Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 911: Instructor Yeluo?

Master Zhenyuan also looked at Luo Qingtong with a look of interest.

When he found that the practice array of the Tiandian training ground was not damaged, but he was partial to the dragon invaders, he guessed what Luo Qingtong's array did.

But he couldn't figure out how the girl did it!

This is really strange!

Masters such as Luo Qingtong can also do this.

But that's because he is extremely familiar with these formations.

But Luo Qingtong is not like that!

How she did it, he really didn't know!

"Huh! Let's go!" It was determined that there was no problem with the formation method. Tong Hu could not stay here anymore, and with everyone seemed to be aggressive, he actually left in a humble way.

Looking at the back of their departure, Su Xiaoxiao, who was already so excited, suddenly swarmed in front of Luo Qingtong, exclaiming excitedly: "Boss! We really succeeded!"

"The dragon group really bowed their heads! Boss, you are the best!"

"Boss, you are amazing!"

A group of people talked eloquently and surrounded Luo Qingtong tightly among them, but instead squeezed the night Qian Qianyan who had stood beside Luo Qingtong.

Ye Qianya, who was squeezed aside, looked at all this dark.

He would also like to take this opportunity to talk to Luo Qingtong, so that the other party is familiar with his identity, which will be disturbed by these people.

Lord Lord's heart is very unhappy, looking at this group of people who robbed him of "treasures" coldly!

Had it not been for those of Luo Qingtong, he would have fanned them as far as possible with a sleeve!

Looking at Ye Qianyun's dark complexion, Tai Shang's chief lips twitched and hurried forward to siege and said, "Okay, your business will be celebrated again. I have something to announce here."

"This ... cough ..." The Chief Dean said here and couldn't help but cough.

Oops, forget to ask Ye Qianji what name it is.

He was thinking that way, and he heard Ye Qianji's voice faint and cold.

"Ye Luo."

Take his and Luo Qingtong's last names as first names.

Ye Qianji likes this feeling associated with Luo Qingtong.

Even if it's just a name.

"Ah ... Ye Luo, your next head teacher! You will be responsible for all your practical teaching in the future!" Tai Shang, the president, quickly answered the words of Ye Qianyu.

"Ye Luo's instructor is very powerful. Don't miss the opportunity! If you can let him choose to be a closed student, it will not be impossible to improve a big state in a month!"

As soon as the words of the Supreme Master Dean came out, the students in Daqin Shengyuan all around looked at Ye Qianyi in a flash.

If you can make the president of the Supreme Court say "very powerful", the strength of the other party must not be ordinary!

What's more, can they enhance their strength to a great level within a month? !!

This is not a casual word!

The crowd didn't believe it, but it was impossible for the dean to make fun of it!

In other words, can the other party really do it?

The group looked at Ye Qianji, and they almost rushed to ask the other party to accept themselves as closed students!

If you get the guidance of the other person, are you afraid that your strength cannot be improved?

And when Luo Qingtong heard the words of Dean Tai Shang, he flashed his eyes and looked up at the opposite Ye Qianyan.

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