Face Slapping The Slag Gong System

Chapter 218: Gift of the mountain god

Since Xiao Cheng gave the Queen a set, it would not let the Queen easily untie the set.

It was confirmed by the royal doctor that the pack of powder that was found from the Queen's Palace was the poison of the five emperors.

Dali Temple Qing Xue Yang brought the Queen's men and the eunuchs to the eunuch, one by one, tortured and tortured, and finally locked one of the palace ladies. The palace lady had been with the empress for some years, and she was deeply appreciated by the empress. The emperor’s usual diet was arranged by her.

Seeing the incident, the palace girl confessed, the enlistment was the empress who instructed her to do so, and said that the emperor was also poisoned by the empress. Xue Yang asked her why the empress did this. The palace lady said that the empress wanted to be a female emperor, so she blocked her from boarding. The prince of the dragon chair must be eradicated.

When the words came out, everyone was astonished.

The Queen did not expect that her most effective palace girl would betray her, but also put all the dirty water on her, and for a moment of urgency, regardless of the wolverine gesture of the Beatles, she rushed to the palace lady and shouted in her mouth: "The Palace is waiting You are not thin, why do you want to frame this palace, who is referring to you, and say."

Xue Yangchong made a look, and the two guards left the queen and opened the queen.

"The Queen, now the evidence of the people is there, the evidence is conclusive, what else can you say?"

"The palace is being shackled."

The Queen screamed and sat down on the ground.

This game of chess, the opponent's deliberate layout for many years, now is the time to close the net, the Queen was caught off guard by surprise, and why is the opponent behind the people.

Two lines of tears slowly slipped from the eyelids, and the queen crouched on the ground, crying out loudly: "The emperor, you are under Jiuquan, open your eyes and see how the courtiers are being shackled and suffer nothing." of."

In the first step of the day, the queen stepped up to lift the queen. The queen saw his brother, and grabbed the last straw with the same straw. "Big brother, you have to be the master of me, I really It’s awkward.”

The white scorpion certainly believes in his sister, but the evidence is conclusive. If he insists on making a fortune, he will be tired of the white family. The Bai family has been a generation, a clean and honest person. He has never done anything to be sorry for the king and the people. He can't take the world's big deal and make a cover-up.

Xiao Cheng fainted in the side: "The facts are in front of you, can you have something to say?"

The white scorpion was lifted and swept over the crowd. The face was like earth, the lips squirmed slightly, and the old and slow words spit out from his mouth: "The old minister has nothing to say."

"Big brother, big brother, I am being detained..."

"Come on." Xue Yangsheng was heavy and said: "Push the Queen to the Clan House and imprison him for life."

"Who do you dare to move this palace, are you afraid of cutting your head in this palace?" The queen was dying.

Xue Yang sneered: "The Queen is still worried about his head first."

When the guards put the queen down, the white scorpion squatted back and muttered: "The place in the Clan House is not for people, the queen's body, the small body will not suffer, can you, can you beat her into the cold palace? ......"

Xue Yangdao: "The matter needs further deliberation."

The Queen’s affairs have come to an end for a while, but the country can’t be without a day. The new king’s candidate has not yet been fixed, and the DPRK’s ministers are in a hurry.

The poison in the five emperors is solvable, and they can only wait for death, and take the royal palace to hang their lives. It can be a few days to live.

Among the remaining princes, the second prince is blunt, and the most stupid one among the few princes. The three princes are addicted to killing. If a person is in a bad mood, they will take the knife and the cruelty of the means. Don't hand over Jiangshan to such people.

The qualifications of the four emperors are average, and the six emperors are intelligent and extraordinary. The seven emperors are not inferior to the dead princes, but his appearance is undoubtedly a child, and he has no ability to let a woman give birth to a child. It is extremely unfavorable to the continuation of the royal blood.

The three of them chose to go, and finally decided to let the six emperors succeed. As a result, they did not know how to leak the wind. The news spread to the ears of the six emperors. The six emperors were scared to run all night, and they still have nowhere to be seen.

The six emperors ran, and the remaining four emperors and the seven emperors were forced to choose one.

At this time, the doctor in charge of conditioning Xiao Cheng’s body stood up and said that he had developed a drug that could promote Xiao Cheng’s growth. Within three years, Xiao’s achievement could grow into a normal man.

When this is said, there are candidates in the hearts of the ministers.

Originally supporting the Prince, a group of people, have stood on the side of Xiao Cheng, which is equivalent to saying that Xiao Cheng has the support of the majority of ministers in the DPRK.

Xiao Cheng’s ascension seems to be a matter of course.

It’s just that the missing soldier’s character has not been found. This incident is not only a heart disease of Xiao Cheng, but also a concern of the DPRK Minister. Whoever has the ability to command the army of millions of troops will be able to get the world.

When the emperor first greeted Song Guifei, it was to get the soldiers in the hands of General Song General. Only the military power was in his hands, and the emperor could feel at ease. It is reasonable to say that the soldier is in the hands of the first emperor, but Xiao Cheng sent people to search the places where the emperor had been to the plains. There is still no whereabouts of the soldiers.

This has to be suspicious, and some people will have the soldiers in the bag in advance.

Xiao Cheng quickly put the suspected target on Gu Qin.

Before the emperor drove, he saw Gu Qin alone. Gu Qin handed over the biography of the emperor to him. Is it possible that the emperor handed over the soldier to Gu Qin?

Once the suspected seeds are planted, they will take root.

Besides, Gu Qin had taken him away with Qin Mu, and there was a gap between the two. Xiao costs to find a chance to deal with Gu Qin, the soldier is a matter, but let him take Gu Qin in advance.

I did not think that Xiao Cheng had already developed an antidote to understand the poison in the body, and it was easy to get the support of most people. Gu Qin had to advance the plan. His original intention was to use the military symbol to make the millions of troops directly force the palace, but the army was stationed at the border, and it took a few months to get to Kyoto. It was too late.

The only way is that he left here to join the big forces, but Xiao Cheng has doubts about him, and he must be strictly guarded. If he acts rashly, he will fall down.

Just when Gu Qin thought about the next move, the man came to the palace and said that Xiao Cheng had asked him to go to the palace.

Needless to say, this is definitely a banquet.

Qin Mu asked: "So late, what does Xiao Cheng want to do?"

Gu Qin did not answer, only said: "Would you like to go with me?"

If it was in the past, Gu Qin could not hide him, and he would not go anywhere. At this time, Gu Qin actually took the initiative to let Qin Mu with him, or to see Xiao Cheng, its intention is self-evident.

Qin Mumo silent, said: "Xiao Cheng wants to kill you?"

"I don't know." Gu Qin looked at the moonlight and turned to Qin Mu to gather a cloak. "If you don't go, just wait for me to come back."

"No, I am going." Qin Mu's eyes were suddenly indifferent. Looking at Gu Qin's eyes was like watching a stranger. "I have not yet recovered my freedom. You can't die."

Of course, he understands the purpose of Gu Qin. Xiao Cheng likes him. As long as Xiao Cheng does not want him to be a mountain **** forever, Xiao Cheng can’t move his mind. Just understand that the feeling of being used is always unpleasant.

Originally, he still felt that Gu Qin was very interesting. There was nothing wrong with trying to get along. Now it seems that he has to find another new Raiders.