Face Slapping The Slag Gong System

Chapter 159: Devil's grace

You and I don't have to meet again in this life.

Qin Mu stunned and made a small stay for a while. He noticed that Muze was still watching him. He quickly returned to his face and re-opened the cup, and his mouth raised a lazy smile. "How do you say me? There used to be a period of time. Now that you are about to get married, I am your old lover. It is also a good thing to talk to you."

After all, Qin Mu pushed the hand of Muze and gestured to him: "You and I used the tea to drink wine, drank the tea in your hand, and wrote off the past. You continue to be your demon king. I also continued my life. When you meet, you don’t see each other—"He paused and smiled at the corner of his mouth. "From then on, the mountains are tall and long, and you and I will never see each other."

He is not a stalker. Since Muze’s attitude is so obvious, he does not need to get together.

Muze lowered his eyes and waited for Qin Mu to keep pace with him. He poured the tea upside down. At the end, he put down the empty cup and looked at Qin Mu with a cold look. "I have finished drinking."

Qin Mu smiled and handed the teacup to his mouth, and slowly drove the tea into the mouth three times.

After drinking tea, the atmosphere between the two was somewhat silent.

It is reasonable to say that after Muze brought the words, he should leave, but the body violated the owner’s consciousness and sat on the opposite side of Qin Mu. He knew that after he left, he would not see Qin Mu again, etc. After his marriage, he let his subordinates put Qin Mu.

In the future, they will not meet again.

Perceived the quietness of the atmosphere, Qin Mu was silent for a few seconds, his eyebrows were slightly raised, and his mouth was hung with a pattern of smiles. "When you finish drinking this pot of tea, let's go."


Muze faintly responded.

Next, the two quietly drank tea and did not speak again. Muze did not want to say that Qin Mu did not know what to say.

Qin Mu, who has always taken the initiative in the relationship between the two, has a poor word for the first time, and is also puzzled by the suddenness of his heart. He has always been emotionally chic, and he has quickly pulled away, but it is just a lover, what a big deal. Originally, if he wanted to change his lover to maintain a sense of freshness, the system might even object. Now, he has a legitimate reason to change the attack. Why not?

Qin Mu, who successfully persuaded himself, quickly threw aside the heart of his heart and tilted the teapot. He smiled and said to Muze: "The tea is gone, do you want to continue a pot?"

"No need." Muze got up and turned his back to Qin Mudao: "I am gone."

"Slow down."

The gentle voice of the man came from behind, Muze figured up, did not cast a spell, step by step to the door, called the guard door to open, and then he stepped straight out of the back.

It is like the life of Qin Mu.


The heavy iron door was slammed again. Qin Mu held his chin in one hand and turned the empty cup in his hand. He didn't know what he thought. He smiled softly, put the cup down, and walked freely to the bed and turned over. Put your hands behind your head and close your eyes.

Since then, the elders have selected ten out of a hundred females in half a month, and then asked Muze to look at them one by one. Muze has no opinions. He is handed over to the four elders, and the elders pick and choose. Go, choose the last three females, two of them are rich and have one right, it is combined with Mu Zeqiang, the door is right, this is the other, the medical skill is brilliant, the ability is outstanding, is definitely a good wife and a good mother.

The elders hesitated in the trio, and liked to kick the ball and gave the choice to Muze.

Muze’s life is like this. Anyone can, just give the elders and the Yaozu a confession. Muze is too lazy to make any choices, pressing the brows of impatience, and casually saying: “They have three of them. ""

"What?" Like the answer to the Arabian Nights, the elders were surprised in unison.

How to find a surprised look with the other two female faces, but no such reaction of the elders.

Muze had to repeat it: "They have three abilities that are indistinguishable. I really can't decide. If they don't mind, it's okay for me to squat three times. Of course, who is the head of the demon? They have to rely on their skills."

The four elders did not expect that after Muze’s emotional injury, they would be so irritated that there were such absurd ideas. Throughout the demon kings who have been the demon king, which one is not only a demon, a lifetime, a double, how to change to Muze here.

The elders did not agree with the authenticity: "One husband and one wife is the tradition of our Yaozu, how can the Lord's thoughts be so daring?"

"Mu Ze, you should consider it carefully. You are really jealous of three squats at the same time. How will the demon lords look at you?" C. Elder also joined the persuasion.

"Okay." Muze browed down and turned to the silent three people: "What are your thoughts?"

The three men looked at each other and said: "We are willing to marry your Highness at the same time." The performance of the two nobles should be based on this marriage. Naturally, there are family considerations behind them, and they are looking for a chance to kneel down for Muze. Dan. The last time he didn't succeed, he thought that Muze was cautious and didn't eat anything unclear. If he secretly sneaked down on the cup of wine that Muze had to drink at the wedding, he would succeed.

When I heard the answers from the three people, the elders were very speechless and wanted to continue to persuade. Muze patiently used up. "This is the case. I have to go back and give the first chapter."

"Hey, Muze..."

Looking at the figure that Muze did not return, Ding Chang closed his mouth in a sullen mood and sighed reluctantly toward the other three elders. Looking at this situation at the moment, they are really going to welcome three demons in one go.

They can already foresee that there will be more "excellent" scenes on that day.


After Muze returned to the palace, he spread the memorial, and his face flashed inadvertently. He suddenly remembered the man’s quiet heart pill that he gave him in the back garden. At that time, he had planned to hand over the little pill to the elders of Ding the next day, but he couldn’t help but go to the interrogation room to meet Qin Mu. He brought a physical and mental injury from Qin Mu, and his mind was full of Qin Mu. The phrase "From then on, the mountains are tall and watery, you and I will never see each other again." Every time I think about it, my heart hurts a point, and naturally I forget such a small thing.

If he hadn’t seen him so much again, he wouldn’t think of that clear heart and pill.

"What." Muze slowly chewed the name.

Although he saw the other side of the other side, he intuitively had some resistance to this man. As for why there is such a psychology, he himself feels inexplicable.

Maybe he wants more.

On the following day, Muze finished early, and specially called the elder Ding to give him the pill.

Ding Elder doubts: "Is this?"

Muze said: "Oh, this is why I look at my unhappy, deliberately give me the Qingxin Jingqi pill, you look at what ingredients are inside, the test results, if it is effective, you will develop it in batches."

“Good.” Ding’s elders carefully closed the pills and smiled. “It seems that His Royal Highness has a good relationship with him.”

Muze faintly glanced over the past. "Since it is useful, I naturally want to use it for my own use." The demon world is seemingly calm on the surface, but in reality it is choppy. The tigers are watching the wolves, and they always want to take it. He accepts three. Females are also considered for the wolf.

Elder Ding understood Muize’s thoughts, but he couldn’t help but persuaded: “Mu Ze, you still have to think about it. There is really no precedent for the three demons at the same time. It’s not good. We agree with you. Isn’t Moana only a magic?”

Muze listened and his eyes were dark.

He really wants to swear, Qin Mu that only **** and refuses to marry him, Qin Mu is so restless in the room, if he is really strong, he is not addictive. He knows the strength of Qin Mu, kills and can't kill, and can't shut it down. This thorn that is rooted in the depths of his heart can't be ignored. It is better to exile Qin Mu and let him away from him. Let time To heal the scars in his heart.

Muze returned to God, and there was no fluctuation in the tone. "Okay, my mind has been decided, you don't have to persuade me."

Ding elders heard the words, and they stopped talking, and they finally sighed in the bottom of their hearts. If they didn't let Muze go down alone to pick a female, if Muze didn't meet Qin Mu's kinky, maybe Muze was the carefree little bully.

Unfortunately, their mana is stronger, and there is no way to let time back.


When Muze’s message of the three demons was rumored in the palace, the news naturally fell into the ears of Qin Mu. Qin Mu threw the seeds to the side and asked the two to be in the gossip. The guard: "What are you talking about?"

Guardian A: "This news has spread in the palace. I see that it is true."

Guardian B: "Although the demon king's move is too shocking, it can be said that it is a pioneer, but he has the right to have a strong, good looks, and the females can not blame the demon king, now only three demon After that, I have to say that I am still missing."

Qin Mu: "..."

Suddenly licking three females, Muze’s little appetite.

It seems that I was aware of the silence of Qin Mu. The two guards looked at each other and advised: "You shouldn't be too sad. You look so good. There are definitely many males who want to pursue you. The demon king can marry three. You can also Marry three."

"I am saddened."

Qin Muzhen smiled and asked: "Do you know when Muze stood up?"

"Middle of the month." The guard A looked at Qin Mu with a look of "You don't want to ask so clearly."

"Don't misunderstand." Qin Mudao: "I just want to know when I am free."

Guardian B saw Qin Mu for a moment with the sympathetic eyes of "Don't force me to understand" and shook his head and sighed: "A pair of monks are separated, mourning, and mourning." After that, he turned and pointed. Refer to yourself and say: "What do you think of me?"

Didn't wait for Qin Mu to answer, the guard's armor slammed the head of the guard B. "Don't think about it, that is the female who the demon king has slept, even if the demon king does not marry him, there is no part of you."

Guardian B touched the head that was opened, and angrily said: "I can't make a joke."

Qin Mu was too lazy to listen to the two guards quarreling, applied an enchantment, shielded the voices of the two, and walked to the bed and lie down. He was locked up here for so many days, and the bundle of fairy locks on his feet was untied the next day after Muze’s last departure. Now he is just doing it.

As for why he didn't leave here right away, he just wanted to ask him to worry about him in the wooden house for a few days.

On the day when Muze was married, the whole monsters of the demon world were all dispatched, and the roads were blocked by the demon group. The surrounding people were full of people, and it was unprecedented.

Muze wore a large red enamel embroidered suit made by the best embroidered mother in a demon world. In order to suit the scene, she was shown a three-in-one pipa, which was brilliant behind Muze. The ground is in full bloom.

He sought to wear red suits with the other two females. Surrounded by people, he swallowed his mouth and sweated nervously. Success or failure is here. If he fails, he will reveal the stuff with Muze, and he will only fight with Muze.

At the same time, Qin Mu was lying on the big round bed with Muze's overwhelming rain, forcing himself to close his eyes, not thinking about other things, but Mu Ze's figure of good clothes always flashed in his mind, Qin Mu was annoyed. The floor opened his eyes, opened the quilt, went to the table, and wanted to pour himself a cup of tea to calm down. He found that the teapot was empty. He habitually said: "The tea is gone, give me a pot."

In the vast interrogation room, only his own echo echoed back and forth.

Oh, he remembered. The two lazy guards told him early in the morning that they were going to see Muze’s marriage. What needs to be said in advance to them, they prepared for him. He said that he didn’t need anything. The two guards left him and left.

Qin Mu put down the teapot, and the bottom of the pot hit the tabletop, making a bang.

Two guards who have nothing to do with Muze can go to his big marriage. Why can't he? Thinking about this, Qin Mu secretly lowered his eyes and immediately cast a spell to rush to the wedding scene of Muze.