sky.


The breath of countless air, all brought this incomparable strength.

And the place where Luo Qingtong and others are located is completely wrapped by this golden edge.

But Ji Feiyu and others were in contact with this golden edge power, thinking that they and others would be killed by these rays of light.

However, no one could have imagined that the most shocking thing happened!

I saw those rays of light swept into their bodies, and then, their bodies suddenly gave birth to the power of Gengjin!

Yes, it was born suddenly!

Regardless of whether they have the talent of the Golden Soul Seal, or whether they have cultivated the Golden System Cultivation Techniques, all of them have a natural strength in their bodies.

It was as if this force existed in their bodies from the beginning.

And this time, their bodies burst into this power at once.

And this force, in the hearts of all people, is clear that it is not in their bodies at all.

But... the light just brought it!

It was the divine light that descended from the sky that gave them this power!

How is this going? !

The hearts of everyone were shocked.

And while thinking this in their hearts, Luo Qingtong and Little Xiangzhu on the other side also felt this power.

Luo Qingtong's brows were raised slightly, and then he quickly reacted. These lights are probably one of the benefits brought by the fusion of the dumplings!

Those golden rays of light are exactly the laws that the fallen world beast mastered before.

And this meeting, those rules, have been controlled by Tuanzi.

As the opponent merged into the realm of Tuanzi, it was naturally controlled by Ji Feiyu and others.

After all, they live in the realm of dumplings.

Only they are treated like this.

After all, the realm of general world beasts does not allow foreign humans to enter.

Inside, everything is transformed by the elves and trees in the opponent's body, and there is no need for outsiders at all.

The other party will only cause damage.

But the territory of dumplings is different.

It belongs to Luo Qingtong.

But Ji Feiyu and others live in this world.

As long as Luo Qingtong is willing, they can continue to live here.

It can be said that they are the first aborigines in the realm of Tuanzi.

Now, the legal power of this fallen world beast has been absorbed and enjoyed by them!

And after Ji Feiyu and the others had absorbed the Gengjin power in their bodies, their bodies automatically possessed the power of intimacy with the golden talent!

As long as they want, they can control any metal and gold power in this world!

Of course, they also have to be stronger than the opponent's strength.

Otherwise, the opponent's strength is stronger than them, and it can be suppressed so that they can't move, so that they can't control their weapons!

However, even so, for Ji Feiyu and others, it can be regarded as a great ability comparable to a big killer.