Face Slapping The Slag Gong System

Chapter 214: Gift of the mountain god

Everyone heard the words and burst into tears with grief.

Several princes pushed everyone away and rushed to the emperor and burst into tears. In this heavy and sad atmosphere, Xiao Cheng stood outside the crowd, with two drops of tears hanging from his eyes, and he moved quietly. Beside Gu Qin, lower the voice and ask: "What did the father told you?"

Gu Qin: "The emperor handed me the passbook." He omitted the war.

"Is it... passed to the Prince?"


"Oh, sure enough." Among so many emperors, the father-general only gave the father a love. Because I have known this fact for a long time, Xiao Cheng’s heart has been numb, or, when he accidentally learned that the mastermind behind the poisoning of him was his father, he was already dead to his father.

The two tears in the corner of the eye finally fell overwhelmed. Xiao Cheng still kept a sad look and continued: "Are you toward me?" He used the tone of doubt.

For Gu Qin, he always has a hint of jealousy.

Gu Qin lowered his eyes and whispered: "Yes."

"Then you give me the script." Although there is no such script, it will not affect his ambition to be emperor, but in order to prevent it, he still has to destroy it himself to be at ease.

Gu Qin kept his head down and didn't speak.

Xiao Cheng sinks his eyes. "Why, you don't want to?"

Gu Qin silently, suddenly said: "Where is Qin Mu?"

Listening to him mentioning the man's name, Xiao Chengyi, then sneer, it seems that Gu Qin still refused to give up Qin Mu.

"I placed him in a beautiful place. He liked it very much. I promised him. He wants to go anytime. I won't block him."

"...is he voluntarily staying there?"

"He knows his skills, and who can stop him."

Gu Qin is carrying, and the twilight is cold: "You give him to me."

"You are taking a stack of books to marry me?"

"Don't dare." Gu Qin's tone is not humble, "This is the end of the return to Zhao, and what to do."

After returning to Zhao? It’s a good one to return to Zhao.

At the beginning, if Gu Qin was carrying him and took Qin Mu away, Qin Mu should have been his.

Just when the two men secretly confronted each other, the grand **** Xu Gonggong of the emperor found Gu Qin, "General Gu, what did the emperor have given you?"

According to the consistent temperament of the emperor, it is impossible to leave without saying anything.

Gu Qin was indifferent to Xiao Cheng’s vote and whispered back: “No.”

Xu Gonggong wiped his tears and asked: "What did the emperor say to you?"

Gu Qindao: "The emperor said that let me help the Prince."

Xiao Cheng’s eyelids jumped.

Xu Gonggong glanced at him and saw Xiao Cheng standing side by side with a low eyebrow. He did not want to join the court battle. He regained his gaze and asked: "Is the emperor interested in making the Prince become the next emperor?"

Gu Qin bowed his head. "The emperor left before he had time to explain it. At the end, he would not dare to speculate on the Holy Spirit."

"The family knows."

Using the sleeves to wipe away the tears in the corner of his eyes, Xu Gonggong nodded thoughtfully.

When Xu Gonggong left, Gu Qin said: "Xu Gonggong will definitely search in the emperor's palace, and when he finds a script, it has nothing to do with me."

Xiao Cheng naturally heard the threat of this sentence.

Although everyone knows that the father is very fond of the Prince, the position of the future emperor should be owned by the Prince, but if there is no script, even if it is a matter of nailing, the White Emperor can't push the Prince to the throne of the Son of Heaven.

Xiao Cheng bit his teeth and his eyes were dark. "Well, I promise you. Within three days, I will return Qin Mu to Zhao."

"Then I will be here to thank you now."

The corner of the mouth smirked a smile, Gu Qin will soon smile, "When the Highness sends the person over, I will personally submit the script to your hand."


As a prince who has no sense of existence, no one has found Xiao Cheng leaving the palace.

When I returned to the courtyard in the suburbs of Beijing, it was late at night. Xiao Cheng’s eyebrows were burned, and the servant waiting outside was more than a sly gesture, and then he gently pushed the door of Qin Mu’s room.

The long eyelashes are slightly moving.

Qin Mu deliberately put on sleep, lying on the side of the bed, by the coming man to his bed. At this time, it was late at night, Qin Mu had already turned off the lights, and Xiao Cheng could only distinguish the face of Qin Mu through a moonlight leaking through the window.

The man in front of him is as beautiful as a god. He is very close to him. As long as he reaches out, he can touch it. Xiao Cheng feels far away from him.

When he was a child, he liked to watch the moon in the sky. The mother-in-law would gently pick him up and watch him with him. He asked his mother, is there any way to take off the moon in the sky, and in order to satisfy his wish, the mother-in-law used the night pearl to create a moon, placed in his palace, every night, the moon-shaped night pearl It will emit dazzling light, like the moon in the sky.

Xiao Cheng actually knows that it is just a night pearl, not a moon, and Qin Mu is to him, that is the moon that he will never pick.

A sigh was hidden in his lips, and Xiao Cheng retired silently, leaving as quietly as he came.

When the door was re-opened, Qin Mu opened his eyes in the darkness.

Looking over the closed door, I didn't know what I thought. Qin Mu licked his lips, turned over, and fell asleep again.

The next day.

When using the breakfast, Xiao Cheng took out the silver ticket prepared in the morning.

Qin Mu’s spoon was on the table. “What is this?”

"The emperor died yesterday. The new emperor's candidate is still undecided. It will be inevitable that it will be a **** rain." Xiao Cheng coveted, moved the stack of silver tickets to Qin Mu's hand, and the fingertips were light on the silver ticket. I clicked, said: "These silver tickets are held, you buy a few sets of fine houses, buy a few acres of land, find a loved one, and live with the beautiful."

Qin Mu raised his eyebrows. "What about you?"

"I am a royal family, and some things are involuntarily." Xiao Cheng looked up and smiled at Qin Mu. "You saved my life before. This is my reward. I hope that you will be safe in the future." it is good."

Pulling out the stack of thick silver tickets from Xiao Cheng’s finger, Qin Mu turned his hand in the hand and smiled: "Great handwriting."

Xiao Cheng also laughed: "These silvers are enough for you to spend a few years, and you can go wherever you want to go."

"When you are developed, don't forget me as a savior."

Uncertainly, the silver ticket was collected, and Qin Mu took a piece of cake and took a bite.

The delicate soft and soft cake spread on the tip of the tongue, Qin Mu took another bite, and then heard Xiao Cheng's slightly smiling voice: "I will not forget."

The trace of the remaining heart of Xiao Cheng’s mustard has long since disappeared during his time in Xiao Cheng’s care. Qin Mu is not a person without conscience. Xiao Cheng treats him like this. He is awkward and difficult, and he will definitely help.

Insecting the crispy cake in his mouth, Qin Mu took the puppet handed down by Xiao Cheng, rubbed the oil stains on his fingertips and said: "If you accidentally lose, don't think about the same, stay in the green hills. I am not afraid of not burning wood, the money you left for me, it is not a problem to raise one person."

The corner of the mouth is holding a smile, and Xiao Cheng is staring at the corner of the table, low and low: "Well, I know."

Xiao Cheng gave Qin Mu a few winter clothes, and let the chef make a snack that Qin Mu loved. He worried that Qin Mu was sick on the road. He also prepared some precious herbs for the unexpected.

Qin Mu smiled and said: "I can't take so many things alone, or you keep it yourself."

Xiao Cheng: "You can fit in the carriage."

See him insist, Qin Mu will follow him.

Before leaving, Qin Mudao said: "If there is a chance in the future, can I come to your palace to tell you about it?"

Xiao Cheng smiled and nodded.

Qin Mu gently jumped into the carriage, turned around and opened the curtain to look at him: "Then we will have a period."

"There will be a period later."

Xiao Cheng nodded: "There will be a period later."

When the car carrying Qin Mu gradually drifted away, Xiao Cheng smiled and stared blankly at the direction of Qin Mu's departure. He had not recovered his eyes for a long time.

There will be no chance.

When Qin Mu knew that he personally sent him to Gu Qin’s hand, he was afraid that Qin Mu would not forgive him any more.

But what about it? Only by becoming the most powerful person in the world can he get anything he wants. He is only temporarily handing Qin Mu to Gu Qin for custody. One day, he will pick up Qin Mu. Give him the supreme glory.

In this compartment, Qin Mu sat in the carriage and grabbed the melon seeds slowly.

In order to be afraid of his boredom, Xiao Cheng prepared a lot of novel books in the carriage in advance. This intimate move made Qin Mu hook his lips and picked up a novel and looked at it with great interest.

This time I forgot the time.

These novels should be prepared by Xiao Cheng’s men, and there is also a secret history of the Spring Palace. Qin Mu opened the book and caught all kinds of unspeakable graphic explanations. The paintings of the ancients have more feelings than the real people, and the expressions of the characters are vivid and fragrant.

Qin Mu asked himself that he had a lot of research on the house. After reading this book, he knew that there were people outside and there were mountains outside the mountains.

During the study of the secret history of the Spring Palace, Qin Mu asked where the driver of the car had arrived. The groom returned to him and said that there was still half an hour to arrive. Qin Mu did not think much and continued to immerse himself in the world of books.

Therefore, he did not know that the carriage not only did not follow the original orbit, but entered from the partial door of the generals. When the carriage stopped, Gu Qin had already waited.

The groom jumped from the carriage and walked to Gu Qin. He whispered: "General, I have brought the people you want according to the instructions of His Royal Highness."

"Well, I would like to say a word to my Highness." I took out the book from my arms. "This is what the Highness wants."

After killing the groom, Gu Qin paused and walked toward the carriage in a step-by-step manner. At the same time, he noticed the strange Qin Mu, raised his eyes alertly, staring at the road and isolating the outside world. The curtain.

A guess gradually formed in his mind, and the darkness of the darkness was dark, and Qin Mu quietly listened to the footsteps and stopped in front of the carriage. One hand reached in and slowly pulled the curtain to one side.

When the light from outside leaked in, Qin Mu blinked and looked at the familiar eyes of Gu Qin. He opened his lips and said: "It turned out to be General Gu, don't come innocent."

Damn, Xiao Cheng betrayed him again.

Gu Qin did not speak, his eyes swept in Qin Mu, and finally fell on the novel book in his hand. He saw the four characters of the secret history of the Spring Palace. He paused and stretched his arm from Qin Mu. Pick up the corner of the book.

The cover of the book was somewhat damaged, and the paper began to yellow, apparently for some years.

He opened the book and looked at the various unsightly images on the face with a blank expression. At the end, he calmly raised his eyebrows under the gaze of Qin Mu. "You like to watch this."


Putting the book into his arms, Gu Qin stepped into the carriage, his body leaned forward slightly, and the deep scorpion firmly locked Qin Mu’s eyes. "Who are you reading this book to please?"