Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 629: King of ghosts, shot in the holy realm!

"Luo Qingtong, let's die!"

Shi Qingqing's eyes were red. She used her life as a sacrifice to drive the hundred ghosts into greater power!

Shi Qingqing knew that this thing was very powerful and evil at the same time when he got a hundred ghosts!

She had been slowly enlightening before, absorbing the power inside, and did not dare to use the blood sacrifice!

This will kill Luo Qingtong, she doesn't care anymore!

Life and death gambling battle, either she died, or Luo Qing pupil died!

The latter is much stronger than her!

She can only expose this one ghost!

Fortunately, she has already recognized a sacred strongman as a teacher. As long as she kills Luo Qingtong and gives this piece of ghost to the other party to seek asylum, her life in the Daqin Shengyuan can still be very moist !!

Luo Qingtong, wait for your death!

Just moments later, Shi Qingqing's figure flew up.

At the same time, the black cormorant in her hand was raised.

"King of all ghosts, come out!"

With her drunk.

Among the black crickets, a sudden burst of wailing ghosts wailed.

The next second, all ghosts and ghosts burst out of it.

Just like the sword that Shi Qingqing came up with before!

But this time, what's different is that after the ghosts rushed out of it, they didn't rush to the side of Luo Qingtong, but surrounded Shi Qingqing's side and kept sharply shouting.

In the next second, those ghosts that rushed out from the hundred ghosts together suddenly merged together!

Just merged together!

Countless ghosts are entangled with each other, and they are combined into a huge king of thousands of ghosts!

The countless fierce ghosts howled sharply on it, and the next second, the king of thousands of ghosts like a hill, rushed towards Luo Qingtong!

Imperial strength!

This giant king entangled by countless fierce ghosts looms to the level of the Emperor Wu!

Watching the head of the Wangui King sharply howled and rushed towards Luo Qingtong.

There was a sound of exclamation from everyone on the stage.

"Wu Di class! That's bad! Now Luo Qingtong is dead!

Above the stands, the Dean of Tianyu Branch jumped when he saw this scene!

"Stop! Stop! This time the life and death bet is cancelled! Hurry! Undo the protection on the ring and pull them away!"

How did Tianyu Branch Dean Luo Qingtong die?

He jumped out and rushed out.

The mentors of the Daqin Shengyuan also prepared to take action when they saw the situation.

However, at that moment, the Holy Qin Shengyuan of Daqin Shengyuan shot.

"Life and death gamble, life and death are all destiny!" The breath on his body suppressed the audience.

"Shi Qingqing and Luo Qingtong have signed a life-and-death status. Don't get involved!"

He's tough!

Because just now, he received a voice from Shi Qingqing, saying that he would dedicate that black cricket to him later.

As long as he stopped the Dean of Tianyu Branch and did not let them do anything to stop it.

"Holy One!"

I did not expect that a strong man in the sacred realm would take part in the incident, but also obviously helped Shi Qingqing, and everyone in the Daqin Shengyuan was stunned.

The Tianyu Branch Dean was so anxious that he passed out!

It is obvious that Luo Qingtong's talent strength is stronger than Shi Qingqing!

If you enter the Great Qin Shengyuan, it will be another freshman!

Is it going to fall here?

Just when the head of Tianyu Branch was in a hurry, the king of thousands of ghosts had rushed to Luo Qingtong and shouted to attack her.

At the same time, Shi Qingqing sneered to follow behind the King of Ghosts, took another weapon in his hand, and stabbed at Luo Qingtong with a sword.

"Luo Qingtong, let's die!"

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