Face Slapping The Slag Gong System

Chapter 142: Devil's grace

Seeing that he was ridiculed by this female three times and four times, Muze’s eyes flashed a bit of anger, and he did not know which female was learned from which male. He smothered his hand and took it away. The quilt, the bulkhead will cover Qin Mu.

"If you dare to seduce me like this, I will peel off the skin on your body."

Obviously it is a ugly, but there is a smooth, silky, honey-colored skin. Hey, is he using this body to seduce other males! If this female re-emerges, don't blame him for being rude to him.

As the king of the demon world, you can be seduce casually.

Qin Mu took off the quilt that covered his face, raised his eyebrows and smiled, and the beauty brows blended with the enchanting charm. "Don't say that you want my skin, that is, you want my body, I also give it to you." ""

"Shameless." Muze blushes, I don't know if it is ashamed or angry. "I won't want you a ugly and violent man."

Qin Mu squinted at him and hid the dark color of his eyes. "Let's do it, you tell me the whereabouts of the grotesque, I will leave this ugly and leave your eyes, do you think it is not?"

Muze a glimpse.

When I thought of seeing Qin Mu in the future, the uncomfortable feeling in his heart came out again. He forced the lips into a straight line. He said: "Do you think you can stay and leave? At the beginning, when you smashed your face and put it on, I will take care of you. Instead of repaying me, I want to ask you about the news you want to know, and then I will open my foot and there is such a cheap thing in this world."

It was obvious that you first came to provoke me.

Qin Mu did not continue to pull the hair on Muze, but raised his lips: "What do you want?" The graceful lip shape, then whispered and said: "Master."

These two words have Qin Mu read, full of beautiful atmosphere, Muze stagnation, and sometimes some words poor, every time he is with this female, there is always a feeling of losing the initiative, now listen to Qin Mu Wen softly whispered, and the inexplicable anger of his heart suddenly disappeared.

Muze screamed. "You will be waiting for me as my servant. Wait till I wait. When I am happy, I will tell you the whereabouts."


Qin Mu pretended to bend his eyebrows reluctantly, and was about to get up and return to his room. Muze suddenly turned his back and turned to him. "You... don't start, sleep here tonight, I sleep you." The next door."

Although Muze did not open his face, Qin Mu still knew that Muze was shy based on the flush on his back. Watching the young man stiffly lift his legs and go outside, the figure quickly disappeared behind the door, Qin Mu slowly rubbed his lips, his eyes flashed with a happy look, huh, really awkward little wolf demon, he is quite looking forward to seeing The original body of Muze.

In the next few days, Muze found a few females who looked good, but the smell was not right. It was not his appetite. Maybe he had a face all day, a bitter and deep hatred. Qin After Mucha felt it, he asked, "Who are you looking for?"

The number of people I have seen on this road is endless. Every time he sees Muze searching for something in the crowd with the wolf eyes that can match the light bulb, it seems that he has nothing at all.

Muze glanced at him, suddenly thought of something, his lips opened a smile, his cold face was like a spring snow, Ming Yue and lively: "We wolves are very loyal to their partners, I This time I came out to find a deserve to be my female."


Qin Mu looked at Mu Ze, the original kid likes women?

"It's like you."

Hearing Muze casually, Qin Mu suddenly stopped, he is a female? It won't be a mistake. When did he become a female with a belt?

Seeing Qin Mu's eyes weird, Muze thought Qin Mu misunderstood, and immediately explained: "Don't think too much, I will not find you such an ugly female."

Qin Mu: "..."

So he did not misunderstand, he is indeed a female in the eyes of Muze.

Qin Mu asked: "Why am I a female?"

Muze heard the words, did not speak, just looked at him with the look of mental retardation.

Qin Mu: "What happened?"

At that time, they were in the market where the demon came to the demon. Muze first looked around, then pulled Qin Mu’s hand and went to a remote corner. In case, just in case, he took another stealth decision. At the end, he upholds the idea of ​​popularizing common sense with Qin Mu, sacrificing himself, pulling Qin Mu's hand and putting it in a place that he can't describe.

Muze: "Do you know now?"

"Know what? The ruler is good." Qin Mu concentrated on eating tofu.

Muze's young demon, where the Qin Mu's teasing, immediately blushing, put Qin Mu's hand open, "What are you doing?"

Qin Mu blinked and looked innocent: "Don't you want me to get it?"

Muze: "..."

He bit his teeth, pulled back Qin Mu's hand, and reached into the cockroach, and felt the slyness of the cockroach. The unreserved contact finally made Qin Mu aware of the abnormality of both of them.

"You have two..." Qin Mu was surprised and excited.


Muze’s body was inexplicably shaken and asked: “Know why I am a male. Are you a female?”

Qin Mu returned: "I know now."

The world is too **** good, he can not only be unrestrained, but also enjoy double happiness.

See Qin Mu’s hand still staying in the um, Muze’s face is stunned. “Is it enough?”

Before Qin Mu pulled back his hand, he deliberately stunned. Under the scornful scorn of Muze, he smiled and said: "The hand feels good."

Muze suddenly reddened.

After the completion of the science, Muze did not have the intention to continue to find the object, and was planning to leave with Qin Mu, and inadvertently saw something, his eyebrows tightened. Qin Mu met, looking back at Muze’s line of sight, but a man in white robe did not know when it appeared behind them, but he saw the man’s eyebrows and handsome, and the end was the sacred bones. Such as jade.

Muze’s stealth is not visible to the general demon. The men did not look at them. They just stood in a quiet place and turned their eyes to the distant sky. The afterglow of the sunset sprinkled on him. A layer of golden light, lining the length of the man, is like a god.

When Muze saw it, the folds of the eyebrows were deeper. Can this man really not see them?

I noticed that someone around me looked at the man and looked at it again. Muze brushed her face and rolled up Qin Mu, and she showed her way to leave.

When I went back to the wooden house, Muze threw Qin Mu on the bed. The negative test came to the ground: "Is that man looking good?"


Qin Mu said with a mouthful, always felt that the white man was very familiar with him, and some seemed familiar.

Seeing that Qin Mu actually admitted, Muze did not engrave the three characters of "unhappy" on his face. He was annoyed that Qin Mu was easily disturbed by Qin Mu. One word and one word: "I am hungry."


Qin Mu has come back to God. "What do you want to eat?" He blew his mouth and changed his mind to become a boy.

It seems to know Qin Mu’s thoughts, Muze said: “I want to eat what you personally do.”

Qin Mu nodded: "Also." The world is convenient to do anything. If you want to eat what you want, you can use it directly.

Muze emphasized: "No magic is allowed."

"This..." Qin Mu stunned Muze. "I don't do well."

"Hey, don't you listen to me?" Muze snorted, revealing the wolf teeth and threatening.

Regardless of Muize’s fierce expression, Qin Mu raised his hand and touched Muze’s head like a shaman. “Hey, I’m not good at eating, or I’m going to be a boy to cook.” Although he will do some simple things. Dish, but the taste is really average.

Where is he so good? ! !

Muze: "I want to eat roasted whole lamb."

"no problem."

"Grilled chicken roast duck and grilled fish are all a little bit." The wolf's food is amazing.

Qin Mu continued to smile: "Okay, master."

Hearing this title, Mu Zehong's face was awkward, and the heart was a bit awkward. Looking at Qin Mu's admiration, he seemed to be very respectful to him. He said with a thick voice: "Don't call my master later. It is."

Qin Mu patiently asked: "What do I call you?"

The youth began to be inexplicably annoyed, "Mu Ze."

"Is this the name of the master?" Qin Mu deliberately widened his eyes. "Does the owner not say that only your spouse is qualified to know your name?"

Muze: "Let you call you, what will you say?"

Qin Mu lowered his eyes and held back the faint smile at the bottom of his eyes. "Good, Muze." Qin Mu's voice is very nice, low-pitched and not magnetic, obviously the name of Muze, which is pronounced in a normal tone. I can hear it at Muze, but my heart is like something coming in.

"I am going to bathe first."

He took out the sentence and hurried out, and the rest of the sentence was worn through the open door. "Remember to put more spicy, I like to eat."

The sound quickly dissipated in the air.

Qin Mu smiled twice and sneaked out of the door, and turned into a cooking boy. While watching the eager boy live and work, he would think of the side of the side.

He is the devil, naturally able to feel the pure breath of the other party, this breath will not be a demon can have. Isn’t Muze not saying that the Yaozu ruled the world? How can there be other species?

Qin Mu pressed this question to the bottom of his heart, and used the magic gas to clean the lower yard. He took a bath and went down the mountain to buy two pots of wine to come back. After taking a shower, Muze returned to the house with a refreshing look, and saw two pots of wine on the table at a glance.

Muze: "Have you bought wine?"

Qin Mu poured him a glass of wine. "Yeah, drinking and eating meat is a pleasure, I bought some wine to help." He is not greedy, but occasionally he will drink a little.

Squinting at the wine glass handed over by the man, someone’s mouth was inextricably drawn. “I don’t drink.”

Upon seeing the reaction of Muze, Qin Mu guessed that he would not drink. When he thought of the scene he had just seen, Qin Mu’s heart was itchy. Two of them, I don’t know how ecstasy it is to enjoy.

Thinking about this, Qin Mu would have to persuade him to drink.

He knows that Muze’s self-respect is strong, and he faintly said: “Which man does not drink.”

Muze: "..."

"But you don't like it, then I have to enjoy it myself."

After all, Qin Mu took the opportunity to take back the glass, and then no surprise to see Muze put his hand on his wrist, "Wait."

Qin Mu: "Well?"

"Isn't it just drinking?"

Muze snorted and took the wine from Qin Mu’s hand and sipped it up.

It turns out that Muze really does not drink.

Qin Mu had wanted to take the opportunity to do something bad. As a result, Mu Ze was drunk, and the drunk Muze squatted on Qin Mu’s neck and put his face against Qin Mu’s face, and kissed Qin Mu’s face from time to time.

Qin Mu thought that it was good to not touch it. He took Muze to the side and hurryed back to the house. As a result, he just put Muze on the bed, and the red light appeared. When the red light faded, he squatted on the bed. It’s a big sleep -

A white wolf.