Face Slapping the General

Chapter 97: Three-way wrestling (part 1)

As in the Wuqiao plan, the new warships were all transferred to the Eastern Front. Wuqiao plans to use the Eastern Route as a breakthrough and break into the mainland of the Republic in one fell swoop.

The commander of the Eastern Front is still talking about it. It is said that in the entire battle, Wu Qiao only gave one order to Tan Yan. That was before the start of the action, Wu Qiao said a few words very briefly: "I'm just an order, you must come back." At that time, Tan Yan responded with a smile. Wu Qiao did what he said, and since then he has never intervened anymore, giving Tan Yan unlimited freedom. In the comments of current military scientists, this shows Wu Qiao's absolute trust in Tan Yan. However, in the interpretation of later military scientists and historians, it presents another situation. Later military scientists and historians were always inexplicable when talking about Wu Qiao and Tan Yan. For example, they often said the last anecdote as if they wanted to prompt something but it was not easy to explain directly: "Sometimes, subordinates communicate Wu Qiao gave a report and asked whether Wu Qiao should notify Tan Yan. Wu Qiao would tell the other party that there is no need to contact Tan Yan. Tan Yan already knew it, making his subordinates confused and thinking it was a special function." After they finished the "interesting facts" , I need to make an expression so that the person who didn’t react would react immediately: The two people in the middle of the night were still doing things together...

Wu Qiao and Tan Yanquan know very well that this is the best and perhaps the only turning point, and the desired result must be achieved.

For this reason, Tan Yan even made a mark in a certain place-all soldiers who retreated from this mark were shot to death. Everyone knows that Tan Yan is not a person who disregards human life, what he said, shows that this battle will never give in the slightest.

As for Wu Qiao, they are also seeking more support from Jing Yan and are building more advanced warships. The new country is called the "Alliance", which means that it can accommodate all kinds of people and ideas. Under the ravages of the war in this country, the number of years of service in the conscription clause has been extended again and again, and if the fight continues, Wu Qiao is worried that his country will really drain their blood. Moreover, the wealth accumulated in the previous hundreds of years has almost been squandered. At this time, only neutral countries can change the situation. However, Jing Yan suddenly agreed to join the war, and there were many voices of opposition in the neutral country. In the eyes of the elites of neutral countries, taking the initiative to participate in the war will make the environment uncertain. In their eyes, even if the Republic wins the war, it may not really covet the territory of a neutral country. Even if it wants to "dominate the world," it is impossible to do it immediately. When it was time to say that there would be another fight, the people would not agree to it. They had to regain their vitality and make a long-term plan. At the same time, they had to wait for a good excuse for declaring war and hide its ambition a little...In short, as long as the neutrality is maintained, the war is still far away. When the uncertainty happened, I was already in the soil. Without the support of the elites, neutral national parliaments also appear to be restrained when formulating policies.

"This can't work," Wu Qiao said, "it won't get the strength we need."

"Yeah." Ji Yao asked, "may I think of a way?"


Ji Yao's expression is always as plain as he is talking about the weather: "Okay. It's not that difficult to control public opinion."

"What are you going to do?" Wu Qiao knew that Ji Yao must already have an idea.


"You tell me." Wu Qiao said, "I am different now from before."


"I need to know-I will know sooner or later." In fact, Wu Qiao hated himself a little bit in his heart. He knew very well that Ji Yao was dedicated to assisting himself, but he still couldn't achieve complete trust. Wu Qiao still thinks that Ji Yao is too paranoid, so he will never treat Ji Yao the way he treats Tan Yan-don't interfere with anything, let the other party deal with it. Every time a major event was handed over to Ji Yao, Wu Qiao had to personally ask him what he planned to do. In fact, this was very obviously uneasy, but Wu Qiao didn't know how to solve it.

"Wu Qiao." Ji Yao, "If I were in your place, I would design to arouse the anger of neutral countries."


"It's actually very easy to do." Ji Yao explained, "For example, we made the Republic mistakenly believe that certain neutral passenger ships had a large number of weapons, and induced the other party to sink the passenger ships, and then pretended to be polite and condemned them. Fire on civilians, although, if I knew that the passenger ship was smuggling a large number of weapons, I would also fire. Thousands of people were killed innocently, coupled with the media's fuel, I believe it can ignite emotions and make neutral people hate their opponents."

"...Ji Yao!"

"Don't be angry yet." Ji Yao's voice remained calm, "but I didn't want to do that, because you would never agree."


"Wu Qiao," Ji Yao continued, "I am a different person from you, and my bottom line is much lower. You are always afraid that it is normal for what I do to break through your bottom line. But you really thought about me. What’s the bottom line? I’m afraid there is no such thing, otherwise you wouldn’t be like this."

"..." Wu Qiao realized that he really hadn't thought about it.

"Then let me tell you." Ji Yao opened and closed his lips, "Su Yiqing wants to help you reach the top, so I will help you reach the top. However, Su Yiqing doesn't want to make you feel embarrassed, so I too I don’t want to make you feel embarrassed. I won’t do what he doesn’t like—when did I make you sad? I’ve asked you all about murder and arson.”

"Ji Yao..."

"So, Wu Qiao, can you trust me a little bit?"

"...I'm sorry." Wu Qiao seemed to have a needle sticking in his heart. Ji Yao is so beautiful and so smart, with all the enviable qualities in her body, she is simply a perfect person. He has been the object of envy for a long time, but...From Ji Yao's body, Wu Qiao understands that the core of life is two words: impermanence. On a seemingly peaceful night, in an instant, the whole life changed.

"It's okay," Ji Yao said again, "and now I also want to see how far it can help you in a way that is absolutely unacceptable to you."

"……Thank you."

Wu Qiao didn't speak any more, he asked Ji Yao to do it the first time he didn't ask questions.

Ji Yao invited the largest consortium of the neutral country to become the agent of the alliance for purchasing large quantities of materials in the neutral country. The commission is extremely generous, which is five percent of the total amount. However, Ji Yao made a request that the consortium used to pay for this batch of materials should borrow money from banks in neutral countries, because the alliance simply couldn't provide so much money. In other words, it is to use the money of the neutral country to buy the goods of the neutral country. For this considerable commission, the Ramen Consortium went around and worked hard to build bridges between alliances and suppliers. As the most influential consortium in a neutral country, it quickly found many companies willing to sell supplies, some of which even took the initiative to find a ramen consortium. After all, wealth is at your fingertips, and the flames of war are still far away from them. As for borrowing money, the Ramen Consortium took a lot of thought. Fortunately, it finally collected the loan through various methods including providing rebates.

The effect of this purchase is obvious. The huge amount of materials needed by the huge neighbors is staggering. Contracted companies are producing products purchased by their neighbors day and night, and for this they have carried out extensive recruitment and substantial salary increases. These exciting large orders have driven many industries and even some related industries. Even the output of industrial robots has increased gratifyingly. Now, not only enterprises have benefited, but many ordinary neutral Chinese have also benefited from it.

Immediately afterwards, the alliance put forward more and longer-term procurement plans. At this time, anyone can see that cooperation with the alliance can make the economy of the neutral country more prosperous, and there is no reason to refuse. As for money, it still flows directly from banks in neutral countries to all walks of life in neutral countries. The process is very simple. Under pressure from the outside world to "promote the economy," the banks did not dare to refuse loan applications from the alliance. They issued many bonds, and each time they took out a set amount of loans.

After a few times, the neutral countries are a little bit inseparable from the alliance's orders. Even the people of neutral countries know that if the alliance suddenly terminates orders, it will cause a sharp drop in output, industry depression, capital idleness, corporate bankruptcy, massive unemployment, and stability problems caused by unemployment. Different from lending money to people to fight, this time, it can really benefit neutral countries.

Gradually, the neutral people realized a problem, that is, if the alliance is defeated and the republic annexes the alliance, then it is impossible to get back even a penny of the average loan that day, and everything will be wasted. The government is gone, who will pay? At that time, the war stopped, the loans could not be collected, and the capital evaporated. Banks could not exchange bonds and could only break the contract, which would inevitably lead to credit bankruptcy, which would have a devastating blow to the economy of neutral countries, and the rich would not have a good life. Up. Only when the alliance becomes a victorious country and receives a large amount of reparations from the republic, the loan will have practical meaning, and the bank will be able to get lucrative interest and expensive issuance fees, instead of sheet after sheet of subpoenas from the court.

Subtly, the elite of the neutral country became Wu Qiao's staunchest supporters, and they prayed for the defeat of the Republic. While they were making a lot of money, they also fell into the quagmire of war step by step. They also understand this, but greed makes it impossible for them to get out. To use an old proverb: When you lend to others less money, you are the creditor; when you lend to others too much money, the status is reversed.

As a result, because the direction of these opinion leaders changed, the neutral countries began to participate in the war with great enthusiasm. The government carried out several rounds of large-scale mobilization, and the words hit people's hearts and lungs directly, as if this would be the most just war in human history. The young people who had never participated in the war were full of enthusiasm in their hearts and cheered up. The speaker passed the sickle of the **** of death, but the young people did not know the intertwined interests of the roots, and happily took the sickle.


With the sparing support of neutral powers, the Eastern Front increased rapidly, far surpassing that of the Republic, and the scale of war began to tilt sharply.

After the Third Fleet of the Universe was kicked out, there was not much difference in the strength of the two sides, but the speed of advancement over the past few months is still not fast. Now, with the new warships and the superior number of people, the front has begun to advance rapidly into the territory of the Republic.

Perhaps they will soon usher in a turning point in the war.

As for the Western Front, the command was changed and changed.

Once, after another defeat on the Western Front, Wu Qiao took the report and only glanced at it, then he waved his hand with anger, "slapped" the screen projection machine to the left and frightened his secretary flying into the air. , The machine was rescued back.

After Dai Lun was withdrawn, Wu Qiao never found a particularly suitable commander. In fact, Darren's ability is really good, and he has been improving a few years ago, but he himself ruined himself.

A while ago, Dai Lun was sentenced to death, but Wu Qiao remembered his contributions and fought for him. In the end, Dai Lun was commuted to life imprisonment. He will spend the rest of his life in a prison on a barren planet. The planet doesn't even have an artificial sun. The night is long and extremely cold all year round. The prisoners rely on small stoves and broken light bulbs to survive day after day.

With a very complicated mentality, Wu Qiao, who couldn't find the commander, visited Dai Lun when he set out, but Wu Qiao himself didn't know what he wanted from the conversation.

When Dai Lun saw Wu Qiao, he said lightly: "You couldn't win in the first place."

Wu Qiao was silent.

Darren said: "If it were not for the emperor's inexplicable abdication, I think my chances of winning would be great. Maybe, not only has the rebel army been defeated now, but even the several star regions temporarily ceded to the Republic have been recovered. The emperor doesn’t believe me... In that case, my handling is the best way, and I will regain the Star Territory in the future."

"Dalun..." Wu Qiao sighed, "Actually, I understand what you thought at the time. You think that hard hitting is impossible, so you choose to keep the most results you can get. In history, many people are in despair. China compromises with its opponents to preserve the country."

Darren hummed. He didn't think he was wrong, he just did his best.

"But, do you know," Wu Qiao said again, "there should only be one way to deal with intruders, which is to fight."


"Any form of seeking cooperation shows that you think you are inferior to him, and only constant fighting can prove that you are the righteous side. In history, when the ancient strong man became king, all those who were snatched away were taken away by force. The land was later recovered, and all that could not be recovered was signed by someone. Some things are absolutely impossible to do, and they are even more terrifying than the death of the country. If the battle is ultimately lost, the country will be destroyed. From now on we We can continue to fight, but if we cooperate with the invaders, the hearts of the people and the world will be destroyed. Do you know? I don’t think that the preservation of this country is the goal or the end. To achieve this goal, this end can be done. On the contrary. , I think it is a means and a process. What we ultimately want to pursue is human dignity and human freedom. It is you who engraved your own shameful tattoo on yourself."

"You are still so naive, Ji Yao should persuade you." Dai Lun shook his head, "Do you think I like compromise? But there is really no way. Sometimes I am very helpless and have to do things I hate. Of course now you Won, but it doesn’t prove you are right."

"Ji Yao... won't make me embarrassed." After saying that that day, Wu Qiao's knot with Ji Yao finally solved. He has some feelings that he and Ji Yao are not simply the question of who is assisting whom, but more complex mutual dependence, not only at the level of doing things, but even rising to the level of spirituality.

Although Wu Qiao’s bottom line dropped again and again, as I said that day and Ji Yao, there are certain things that I will never do, such as deliberately killing innocent people, the heart of death is more sad than the country.

Finally, before leaving, Wu Qiao said to Dai Lun again: "...Think about it when you are in prison."


Fortunately, not long after, Wu Qiao found a man who was in charge of the Western Front. That guy was not prominent before, and his promotion speed was as slow as a snail. In the past, the empire was about guarding, but this person had a unique thinking and believed that he should often retreat and make use of the wider space behind and the more complicated terrain to deal with. Wu Qiao felt that what he said was right, and he finally had a day in his life.

The change of the commander on the western front is secret. When the new commander first took office, all secret meetings were attended by the original commander, but he was just "participating" and he had no right to speak. The purpose of this is only to prevent people outside the house from noticing that the commander has changed.

"..." Seeing that the situation was improving, Wu Qiao finally let out a sigh of relief.

He said to Tan Yan: "I finally...I didn't hold you back." If Tan Yan has a brilliant record, but he can't find a commander on the Western Front, he really doesn't know how to face Tan Yan. .

Hearing what Wu Qiao said, Tan Yan smiled: "I happen to think so too."

Wu Qiao: "Huh?"

Tan Yan continued: "I have been working hard too, for fear that I will not be able to keep up with you."

"..." Therefore, the two of them have been fighting, in order not to be too far away from each other, and not to become the other side's hanging warts.