Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 64: Mr. Luo

A burly figure hurried in from the outside.

Before Luo Qingtong had time to stand up, he was held in his arms by that tall and mighty figure!

"Clear pupil! Grandpa's pupil!"

Mr. Luo received the news that Luo Qingtong returned, and even the blood-colored armor was too late to rush back to the Luo family.

During this time, he has been looking for the whereabouts of Luo Qingtong.

How big is the Jiuwu Mountain, and with the birth of Xianzong Ruins, there are more people coming to this endlessly, it is not easy to search!

There were corpses everywhere, and Father Luo worried every day between finding and finding them.

When he found the body, he was afraid to see the death of his granddaughter.

He couldn't find the corpse, and he was afraid that Luo Qingtong would not even have a corpse in the end, and the corpse would not exist!

I've been suffering so much.

This would hold Luo Qingtong, feeling her warm body temperature in her arms, and she suddenly froze, a pair of tiger eyes, tears in an instant.

"Clear pupil! Sorry! Grandpa is not good! Grandpa should not leave you at home!"

If it weren't for being away from home, Qingtong could not go to Jiuwu Mountain alone to make a breakthrough!

If he is at home, she will definitely stop her!

Fortunately, she is fine, otherwise he will not forgive himself in this life!

Luo Qingtong was held by Luo, and he couldn't tell what he felt.

She could have avoided the embrace of Father Luo just now.

But I do n’t know why, looking at the gray-haired old man with tears in his eyes and blood-red eyes, his feet couldn't be removed.

"Grandpa." Luo Qingtong screamed lowly, feeling that the old man's body shivered even more.

The robes on the shoulders were constantly soaked, showing how sad Master Luo is!

Luo Qingtong remembers that in the memory of the original owner, Father Luo has always been very majestic.

The original owner was even a little afraid of Grandpa Luo, always feeling that Grandpa was too serious.

She prefers to spend time with Luo Xinning and the second wife, because they treat her well!

Now, who is the one who treats her well?

Luo Xinning and the second lady treated her well, but after killing her, she couldn't wait to occupy her status.

Grandpa Luo, a stern and somewhat fierce grandfather in the heart of the original owner, was looking for her everywhere.

Isn't the situation in Jiuwu Mountain dangerous?

Mr. Luo is just an inferior prince in a small country. If he inadvertently angers the other powerful people, he may be in danger.

Who in this family is really good to her, the original owner is really too unclear!

"Grandpa, don't cry, I'm fine, don't you think I'm back safely?"

Luo Qingtong softened his voice.

She had no relatives in her previous life.

She was abandoned when she was born, because her blood pupils were so scary.

Luo Qingtong was raised by a beggar picking up trash.

It was just that the beggar was too terrible. When Luo Qingtong finally knew his blood pupil's ability to enable them to live a good life, the beggar finally died of severe illness due to the chronic hunger and cold.

Since then, Luo Qingtong has been all alone.

She is eccentric, evil, wanton, and she does everything she can!

Because in that world, there are no more people who deserve her attention!

After Luo Qingtong became famous, her biological parents came to her and wanted to recognize her!

Unfortunately, she is not rare!

Thinking of that unpleasant experience at that time, Luo Qingtong's complexion suddenly became cold, and then he was brought back to reality by the father holding her crying.

"Well, grandpa, I'm really fine. When did you become so naive?" Luo Qing's helpless face was a little moved.

Owner, if you don't cherish this relationship, give it to me!

Your grandpa, I want it!

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