Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 63: Stun again

Luo Xinning suddenly remembered that before, the second lady said that Luo Qing was dead. Sooner or later, the Luo family belonged to them, and they packed up their things and moved to the main hospital sooner or later!

Now the fire of this main house will not be ...

Thinking of a heartbeat, she hurried to the door.

"Come on! Let's see what happened in the main hospital!"

Luo Xinning had a very bad hunch.

This Luo family will not catch fire for no reason! Not to mention such an important place in the main hospital!

Don't be Luo Qingtong ...

As soon as Luo Xinning thought of it, she heard the voice of the girl outside hurriedly.

"Miss Three! Miss Three! Bad! Miss has cleared out everything in our second room in the main hospital and burned it all!"

As soon as the words of that girl ring out, Luo Xinning listened, and the sound of her head buzzed suddenly, and it became blank for a moment!

Fortunately, she didn't move there! And the things she got, including the family heirloom armor and the enrollment recommendation letter from Tianyu Branch of Daqin Shengyuan, were still in her room!

Luo Xinning thought, his heart throbbed, fortunately inexplicable, and then his heart was cold again!

Luo Qingtong is really different from before!

If it was the pupil Luo Qing before, she would definitely not be able to do such a thing!

Even if she hates herself again, she won't use her second-room stuff to vent her anger!

Once dead, it really is different!

But Luo Qingtong, even if you change?

When it comes to what I have, I will never give it up again.

"Ah! My baby!"

The second lady just woke up warily, and when she heard the girl ring outside, she rolled her eyes instantly and almost never passed away!

"That little **** who killed a thousand swords! How dare you burn all my stuff! She's damned! Where did she treat her elders like that ?!

The second lady thought of her precious rouge gouache, jewelry clothes ...

Many of them were obtained from Luo Qingtong!

The latter, as the future five princesses of the Tianyu Empire, can always get a lot of good things.

Those are not what Luo Qingtong asked for, but the face made by the royal family of Tianyu Empire.

There is also the filial piety of the families in Dongli Country and the courtship of Dongli Royal Family!

Luo Qingtong has no mother-in-law, naturally those things are cheaper to the second lady who can disguise!

The latter is no less beneficial from Luo Qingtong's side!

Not only that, but some better clothes and jewelry than those sent by the people of Tianyu Empire, still got from the things left by Luo Qingtong's mother!

The second lady will play, and Luo Xinning coaxed the former Luo Qingtong to persuade them. I wish I could give them a heart!

Today, all these things were burned by Luo Qingtong!

Can't bear the stimulus, and for a moment, the second lady passed away again!

In the main hospital, Luo Qingtong "looked" around the quiet main hospital that had been restored to the original appearance, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good, there is no breath of extra people."

A group of guards dared not speak.

They also just learned that the things they and others burned turned out to be the lifeblood of the second lady!

Among them are many treasures of the second master too!


But they can't blame it on Luo Qingtong's head. After all, the young lady is blind, she can't see anything at all, right?

If they knew it, they would tell the young lady that those things are important items in the second room!

There was a lot of pain in their hearts, but they didn't dare to show it at all.

Just then, a choking voice rang out loudly outside.

"Clear pupil!"

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