Face Slapping The Slag Gong System

Chapter 45: Does loving me frighten you

Why are you with him?

Qin Mu suddenly felt that the question asked by Yu Heng was very ridiculous.

The irony of his eyes is very strong, the tone of play: "Hey, don't forget, the person who gave me to Xie Ge, but you."

"I..." 祁 话 话 话 。 。.

Qin Mu smiled and said, "Do you think that I don't know the hands and feet that Xie Ge secretly made, thinking that telling me, I will leave Xie Ge?"

Yu Heng is silent.

Xie Ge's side squats, his face gazing at Qin Mu's side face intently. The dark and deep gaze is fine on the face of Qin Mujun's innocent, from the thick eyelashes, down the stiff nose. Then fell to the **** and soft lips, and at the end, he lowered his eyes and quietly waited for Qin Mu to judge him.

He heard Qin Mu said: "If you didn't deceive me and didn't exchange me with Xie Ge, then I would choose to stay with you all the time, as for Xie Ge..." Hearing his name from Qin Mu's mouth Read out, Xie Ge’s heart shook, and he couldn’t help but look up at Qin Mu again. He found that Qin Mu was also watching him. The low and elegant voice continued to sound in his ear: “Thaigo is our common enemy.”

Hearing this, he looked at Qin Mu with a sigh of relief.

He saw Qin Mu bend his mouth, and Xie Ge smiled at his side and said quietly: "I am a result-oriented person, you have made a choice, and the conflict between Xie Ge and you." Don't care, I only know that Xie Ge has not abandoned me at least."

This last sentence made Yu Heng look slightly changed, and the emotions became excited again: "That is because Xie Ge did not go that step."

The chest was slightly ups and downs, and Yan Heng took a deep breath. When Qin Mu looked at him, he said: "He climbed from the mud to the position of today, and paid a lot of price that ordinary people can't imagine. People like him. There is never any conscience and moral bottom line. Qin Mu, even if he really liked you when he was young, but after so many years, his feelings will change. Can you guarantee that he still likes you as simply as you used to? You Can you guarantee that when he faces my original situation, will he not make the same choice as me?"

Yu Heng does not believe that Xie Ge will give up everything for Qin Mu. When there is a conflict of interest, Yu Heng will definitely not hesitate to abandon Qin Mu.

The voice of the voice was poured into Qin Mu’s eyes. His eyes didn’t blink. The cloud was lightly revealed in a sentence: “This is my choice. If there is one day, then I will be responsible for this result. ”

As soon as the voice fell, he found that Xie Ge was holding his hand harder.

Qin Mu turned his head and smiled at Xie Ge. The latter looked at him deeply, and the dark eyes were twinkling.

The picture of the two gazing at each other is like a blunt knife. When he squats in the middle of his heart, he slams his eyes and squints at the eyes of Qin Mu’s mouth. There is something completely disappearing from his eyes. The black vortex floated up in the bottom of his eyes, and the balance suddenly closed his eyes, so he stood still for half a minute. When he opened again, the fluctuations in the bottom of his eyes returned to silence.

He opened Zhang, and his voice was like a proverb: "Qin Mu, then do you love him?"

Qin Mu, love?

Xie Ge took a breath and almost waited for Qin Mu's answer. This is also the question he always wanted to ask and be ashamed to ask.

In the face of the eyes of Xie Ge and Yu Heng, Qin Mu lowered his eyes and paused for a moment. The corner of his mouth opened a shallow arc and nodded slightly: "Yes, I love him."

The three words fell into Xie Ge’s ears. For a moment, he thought that there was an auditory hallucination in his own ear. The problem that has been entangled has been so easily answered. He still can’t believe it. I stayed out and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Qin Mu slanted and glanced at Xie Ge. Seeing Xie Ge’s face after his first prize, he was delighted and looked awkward. He hooked his lips and it was really cheap. You have only so many lovers who have been in contact with him. Ge, is the love that he first said, even Gu Qin of the first world, he just said it likes.

He said a lot of love words, but I love you three words really did not say, Qin Mu hold back the inexplicable awkwardness of the heart, looking at his own Xie Ge looking up and laughing: "I didn't say it before."


"If I want to hear it, I will go back and tell you enough at once." After a pause, Qin Mu’s dark eyebrows floated a few times, and the mute added: "On the bed."

Perhaps it is completely dead, even if faced with the public tone of the two. Feelings, Yu Heng is just looking at his injured right hand with a blank expression. He maintains his bow-down posture, covering his long eyelashes and covering the dark fog of his eyes.

The occluded lips moved slightly, and he heard his empty voice echoing in the room.

"Qin Mu, is this your true heart? Are you really arrogant to deliberately say this?" He swallowed his mouth, his voice was very difficult: "You think about it, don't worry so eagerly... ”

"This is my true heart." On the face, there is a soft smile on the face of the talented person in love. Qin Mu re-directed his gaze to Yu Heng. From his perspective, he saw the muscles of the corner of the mouth Trembling, "Nothing else, I left with Xie Ge."

He determined that Yu Heng would not commit suicide, because there was no idea of ​​seeking death in the eyes of Yu Heng.

"……it is good."

Yu Heng nodded in a very difficult place. Just finished the word, he suddenly stood up. "I will send you."

"No need." Xie Ge put his hand on Qin Mu's shoulder, and looked at the right hand of Yan Heng with a look of sarcasm. The tone was as thin and ruthless as ever: "You are inconvenient now, stay at home and have a rest, don't go When I am really disabled, I will not be willing to go."

Ignoring the sarcasm in Xie Ge’s words, Yu Heng looked at Qin Mu with a complex look that had never been seen before. The attitude was extremely persistent: “I will send you downstairs.” Xie Ge heard the words, unhappyly tightened his eyebrows, To continue to ridicule a few words, Qin Mu gently patted his back, and turned his head and said good.

The three silently went underground.

"Just send it here."

Qin Mu sounded to stop Yu Heng from following.

At the foot of the meal, Yu Heng squirmed his lower lip, a pair of words and words, he stepped forward, and wanted to rely on Qin Mu, Xie Ge directly put Qin Mu behind him, looking gloomy Warning: "Hey, I advise you to be better away from Qin Mu, maybe I can consider letting you go."

Yan Heng licked his lips, and his eyes crossed the shoulders of Xie Ge and looked behind him. "Qin Mu, can you stay today? After today, everything is over, and I will not bother you and Xie Ge. new life."

"Impossible." Xie Ge coldly replied, and Qin Mu replied: "If you continue to entangle, I don't mind breaking your other hand." After that, he pulled the door and directly put Qin Musi Going in, then went to the front of Yu Heng, laughing and laughing: "Don't do unnecessary struggle, lose is to lose, and I will not give you a chance to make a comeback."

Yu Heng did not speak, just staring at the empty figure and following the figure sitting in the car.

He never thought that this man who accompanied him for 18 years, this man who witnessed his growth all the way, eventually changed his heart and fell in love with others.

Qin Mu, goodbye.

Looking at the car gradually made him look away from him, and he evaded the appearance of the decadent wilting, and the unclear bottom of the scorpion emerged a crazy and embarrassing color.


When the car was launched, Qin Mu took back the sight of falling on Yu Heng.

The voice of Xie Ge’s haze sounded in the ear: “I’m reluctant to go to him if I can’t bear it.”

Qin Mu reluctantly looked at his awkward lover and deliberately said: "This is what you said." He said, he turned his head and said to the driver: "Pharaoh, stop..."

"you dare!"

The expression on his face was distorted in an instant. Xie Ge looked fiercely at Qin Mu, and his teeth were itchy. He couldn’t wait to put the man on the spot.

"There is nothing to dare." Qin Mu continued to tease him, no way, he would like to see Xie Ge a pair of fried hair.

"Okay, you can bear it, and dare to talk back to me."

After licking his sleeves, Xie Ge wondered if he should have **** the man directly in the car. This man is owed to fucking!

When I thought about it, the phone ringing, Xie Ge touched the phone, and when I saw the phone number on the screen of the phone, I paused and called: "Hey?"

There was a slightly anxious voice on the phone: "Mr. Shao, it’s not good, Bai Jiazhuo escaped from the mental hospital."

"what happened?"

Xie Ge眸li flashed a sigh of relief.

Aside from seeing him, Qin Mu saw his expression unusual. He couldn’t help but frown at the eyebrows. What happened? He didn't bother to interrupt, just watching Xie Ge's brow wrinkle tighter and tighter. When Xie Ge said "I know" and hang up the phone, he hesitatedly said: "Who is the phone?"

Xie Ge looked back at him and smiled: "The company has a little something, and I have to go back to the company in a while."

"Is it important?" Qin Mu asked.

"It's just a little thing." Reaching out the hair of Qin Mu, Xie Ge took a look at Qin Mu's cheek and kissed him. "What do you want to eat at night, I will show you a hand."

Qin Mu smiled and pushed him away, and muttered with a voice that only two people could hear: "I want to eat you more."

"Well, always be with you." Xie Ge responded in the same tone.

His anger came quickly, and only a little while, he wanted to understand that Qin Mu had deliberately teased him. He secretly thought that by the end of the night, he must force Qin Mu to tell him again. Three words, no matter how rude, anyway, as long as it is said from Qin Mu’s mouth, he is not too tired.


Hearing the voice of Qin Mu, Xie Ge returned to God, "What?"

Qin Mu dug up his ear. "You haven't confessed to me yet."

Xie Ge immediately shifted his gaze to the window, and Hsiao Xia ran a little on his cheek. "You just didn't confess to me, I just have to accept it."

"Thinking of beauty." Qin Mu pulled his mouth and saw that Xie Ge’s face suddenly turned white. He glanced, "How are you..."


The harsh brakes broke through the calm sky.