Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 670: King of Torture (2)

"What ?! The Queen Mother was assassinated ?!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the news.

In particular, Ma Yushi, who questioned King Ning vocally, couldn't afford to investigate the irony in King Ning's words, and hurriedly said, "Let's hurry into the palace and see how the Queen Mother is!"

The assassination of the queen mother is a big deal!

If the other party had an accident, Dachu as a whole, but no one could contain King Ning!

When the latter succeeds, the entire Great Chu Kingdom will be subverted, and those who have stood on the opposite side of King Ning from the beginning will have no way to live!

Thinking about this, a group of people immediately followed King Ning to Dachu Palace.

It's not that no one wondered whether this assassination would be the writing of King Ning.

But the safety of the queen mother is important. At this time, no one is tangled with this!

"Okay, this king will take you into the palace!" The expression of King Ning's eyes was so proud that he took everyone to the Great Chu Palace.

Because of the presence of a number of heavy ministers, the party was almost unobstructed, and they directly entered the palace and reached the inner palace where Queen Mother Yan Xi lived.

"His Royal Highness Ning! Ministers! The queen queen has orders, and no one may approach the inner court!"

The guard outside guarded his duty faithfully and saw King Ning coming with a group of ministers, who immediately stopped people from the square!

"Hmm! The queen mother was assassinated, you guys have to hide it! Now stop me waiting!"

"I don't know if the queen queen is in trouble, are you dying to die? All leave the king!"

King Ning took his horse into the palace for this moment.

He looked at the inner temple square guarded by heavy guards, surrounded by iron barrels, and couldn't say sneer in his heart.

With such strict guarding against death, Yan Xi's woman really did it!

This may be in the inner hall, I don't know how many men are with it!

The beautiful beauty of Queen Mother Da Chu Yanxi, naturally everyone should be "admired"!

He thought about it that moment, sneer and frown, and waved his hand.

Suddenly, a group of men and horses behind him rushed out, pushing away the guards of the inner hall that were standing in front of him.

"His Royal Highness Ning!"

The guards guarding the inner hall were forced to retreat step by step, and did not dare to do anything.

After all, King Ning was in the name of caring about the queen mother, and was followed by a bunch of heavy ministers. He couldn't convict him by guessing!

But the queen mother's order was to keep them dead, and no one was allowed to enter.

Suddenly, the group was in a dilemma.

Ning Wang sneered and took the people behind him to press hard, pushing the guards guarding the inner hall square directly to the gate of the inner hall!

Looking at the closed door, and then seeing that there would be such a big movement, there was no sound in it at all.

Yan Xi will not be concerned about this at all!

I don't know if the men she called in can satisfy her!

If not, he still has someone here!

Here's her!

Thinking of this, King Ning yelled coldly: "There is no movement in the inner hall!"

"You dogs! If you really delay the treatment of the queen mother, and if something goes wrong with the queen's body, the king will kill you!"

He said, swiftly ordering: "Open this door to my king!"


Only the voice of King Ning fell, and a moment, a private army guard of the palace went forward, opened the gate of the inner hall, and swarmed in!

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