Face Slapping The Slag Gong System

Chapter 110: Tyrant's favorite

After watching the night, Yu Yu heard a low voice and said: "My noble and handsome emperor, no one in the world can refuse your invitation, and I am no exception."

He picked up Qin Mu's hair and sniffed it under his nose. "I only joked with you. When you said that you want to stay with me for the night, you don't know how happy I am."

"Oh, really?"

Qin Mu turned and walked through the damp and misty fog, and fixedly watched the night and the night.

Previously, he had only once handed a hand to Yu Ye Yu. He couldn’t believe that the rumored and ambitious ambitions of the city government would fall in love with him at first sight. Although there are precedents for men to marry in Laos, they are still a minority. They stayed up late for a long time and came to the enemy and relatives as the generals of the country. Even if you are a queen, in the eyes of the people, it is just a man under the man. The man is ridiculed for the world.

In the face of Qin Mulu's playful questioning, Yu Ye Yu leaned down and laughed and said: "The sentences I said are all from the heart." He took up Qin Mu's wrist and continued: "The night is deep." You and I should go to bed."

The palm is gently rubbed by the nails, and the teasing is obvious. Qin Mu lazily opened his eyelids and smiled at the darkness of the night when he was on the night. He smiled and said, "Good."

The voice did not fall, and the night phoenix suddenly slammed Qin Mu, and the sound of the water screamed, and a little transparent water splashed on Qin Mu’s face and hair.

Day and night feathers stick out their fingertips and wipe the water drops on Qin Mu's lips. They squat down and put the drops of water into the mouth.

The next moment, he tipped on the toes, and several of them fell back to the bed and carefully placed Qin Mu on the couch. Then he turned over the bed, his right hand raised, and the layers of rafts fell down, which could cover the spring in the bed, and only the shadows of the embers appeared on the coveted.

Although I couldn't see the scene inside, the low-pitched voice passed through the rumor and disappeared into the air in a blink of an eye.

"What kind of cockroaches Qin Yu liked in the past - I like you at stake, from behind..."

In the voice of hoarseness, he couldn’t conceal his lust. Qin Mu separated the hand that stretched out from the night, and smothered his chin, and narrowed his eyes. “It seems that the experience of night feathers is quite rich.”

I didn’t have a set of night feathers. I only said: "Since the battlefield on that day, I have dreamt of you many times in my dreams. I always wanted to do this to you."

After all, just listening to tears, Qin Mu’s thin shirt was torn in half.

Just as Qin Mu was laid down on the bed, Xu Dechang came from the outside with the voice of the blind man: "The emperor, Su Shi has something to do."

At that time, Yu Yu was about to kiss Qin Mu's lips. When he heard this, he paused and was pushed away by Qin Mu.

"Lack of it, I have already rested, what will happen tomorrow morning."

Qin Mu once gave the privilege of Su Li and was able to enter and leave the palace freely. However, Su Li’s duty as a courtier has never used this privilege.

Vaguely heard Xu Dechang said to Su Li outside the door: "Su Suxiang, the emperor has rested, and you will leave first."

Su Li’s voice was very low, and what he returned, Qin Mu did not hear clearly.

In the ear, the words of the night-time feathers are unclear: "It seems that Su Shi is very close to you." He chuckled and sent the heat into Qin Mu's ear: "Is he so afraid." I ate you?"

Qin Mu pulled the corner of his mouth, and turned over and turned the night feather back under his body. "Can't you eat it?"

"Do you want to be on top?"

Qin Mu smiled and did not argue. "If you think about it, are you willing?"

荀夜羽 heard the words, right color said: "As long as that person is you, I am naturally willing, but you and I are all men, everything is still a fairness, today I let you on, then you have to let me back tomorrow ""

"Night feathers are more worried, but it is just a joke." Su Li is still outside, Qin Mu has no heart and night Yu Yu over the rain, he found an excuse, said: "Hey tired, this sleeper, Still waiting for you on my wedding day."

Qin Mu said this, the night Yu Yu did not know that Qin Mu suddenly changed, because of the problem of attack and attack or because Su Li stood outside.

Silence for a moment, staying up late, the shadow of the long, thin shadow printed on the window, said: "Good." He waved his sleeves, the candle went out, and the big palace suddenly fell into the darkness.

Su Li, who was outside the door, saw a slight tremor in his eyes, squinting his eyes, and a drop of blood slipped from the tip of his grip into a fist and silently dripped into the mud.

He stood outside the door for a night, during which Xu Dechang repeatedly reminded him to go back to rest, he did not say anything. Seeing that he could not be persuaded, Xu Dechang sighed a sigh, took a coat to Su Li, and then yawned back to sleep.

The next day.

When Qin Mu woke up, the night feathers had already woken up, and the eyebrows were affectionate, and the chin was fixedly staring at Qin Mu.

Seeing this situation, Qin Mu touched his face. "Why are you so ugly?"

Looking down at the corner of the mouth, I laughed. "Qin Muchang is really beautiful."

Qin Mu listened to the words and smiled a little. He said, "Take the clothes for you. Afterwards, these things will be done by the night feathers."

"It's my honor."

There was no dissent in the night, and under the guidance of Xu Dechang, Qin Mu was put on the robes. The bright yellow robes adorned Qin Mu's face more and more dazzling, and the night feathers could not help but sway. When he returned to God, he heard Qin Mu ask: "Xu Dechang, Su Shixiang still waiting outside?" ”

"If you return to the emperor, Su Shixiang stood outside for a night, and the slaves advised him not to listen."

"Is it?"

Qin Mu moved his eyes to the direction of the door. He hadn't seen anything yet. Yu Ye Yu came to him and blocked his gaze.

Yu Yuyu knows why: "What is Qin Mu looking at?"

"Nothing." Qin Mu retracted his gaze. "Take the jade belt on the raft."

When he was doing this, he deliberately pulled in the distance between him and Qin Mu. It seemed to be like Qin Mu.

After he finished, he did not retreat, but he got to Qin Mu's ear and whispered: "Qin Mu, I will be your queen in the future, your eyes can only see me alone."

Qin Mu looked up and smiled and smiled at the night feathers. "This has not yet been sealed, and the night feathers can't wait to take over?"

There is no anger in the words.

Nightingale seems to be like a fake smile: "Yeah, who makes me like you so much."

"Ha ha." Qin Mu laughed twice and tapped the nose of the night feather. "Under this, I am afraid that only you have the courage to admit that you want to be pampered."

The conversation went here, and the time has come.

Qin Mu let Yu Ye Yu wait for him here, took Xu Dechang out of the palace, did not take a few steps, he saw Su Li standing under the peach tree.

Standing for one night, Su Li’s face was pale and tired, and the dew wet his hair and clothes. When he saw Qin Mu, he moved his lips and was about to bow down. Qin Mu wiped him from his side. “No need to salute. ""

Su Li silent, followed by Qin Mu.

Qin Mu took a few steps, and then stopped again, faintly said: "You don't have to go up today, so let's go back and rest."


"What are you waiting for when you have a rest?"

After all, Qin Mu re-raised, this time, Su Li did not continue to follow, but for a moment, Qin Mu would leave Su Li far behind.

In the early morning, Qin Mu officially announced the related matters after the establishment of the post. The ministers underneath did not object to one, and the post-mortem was settled.

On the eve of the post-production ceremony, Su Li took advantage of him to personally brew peach wine to see Qin Mu.

Perhaps he had drunk some wine before he came. Su Li Bai Jun’s cheeks had been dyed with a shallow blush. He had a drink under Qin Muyue, and the place was in a pavilion where they used to drink wine.

After receiving the letter from Su Li, Qin Musi repeatedly tried to avoid the night-time feathers and came to the appointment.

At that time, Su Li had been waiting under the pavilion. The moonlight was lightly sprinkled on his body. He held a glass of wine and drank peach blossoms bit by bit.

The wine is in the intestines, sour and sour, just like his mood at the moment. He waited here for two years of incense, and he thought that Qin Mu would not come.

Just as he was disappointed, the snoring of the leaves was slammed, and he was shocked and looked up at the sound source. The handsome man who was not like a real person stood under a peach tree. With a smile on his lips and a quiet look at him.

Su Li got up from the stone chair and murmured: "The emperor..."

"You forgot." Qin Mu shook his head and stepped down to the opposite side of Su Li. "Only when you and I are two, you don't need to be bound by the courtiers."

He picked up the jug and gave himself a cup. Then he put the glass under his nose and sniffed the faint peach blossom.

At the end, Su Li, who was standing on the station, smiled slightly. "The enthusiasm of Ziqing is getting better and better." He seems to have forgotten the thunder of Su Li.

Su Li stunned and sat down again. He asked: "Would you really want to stand up for the night feathers?"

Slowly drink the wine in the cup, Qin Mu turned the jade cup in his hand against the moonlight. "The sacred decree is already down, is there still a fake?"

Su Li is silent.

Qin Mu smiled and smiled a little bit warmer in the past. "My son is about to come, can you have something to say to you?"

Su Li still did not speak.

A sigh spit out from Qin Mukou. He changed the question and said: "Do you want me to stay up late?"

Su Li smiled and said: "Jun has no jokes. Now all the people in the world know that you have to stand up for the night feathers. What is the meaning of my answer to you?"

In the darkness, there was a glimmer of light, and Qin Mu suddenly grabbed the right hand of Su Li on the table. "I only ask you one sentence. Three years ago, you were in the position of the prime minister. At the Xie Shi Ban, you rushed through the wine. Can you still remember the words that I said to me?"

"Of course I remember." Su Li whispered: "I remember every word you said."

Qin Mu tightly locked his eyes. "Can you tell me again?"

Su Li slowly blinked, and his eyes were faintly harboring nostalgia for the past. "I said at the time, I like you, I want to serve you forever."

"At that time, I gave you three years to tell you that if you don't change my mind after three years, I will set you up." Qin Mu looked at Su Li. "It has been three years now." , Ziqing, can you tell me your answer?"

"I naturally... still love you, just..."

Qin Mu reached out and grabbed his mouth. The eyebrows were a certain color. "This queen is in the position, and you have been kept for you."