Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 6234

In the Quartet, all are cheering people.

Many people don't know what happened!

But the only people who could guess the general idea all looked at the place where Zhenyan Continent was located.

"Huh, it's there again! Here, the guy Ji Feiyu took the top spot!"

In the Luo family headquarters, Luo Mingxi's voice hummed coldly.

And when his voice sounded, in a territory on the other side, the fat-eared Huang Fuhai was looking at the Outer Domain where the Zhenyan Continent was in surprise at this moment!

"I'll go, it must be Jiuye who is back!"

"Hmph, there is no special situation, I cannot go to Zhenyan Continent, I am really anxious to death!"

"Why didn't I guard Zhenyan Continent this time!"

His words were uttered, and the princess Qinglian next to him smiled softly, then pressed the back of his hand and said, "You are still the same for so many years."

As she said so, her eyes also looked at the direction where Zhenyan Continent was both admiring and looking up.

On the other side, the Zhan Family, the Li Family, the Jingtian Tower, and the various places Luo Qingtong had been to and get along with, a crowd of people all looked towards the place of Zhenyan Continent.

"That person must be back!"

Zhan Beiyue said with a light smile.

And Lian Xingchen beside him looked at him, smiled softly, and filled them with a glass of wine: "Why? Want to go back?"

"I'm afraid it's impossible!"

"See if you can beat them next time and guard Zhenyan Continent!"

The two of them are not acquainted with each other, but now they are together, pushing the cup together.

And when he spoke, Zhan Beiyue's voice coldly hummed: "It seems like you can beat me to win the qualifications of the Zhenyan continent!"

However, he also knew that with him, it would be difficult to win the qualifications to guard Zhenyan Continent.

After all, there are too many people who want to stay there and see that person!

Thinking about this, he immediately pursed his lips, and then squeezed the wine glass in his hand with a jerk, and then he was done!

When people everywhere were shocked and joyful, Luo Qingtong on the other side began to investigate the situation of the dumpling.

"Dumpling, how is it? Has the fusion succeeded?"

Luo Qingtong's words said, the next second, the voice of the dumpling, chirped, a Canlie call sounded, and then its figure floated.


In the Quartet Realm where the entire Zhenyan Continent was located, they moved in response.

Luo Qingtong could vaguely hear the void outside, making a crunching sound.

This voice did not come from the sky where Ji Feiyu and the others were.

But from outside...

The outside world blocked by Luo Qingtong!

If someone was in the place where Luo Qingtong had disappeared at this moment, he could be stunned to see the place where Luo Qingtong had disappeared, with small textures, cracks and cracks, from the place where Luo Qingtong disappeared, towards It spread outside, and then all those formations that were blocked by Luo Qingtong before were forced back.


When the violent voice resounded, the entire Sifang Realm's body shape all rose from the void.

In the realm of time and space that ordinary people can't see at all, it disappears completely!

At the same time, the place where the old man Luo and others were on the other side, in the falling space of the world beast, there was also a thunderous movement.