Face Slapping The Slag Gong System

Chapter 137: Tyrant's favorite

After Qin Mu’s death, Yu Ye Yu left Li Guo and did not return to the North, but chose the world.

And Lisu, who began to be afraid of cold, couldn’t sleep all night and all night.

He called people to sleep, no matter how glamorous the look of the scorpion, he has no impulse to them, and the woman can't, he will turn his eyes to those slender and beautiful teenagers, but when those are pure or flirtatious The boy really climbed into his dragon bed, and his heart was full of disgust and disgust.

He remembered the scene of sleeping in bed with Qin Mu in the past. Qin Mu's body is so warm, as long as he stays by his side, even if he does nothing, he can feel at ease.

Then he made a dream.

He dreamed that he and Qin Mu were in the bed, and he fiercely occupied the body that made him obsessed. He heard Qin Mu say to him: "Zi Qing, you and me for three years, if you are three years I still like me afterwards, I will seal you back."

When he woke up, Li Su found that the sheets under his body were wet.

He huddled in the quilt and stared at the void, until his eyes were sore, and he slowly squinted.

He forgot that the man is dead.

After Qin Mu fell on the cliff, the guards spent a whole month to reach the bottom of the cliff, and then searched around, finally found a tombstone somewhere under the mountain, engraved on the tombstone - the tomb of his wife Qin Mu. Li Su ordered people to dig the tomb and dug two bodies that had been turned into white bones. The bodies were held together, and Li Su’s men took some time to separate the two bones.

Li Su guessed that Xu Jinyan had not died after falling off the cliff. After the sensation, people buried him and Qin Mu in one place. Lisu later asked the Taoist to find a feng shui treasure, and buried the slightly higher bones alone. As for the body of Xu Jinyan, he directly ordered him to throw it into the sea.

It’s been a year since Qin Mu’s death.

It is reasonable to say that he should have forgotten Qin Mu, but Qin Mu’s figure always appears in his dreams, so that he wants to forget and forget.

Because he felt that no one is irreplaceable, so he put his gaze on the man who resembled Qin Mu. As long as there is a Qin Wu on the five senses, he will receive it.

The men can see from the look of Lisu, he is looking at another person through them. Later, a man with a seven-point image of Qin Mu came to Lisu's side. Lisu was very fond of him. He was almost compliant with him. With Lisu's favor, the man's courage grew bigger. One day, he Curiously asked Lisu his leg was injured, Li Su sinked his face and put the man into the cold palace.

Since then, no one has ever dared to ask him about his legs.

Lisu was tired of looking for the shadow of Qin Mu from those men, because no matter how long they are like Qin Mu, they are not him. He began to spend all his energy on government affairs. Under his enthusiasm, Li Guo became more prosperous and eventually ushered in the prosperity of Da Li.

In a paradise in the world, a thin and gentle young man took off his knife and skillfully killed the chicken and plucked his hair. Looking closely, his left cheek had a white slightly concave scar, like a sharp weapon from his face. Crossed the traces left behind.

With a bang, the wooden door was pushed away from the inside, and then a long, straight figure came out. I saw the man stalking down the blue silk. As he walked, the sun fell on him, and his beauty was beautiful. The face of the mortal face is clear and distinct.

Hearing the footsteps coming from behind, the young man turned back and smiled and said: "If you are hungry, go to the stove and take a few cakes and hunger. I just did it, but it is still hot."

Qin Mu shouted, turned and went to the stove to get two cakes.

Xiao Xuzi's cooking is very good. No matter what ingredients come to him, he can make a perfect taste. Qin Mu quickly solved the two crispy sweet cakes, then drank a cup of tea, and was about to step out the threshold. Auntie, he sneezed in a hurry.

Qin Mu reached out and rubbed his nose, and estimated that it was cold last night.

I only blamed him for being fierce with Xiao Xuzi last night. It was directly on the old banyan tree at the door. Well, he saw the thick banyan tree stump, and his expression was a little subtle... Aftertaste.

After he had finished the battle with Xiao Xuzi, he squatted to the bed twice. At this moment, he was satisfied with the whole body, and he was in a good mood. The smile on his lips never disappeared.

A year ago, after he fell down the cliff with Xiao Xuzi, he fell directly into the lake and returned to his life. What Xiaoxie had given him before was not a broken heart, but a medicine that could make people die. He spit so much blood, it was just waste blood in the body, and the damage to the body was not great.

In order to let Lisu believe that Xiao Xuzi deliberately left the tea cup containing the poison of the broken gut in the crime scene, including the later cliff, almost the body under the tombstone is in his design. Qin Mu later asked him, in case they fell off the cliff and accidentally fell or drowned, Xiao Xuzi said to him like this: "One life loses one life, I will die with you, then go to Yincao. The local government is a pair of ghosts."

Qin Mu listened to the black line.

He is very reluctant, even if Xiao Xuzi loses his ten lives, he is not rare.

However, he is also a blessing in disguise, and the painful value that Lisu has not risen has suddenly reached 50%.

Although this figure is still not very high, it is a big breakthrough compared with the previous increase.

Qin Mu said, since his death can stimulate Lisu, then he wants to kill several times in front of Lisu. As a result, he did not wait for him to think of a routine, and Lisu’s pain value rose again.

Of course, the rise is quite slow, only 1%.

Since then, the pain value of Lisu has risen intermittently, although the magnitude of each time is not large, but the accumulation is less, and reaching 100% is only a matter of time. So Qin Mu dispelled the idea of ​​going out of the mountain, and peace of mind and Xiao Xuzi lived in this paradise.

Speaking of it, this paradise is still discovered by chance.

When they fell off the cliff, they accidentally found a cave. Opposite the cave was a rushing waterfall. Through the waterfall, there was a hole in the back of the waterfall. The birds and flowers were fragrant, the insects screamed, and the picturesque dreams.

They found two fine houses here. From the dust covered in the room, it has not been lived for a long time. The two cleaned the inside and outside of the house and lived there.

This stay is one year.

Touching the small belly of some micro-drums, Qin Mu thought, it really is a good meal, he is gorgeous and fat.

When eating, Qin Mu drank the chicken soup and said: "It’s been too long here, when are we going out to travel?" His treasures are still there, and the two spend a lifetime.

Xu Jinyan heard this, but my heart was not very happy. He just wanted to have a small day with Qin Mu. He is now no longer, and he really went out. Qin Mu was fascinated by the outside world, or was What to do if other men have gone.

No way, his man is too good and too beautiful, too unpleasant.

Xu Jinyan lowered his eyes and swallowed the rice. "Qin Mu feels tired with me?"


Xu Jinyan is too comfortable to serve. Qin Mu has four lovers, and it is considered to be a battle, but no one like Xu Jinyan has touched all the sensitive points on his body, even his feet. Head also...

Thinking of the scenes that make people blush, Qin Mu coughed and lowered his eyes. He raised his eyes and said to Xu Jin: "I just want to go around with you. There are only two of us here. It is deserted, and it is not. I know where Xu Dechang is now with my mother."

After hearing the latter part of the sentence, Xu Jinyan silently said: "If you can find the righteous father and the Queen Mother, we will bring them back."

Qin Mu’s eyes lit up: “Are you promised?”

If you can't agree, you can't lock Qin Mu.

Thinking of this, Xu Jinyan nodded gently: "Yeah."

When I went to sleep at night, Qin Mu wanted it, and used the usual trick to seduce Xu Jinyan. Xu Jinyan was unmoved and closed her eyes calmly. Qin Mu was somewhat puzzled. When he wanted it, as long as he had a look, Xiao Xuzi could lead the gods. What happened today?

Qin Mu: "Asleep?"


Seeing Xiao Xuzi's eyelashes fretting, Qin Mu gathered in his ear. "You touch me."

Xu Jinyan turned over and took the back to Qin Mu. "I am sleepy."

Qin Mu frowned, and then he thought of something, and his mouth provoked a smile. "Because you have to leave here tomorrow, are you not happy?"

Xu Jinyan turned and grabbed Qin Mu’s waist and buried his face in Qin Mu’s month and Hungarian mouth. “I’m not looking good now, there are so many beautiful people outside, will you dislike me when you arrive?”

It turned out to be worried about this.

Qin Mu licked his soft hair. "If you suspect that you are too early, you will stay with you for a year."

The voice of the youth is stuffy. "I can't take possession of you like a man. Would you like to find another man?"

It is impossible to say that I have never thought about it, but I just think about it.

His family Xu Xuzi is so virtuous, gentle, and understands him in bed. Where can he go back to find one?

Thinking about this, Qin Mu pinched the earlobe of Xu Jinyan. "Don't think too much, I only need one, and no one else."

More closely, in the arms of Qin Mu, Xu Jinyan went to the eyes of the embarrassed, in order to listen to his family Qin Mu to say love, he is coming from time to time, and every time I tried it.

He took the opportunity to ask: "I want to come from behind today."

Qin Mu blinked his eyes and looked down at the young Jingjingjing. Where is the little melancholy appearance, the little liar, he reached out and scraped the young man’s nose. "Only this time."

In so many postures, the most uncomfortable thing for him is the intrusion. Although he is used to it, he has no temperament, but the posture is too passive for him, and there is still some shame.

With the consent of Qin Mu, Xu Jinyan immediately took Qin Mu like this...


Later, in a remote place, they succeeded in finding the lonely Xu Dechang and Sun Taihou. The grandmother of the grandson was very proud of her character. She thought about going back to China. Qin Mu did not take care of her and dismissed her thoughts of returning. People have a considerable amount of money, and they confess to Xu Dechang to take good care of Sun Tai, they will take time to see them.

After resetting two people, Qin Mu wandered around with Xu Jinyan.

They went to many places and heard about Lisu.

It is said that Li Suqin is loyal to the people, the harem is in vain, and the ministers have rumored to let him stand. After Li Su listened to their opinions, they never heard the news of the palace.

So there were rumors, and it was said that Lisu could not do it. It was also said that Li Su was beaten by Qin Mu when he was in Laos in his early years. Xu Jinyan heard this rumor and looked at Qin Mu unclearly. "You put Lisu." Is it broken?"

Qin Mu pinched Xu Jinyan’s chin and kissed him. “I have nothing to do with him. You should be the clearest.”

Clear is one thing, mind is another matter, no matter how long, Xu Jinyan always minds the existence of Lisu.

Fortunately, everything is over, and now the person who is with Qin Mu is him.


Three years later, the news of Li Su’s serious illness did not go away.

In the early years, in order to get the trust of Qin Mu, he did not hesitate to make a bet on his own body. When he smashed his leg, his body also fell into the root of the disease. After that, he disregarded the dissuasion of the doctor, and he rushed to the political situation, which aggravated his body. The burden.

He wants to forget the man in this way.

It was not until the time when he was vomiting blood, the man’s figure was not pulled out of his heart.

The vision in front of him was blurred. Li Suyue’s white robes were stained with blood. He slammed the scorpion on his mouth and coughed hard. The body bent into a mass because of the pain that could not be withstood.

Several of his cronies were kneeling by the bed, with a sad expression on his face.

They know that the youngest and most outstanding emperor of Lebanon is about to fall, which is a sad thing for the people of Li.

"The sacred... is it ready?"

Lisu spit out a word.

"Return to the emperor, has been prepared according to your instructions, do you want to see it?" The **** who had been waiting for Lisu secretly wiped his tears and whispered back.

"Take it to you."

Lisu struggled to get up and took over the biography of the eunuch.

The words on the script were out of sight. Lisu closed his eyes tiredly, and his mind inadvertently flashed through Qin Mu’s look under the peach tree.

Escape from the hustle and bustle.

He whispered: "It's weird, why... I can't help but think of him."

At the end of his life, at the end of his life, why is it printed in his mind?