Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless (Supreme Vision Master)

Chapter 99: Letter from Tianyu

After leaving the **** battlefield, Yu Wenmo and others went directly to the place where their flying boat was parked.

Their flying boats don't have the Sumeko space like Ye Qianji's, they can be directly reduced and carried, and they can only be parked in the flying boat stop area set in the black space.

When he got on the flying boat, Yu Wenmo didn't say a word, sitting in his place with a somber face, and the others didn't dare to say a word.

Everyone can see that his mood is very bad.

Just then, a stationery swept in from a distance like a flying feather!

It was his emergency contact in the Tianyu Empire!

You can send him a message thousands of miles away!

Seeing the streamer streamer, Yu Wenmo held it in his hand as soon as he raised his hand.

When he saw the contents of that letterhead, he was already ugly and darker.


He directly crushed the stationery in his hand, and then suddenly wrote a few lines in the air, then waved suddenly!

The light of that messenger quickly swept away!

After doing all this, he suddenly raised his hand and patted the coffee table in front of himself, and directly took the piece of coffee table into pieces.

"Retirement? Dreaming!"

Yu Wenmo's complexion was extremely angry!

People from the Luo family actually want to get married? This is impossible!

Luo Qingtong is destined to be his life, death is his ghost!

The marriage contract can never be cancelled!

Yu Wenmo did not care what Yu Wenxue did to Luo Qingtong!

He only knew that a Luo family in the district did not violate his qualifications!

If he wants to marry Luo Qingtong, the Luo family can only obey!

If he doesn't obey, then he doesn't mind ruining the Luo family, and then forcibly brings Luo Qingtong back to the Tianyu Empire!

Anyway, he just needs her to make a display!

As for Luo Qingtong's willingness or not, the Luo family's willingness or not is not within his consideration!

But it's just a Hou Fu of a small country!

What right to refuse him?

Yu Wenmo's complexion was cold.

If not ... he wouldn't look at Luo Qingtong at all!

As Yu Wenxue said, she simply doesn't deserve him!


The stream of messages flew away in the direction of Tianyu Empire, and after a period of flight, it fell directly into the hands of Tianyu Emperor.

"How is it? What does Mo Er say?" Queen Tianyu asked anxiously.

Yu Wenxue beside her also sat up straight and looked over at her father.

"Mer is forbidden! And let Luo family be safe and secure, waiting for Luo Qingtong to be sixteen when he goes to marry him!" Said Emperor Tianyu, crushing the letterhead.

"What ?!" Queen Tianyu and Yu Wenxue looked incredible.

"That's all, Mo Er isn't he ready to remarry ?!" Queen Tianyu was so angry that Yu Wenxue almost tangled the corners of her clothes.

"Is the emperor crazy ?! It's all gone! We must continue the marriage contract! This is not waiting for others to see our royal joke!" She stomped anxiously!

"I'm so sorry! It's not because of you!" Emperor Tianyu gave her a cold look. "Who asked you to go to Luo Qingtong? Your brother must have a reason to marry her! Just you and your mother-in-law. Desperately chaotic! "

"I'm not messing up! I'm for the brother Huang! That ... such a good opportunity, the brother can promise to be able to make peace immediately if we promise, and we can go further with the Tianyu royal family! What can I do wrong ?! It ’s not your father and mother and your acquiescence! "

Yu Wenxue stomped her feet, aggrieved.

"It's so good for the emperor to marry Luo Qingtong, can it be worth the one who can bring him ?! But ..."

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