Face Slapping The Slag Gong System

Chapter 230: Broken mirror

After the two men spoke, Gu Qin threw the next sentence, "I went to sleep in the master bedroom," and left the place with the robes that I took off. Qin Mu closed the only light source in the room, and slowly squinted in the darkness. After the intense and rude affair, he felt pain all at once, just want to sleep well.

As for Gu Qin, when he leaves here tomorrow, there is no need for them to meet again.

This feeling Qin Mu slept very deeply.

When I woke up the next day, there was no trace of Gu Qin in the room. It was estimated that I went to work. When he passed the living room, he saw a neat breakfast on the dining table. He tried the temperature and was still hot. It seems that Gu Qin should not have left.

Qin Mu is not a person who treats himself badly. He immediately sat down and enjoyed breakfast slowly. He didn't think that Gu Qin had prepared breakfast for him. It was a good performance or something else.

Anyway, waiting for him to step out of this door, he and Gu Qin are irrelevant.

After eating breakfast, Qin Mu did not have much to clean up, just put the key of the villa and the car key in the most conspicuous position in the living room. The sports car was sent by Gu Qin, and of course he had to go back.

Back to the apartment, Qin Mu summoned the system and wanted to tell the system that he had given up the task. As a result, the system did not respond to life and death, and did not know whether it was absent or deliberately pretend to die.

Qin Mu did not care, and planned to finish the world well.

After all, giving up the task means that he can only live to fifty in real life. Although the world is illusory, it gives people a sense of realism that is no different from real life. He takes the world as the real world. Just look at it.

Since he decided to live a good life, Qin Mu was the first to re-find a job, and he also wanted to support himself.

Perhaps because of the high position in real life, he is not so keen on the right to money. He wants to find a leisurely job. When he is free, he will make a small investment as a sideline business.

I sent a few resumes online and put the photos on, and most companies sent him an interview invitation. Just when Qin Mu considered going to the company for an interview, a phone call suddenly came over.

It was Su Hanyu.

Qin Mu picked up the phone, "Hey?"

"Qin Mu, it is me."


"I saw your resume on the Internet. Our company is missing a department manager. Do you have any intention to come to our company?"

It turned out that Su Hanyu called him for this.

Qin Mu politely refused: "Thank you for your kindness, unfortunately, I just decided to interview another company."

"This way." The voice on the phone seemed to be somewhat lost. "If you feel that the company's salary is not good, you can still come to our company. My phone has not changed. You can call me at this number."

Qin Mu’s tone is faint, “Thank you.”

"You're welcome, how do we say... old classmates, as long as they can help you."

Speaking of it, he and Su Hanyu had no contact since the wedding. Qin Mu did not expect Su Hanyu to contact him. Of course, he didn't want to have too much contact with Su Hanyu. One of the scum males, even if the prodigal son turned back, everything that happened could not be erased with an eraser.

He casually said: "I still have something, if nothing happens, I will hang it first-"

The words have not been fully finished, Su Hanyu on the phone suddenly said: "Qin Mu, I heard."


"You didn't have a wedding with Gu Qin."

Su Hanyu should not think that he did not marry Gu Qin because he was unforgettable for his old feelings?

"Oh, I have a misunderstanding between me and Gu Qin. It would be nice to explain it clearly."

Su Hanyu at the end of the phone silently said: "Are you still with Gu Qin?"

It seems that Su Hanyu should have heard of the wind, Qin Mu did not continue to marry him, after all, when Gu Qin married other women, this thing can not help but stunned, so he underestimated the truth: "have a little trouble Contradictions, temporarily separated from him for a while."

Su Hanyu sighed, afraid that Qin Mu was annoying, did not ask.

"Then I will not bother you, you are busy first. If you have time, we can have a meal together." In the latter part of the sentence, Su Hanyu emphasized: "It is the old classmates who gather together, I have no other meaning."

There are no silver three hundred and two here.

I know that Su Hanyu hasn’t died on him yet, and Qin Mu is perfunctory; "Well, wait until I have time to say it."

"When you are free, remember to call me, I don't know if there is any number in your mobile phone. If you don't have one, remember to save this number."

"Well, I know, just like this, bye."

After saying this, without waiting for Su Hanyu to say goodbye, Qin Mu directly hangs the phone.


With the addition of Yan value, Qin Mu successfully interviewed a small company. In the idea of ​​returning to the life of ordinary people, Qin Mu took two steel shackles and took the bus. Half an hour's drive, not too far, Qin Mu found a position by the window, turned his head and looked at the scenery outside the window.

It was two o'clock in the afternoon and the sun was just right.

The cheeks were soaked in warmth, Qin Mu blinked, and this blink of an eye, there was an illusion.

The eyes closed and opened, and in the opposite cafe, Gu Qin was still sitting in the window, and opposite him was a well-dressed young girl.

It turned out not to be an illusion.

The bus stopped at the platform here, and Qin Mu Gui made the gods flow down the crowd, and then the ghost went into the coffee shop.

When Qin Mu appeared at the entrance of the coffee shop, Gu Qin noticed his existence. He quietly took back his sight, and he sneaked a sneak peek at him at the opposite side of the company. His eyes inadvertently met, his face was red, and he bowed his head and took a sip of coffee.

"Do you have any hobbies from Mr. Gu~lightnovelpub.net~ Ok."

He shyly smiled and asked: "I don't know what kind of book Mr. Gu likes to read. Can you recommend me a book?"

"I like to read history books."

"Ah?" He likes to read history books the most, and he is sleepy at first glance.

She smiled and held the coffee cup in her hands. She felt the cold field and didn't know what to say. She used to get along with other boys. Which boy didn't want to make her happy, she didn't have to worry about the cold field.

This is the young man named Gu Qin, who is not scornful, and cherishes words like gold.

Gu Qin didn't want to sit here silly, especially when a man was present, so he took the initiative to end the conversation with the girl. "There is still something in my company. Let's meet again in a day."


I was disappointed, she had wanted to stay with Gu Qin for a while.

Gu Qin got up, went to the counter and settled, and then left the cafe with her. In this process, he did not take a look at Qin Mu.

When the people left, Qin Mu smiled and smiled, laughing at his inexplicable behavior.

He did not deliberately avoid Gu Qin. He believed that Gu Qin also saw him, but he still chose to ignore him. It seems that Gu Qin adapts very well and really treats him as a stranger.

The consumption of this coffee shop is not cheap for Qin Mu, Qin Mu is not in a hurry, but sitting in the coffee shop, slowly enjoying the coffee in his hand, enjoying this lazy and comfortable afternoon.

The bitter and mellow taste spread in the mouth, and the inexplicable emotion in my heart seemed to be washed away by the coffee that was drunk. Qin Mu leaned on the sofa and slowly squinted.

There are steps to walk in from outside the door, Qin Mu is only a new customer, did not care, until the footsteps stopped beside him. The shadow of black shrouded and blocked the light coming in from the window. Qin Mu opened his eyes and saw Gu Qin, who returned and returned. He pulled his mouth and revealed a smile. "It’s so clever."

Gu Qin looked at Qin Mu for a moment and sat down opposite him.

Qin Mu asked: "Why don't you send your female companion home?"

Gu Qin: "She has a driver to pick up."

Qin Mu shook his head. "You are so incomprehensible and will not pay your girlfriend."

Gu Qin did not speak, just guessing why men appeared here.

Compared with coffee, this man prefers to drink tea. He does not believe that Qin Mute came to the most expensive coffee shop in the city to drink coffee. The only explanation is that Qin Mu followed him to come here.

Thinking of this possibility, the secret of the secret came from the bottom of my heart. Gu Qin spurned on his unrelenting reaction, and couldn’t help but said: "The girl just called 阮芸芸, is the only child of the CEO of the Yu Group, and looks good. She came to like her very much."