Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 65: True heritage

"Eyes are blind and you say it's okay! Is it something to come back without arms and legs?"

Mr. Luo's eyes were blood red, and he hated the iron way.

"Tell Grandpa, who killed you like this? Isn't Luo Xinning ?!"

"Grandpa, it's okay, it's all over. Those who harm me will eventually have retribution." Luo Qingtong said lightly.

Deep in her empty eyes, a flash of blood flashed out.

She is the retribution of those people!

The original owner is dead, and it is her—the supreme pupil master of the 24th century, "evil pupil" Luo Qingtong!

Everyone owes the original owner, she will come back one by one!

"It's Grandpa who hasn't protected you." Father Luo's face looked stunned.

He doesn't know where, and Luo Qingtong avoids talking, which means that this matter is absolutely related to Luo Xinning!

If not, how could she not tell herself?

However, Luo Qingtong did not protect Luo Xinning any more, which made Master Luo very relieved.

If Luo Qingtong would come back and say something good for Luo Xinning, he would only be mad at death!

But now it seems that his pupil cleared his life once and saw everything!

This is good! This is better than anything!

"Luo Xinning used your reputation after death to snare, stole the Luo family's heirloom armor, and the Tianyu Royal Family's recommendation letter for admission to Tianyu Branch from the Royal Family of Heaven."

"Grandpa thought at the time that she couldn't get away from your accident! It now seems so!"

"But it doesn't matter! The true details of our Luo family cannot be grabbed by her!"

Afraid to touch Luo Qingtong's sad affairs, Mr. Luo never mentioned anything about her blindness, and pulled her back to her yard.

"Come! Clear your eyes, you come to feel it! This is the true heritage of our Luo family! It is a symbol of our Luo family's glory! It is also something Luo Xinning never imagined in his life!"

"She could steal the heirloom armor and that recommendation letter, but she couldn't steal these things!"

"Even, you don't even have the qualifications to know these things! These things will be yours in the future!"

Luo Qingtong was pulled into a secret room by Luo Luo!

The secret room was designed very cleverly and secretly. With Luo Qingtong's pupil technique, he was even confused for a moment. He did not see the existence of this secret room before Master Luo opened the office.

The back room was full of bookshelves.

Luo Qingtong's eyes glanced at those bookshelves, and he suddenly found that the books placed on them turned out to be one soul after another and the cultivation experience!

What are the true details of the Luo family?

Luo Qingtong's gaze rested on a book of soulcraft, and he suddenly discovered that the book of soulbook teaching was pupil technique!

These soul tricks of the Luo family turned out to be pupils? Same as her?

Luo Qingtong went directly to those bookshelves.

Father Luo was afraid she couldn't see her, so she stepped forward to help her, but was stunned by Luo Qingtong's unusually crisp movement.

He watched her walk straight to the front row of bookshelves, and pulled out a book of soul art from above, and his heart was suddenly shocked and delighted.

"Clear pupil, your eyes ..."

Mr. Luo said this sentence carefully, for fear of accidentally touching Luo Qingtong's pain.

But Luo Qingtong's move was so pleasant to him, even if he knew that Luo Qingtong's eyes were blind, he had to ask another question.

Just in case ... what?

Father Luo was restless and looking forward.

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