Fairy Tale

Chapter 122: Lianshan

   Chapter 122 Lotus Mountain

  Under the sun, Mrs. Hibiscus looked at Lian Yi with a dumbfounded expression.

   I really don't blame her for this: "You, you... how could it be?!"

  Lian Yi looked at Madam Mujin innocently: "This...probably is a gift!"

   Even Yi was helpless. Mrs. Mujin looked down on her. If she didn't prove her strength, would Mrs. Mujin still help her?

  Although Mrs. Chen is the guarantee, but if I don't give some strength, even if Mrs. Mujin agrees, I don't know if the serious husband, Lord Zhu, will give her this precious quota!

  According to Mrs. Mujin's introduction, Lian Yi almost had some understanding of the cultivation system of the Qi Die Realm.

   This is a world where martial arts prevail. The people here are all martial arts.

   The martial arts here are not called monks, they are all called warriors. It's no wonder that even when Yi Yi asked about monks outside, the big guy didn't know the reason, but it was the word warrior, which Lian Yi had heard many times.

   In this country, there are various martial arts halls everywhere.

   Warriors are divided into innate and acquired realms.

   Children here, no matter male or female, can enter the martial arts hall at the age of six, but almost all of them stop at the congenital realm.

   Warriors in the Innate Realm are physically strong, look strong and strong, and are not easy to get sick.

This is also the reason why Mrs. Mujin doesn't like Lianyi. Everyone else is strong. She is just like a chick. Even Mrs. Mujin knows that most women in her home country are like this, but after all, she has been married for many years, and Lianyi wants to be Martial artist, she will naturally not use the previous set of standards to ask her.

   Only one in ten thousand people can break through the innate realm and become a warrior in the acquired realm, which is the qualification of the entry school.

   According to Mrs. Mujin, there are three ways to become a warrior in the Houtian realm.

  The first type is that of ordinary people, who can only fight for the one-in-a-million opportunity to strengthen the physical body, stimulate the potential in the body, and open up the cultivation meridians!

  The warriors who enter the Houtian realm, the meridians have been connected, and the eight extraordinary meridians are integrated and connected, and they can absorb the spiritual energy and temper the dantian.

   The second is the opportunity that Mrs. Hibiscus said was specially given to the royal family. It is said that there is an elixir to open up the meridians, which will be brought to the royal family of Hongxi by the immortal masters. After eating this medicine, you can enter the acquired realm from the innate realm.

   But there are drawbacks. First of all, this medicine can open up the meridians, but one, the process of opening is a bit painful, and the other is not completely effective. Even if some people reach the Houtian realm, they will still look like crippled people. Therefore, this is also the reason why the Cuiyu Liuli School wants to hold a martial arts competition.

   The third method is to let the warriors who have entered the Houtian realm help open up the meridians.

   In this regard, what Lianyi understands is that this is to use aura to help open up the meridians! She helped Mrs. Chen's daughter Yuanxia smooth her body and activate her blood vessels before, which was similar.

   Now, it seems that the front is a little different. They don’t pay attention to spiritual root qualifications, but don’t they also need to open up the meridians and temper the dantian? Does it feel like it doesn't conflict with her original cultivation method?

  Thinking like this, Lian Yi, who thought he understood, let go of the heart that he had been holding, and became more determined and confident to enter the sect.

In fact, the world of Wuxiu is completely different from what Lianyi knows, so she is no different from rebuilding. It's just because Mrs. Mujin is only a mortal, and what she understands is just furry, plus she doesn't know anything about Lianyi. caused this misunderstanding.

   However, this is another story.

   At this time, Lian Yi was very motivated.

   Originally, Mrs. Hibiscus asked her to move a boulder in the yard. In fact, Mrs. Hibiscus wanted to persuade her to quit. It is best to retreat. In her heart, she must not be able to move her small arms and legs with Lianyi.

   And a warrior of the innate realm, such a huge stone, in their red country, a ten-year-old warrior can move it without any trouble.

At that time, if she still insists on joining the sect, she will sacrifice her face and try her best to convince her husband and give her an elixir. If she still cannot enter the sect, she will have all her friendship with Sister Indigo. .

   Mrs. Mujin was actually a little distressed. Earlier, Sister Dingqing had asked her parents to send her a letter, saying how good her daughter was, she was supposed to be an immortal teacher.

   She actually believed what Sister Indigo said. Their country is not a sect's country, and naturally she doesn't understand this. Sister Dingqing didn't know what she had heard with her daughter, so she really came over to ask for a sect.

  How easy is this school to enter, Sister Indigo is really doting on children.

   After slandering Mrs. Chen, Mrs. Mujin was worried that her husband would not be able to live there. Her husband was usually kind to her, but he was too principled.

   Everyone knows that her husband and those immortal masters are very familiar, and it is not that no one has asked them to buy a place, but the place is really not as difficult as the outside world thinks.

   In fact, the royal family also turns a blind eye to this kind of thing.

  Hongxi Country, as a vassal of the Jade Jade Glass Sect, the number of this quota is not much, but it is not much. Originally, it was also a welfare gift from Jade Jade Glass to his own country.

   The bad thing is that there are only so many people in the royal family and nobles, and they may not be willing to suffer from the hardships of being a warrior who are used to living a good life.

  What's so good about going to the Jade Jade Glass Sect?

   Just like this, there is no guarantee that he will be able to live forever and become the powerhouse at the top of this world.

This kind of unequal pay and return is something that the pampered nobles and royal families can bear, so in fact, every ten years, the royal family gets these five places, and it is also a headache. I don’t know when it started, the emperor It is assigned to each family in a mandatory form.

  No nobles don’t want to do anything that the emperor has suppressed. Oh, your royal child Jingui doesn’t want to suffer and suffer, so our nobles are not noble?

   Then, everyone sold this quota in private, which could subsidize themselves without giving up their own people, the best of both worlds.

   Anyway, the immortal masters valued their strength, but they never asked who their identity was.

   This is all a secret thing, everyone holds their own identity, and they can’t sell the quota in person.

   And people like Mr. Zhu are the perfect middlemen, and it’s good to help them sell places.

   But Lord Zhu has his own principles. The warriors he doesn't like come with ten thousand gold, and he doesn't sell this amount, but what he likes, even if the money is not enough, he subsidizes some, and he also lets him in.

   This rather square temperament made Mrs. Hibiscus very bitter.

  Lian Yi is always clever, how could she not understand what Mrs. Mujin meant.

   This is for the sake of the daughter of her old friend, and she is not optimistic about her, so she can only embarrass her a little and let her retreat.

She didn't say anything. According to Mrs. Mujin's intention, she lifted the boulder with one hand with great ease, and then cut the boulder into several pieces with her bare hands, like chopping melons and vegetables, and each piece was about the same size. .

   Mrs. Mujin was stunned on the spot. If it wasn't for the maid's exclamation, she wouldn't have been able to react.

   Hearing Lian Yi say that he is talented! Mrs. Mujin felt instantly convinced by Lianyi.

   She grabbed Lianyi and felt like her eyes were shining. Did she pick up a treasure?

   "...Small mind, you're a genius!" That's alright, at this level, when she told her husband she had a bad face.

   Mrs. Mujin didn't wait for Lianyi to speak again. She first walked around excitedly, and then instructed the maid: "Go, call the master back, and tell him that I have something important to call him."

   turned around and held Lian Yi again: "Child, don't be afraid, it's better for my grown-ups to speak. In your situation, you don't even need to take pills, you're really a good kid."

   Her master has been looking outside these days to find those warriors who have broken through the innate realm by themselves. This is the task assigned by the Immortal Master. If he finds it, the Immortal Master will have additional rewards.

   This time I have one of my own.

   "My sister Dingqing is really lucky. With a daughter like you, since you don't need the medicine, I can't ask for these silver notes and gifts, you can take them back."

   After saying that, he brought the jade jade jewelry and the beauty like Huadan brought by Lianyi to Lianyi, and instructed the maid to get the silver ticket. Those are the silver that Sister Indigo gave her in advance for this quota.

   Now, it's not that Sister Dingqing is begging her, this child is so good, but she wants to be embarrassed because of Lianyi, so she is embarrassed to take the money.

  Lian Yi quickly waved his hand: "Madam is too out-of-the-way. You and my foster mother are close friends in the boudoir. These are the gifts that the foster mother gave you. If I bring it back, the foster mother will not be happy."

Mrs. Mujin was stunned for a while, thinking of something, her eyes were filled with soft light, she gently stroked the jade box of Cui Lingyu: "Yes, it's hard for Sister Indigo to remember that I like Cui Lingyu. She also carves it into a hibiscus thoughtfully. like flowers."

   Lian Yi's heart moved: "I heard that this green jade was given by the emperor, does Mrs. Mujin know the origin?"

  Hibiscus didn't take it seriously, just thought Lian Yi was curious: "This green jade comes from Lian Shan."

   "I heard that Lianshan is the land of flying immortals, and these green jades flow out from it."

   "I heard that there is spiritual energy in it, but the content is not much, so those of us who have not entered the acquired realm like it." These are what her master said.

   "However, it is very valuable with us, and the celestial masters will give them to us."

   His master helps the immortal master to do things, and the immortal master will give this.

   This piece, 80% was passed on when the royal families of the two countries communicated.

  Rao has seen a lot of Cui Lingyu now, but seeing this piece again, Mrs. Mujin remembered the past.

  Lian Yi wanted to ask again, but Mrs. Mujin didn't seem to know anything.

   She kept the fact that Lianshan is the place of flying in the sky in her heart, so she could only give it up for the time being.

   Mrs. Mujin accepted Cui Lingyu and Mrs. Chen's letters that praised her for their particularly powerful beauty, such as flower pills and physical fitness pills, and still insisted on returning the silver note to Lianyi.

  Lianyi had to accept it, and when she was ready to settle down, she asked the **** to help her bring the silver note back.


  Zhu Zhao came back very early, and his wife rarely disturbed him on official business. Since he sent a maid over, it is estimated that the child has several brushes.

   However, he felt that what the maid said was too exaggerated, why cut stones as tofu?

how is this possible?

   His wife had talked to him earlier, saying that a child from a close friend's family when he was a child wanted to join the Jade Jade Glass Sect and asked him if he could help.

   Now, the kid is a little talented when he wants to come. His wife is afraid that he will not be willing, and she is probably exaggerating, and wants to use this to get him to agree to this matter.

   That's all, Zhu Zhaoxin said, if it's really okay, he will ask a good innate warrior to take her for a while.

  Although he made up his mind, seeing Lian Yi, Zhu Zhao couldn't help frowning.

  It wasn't because he was harsh, like bean sprouts, how could he give him a chance?

   Lian Yi didn't know that the couple were slandering her about her unsatisfactory appearance, but looking at Zhu Zhao's expression, he knew that he was not satisfied with her.

   She glanced at Mrs. Mujin who winked at her, but said nothing, only bowed her hands respectfully: "Master Zhu."

   Zhu Zhao frowned even more, what kind of etiquette is this? Weird looking.

   "Um... what are you capable of?" Glancing at his wife, he resisted the desire to turn his head and leave.

   "Please also ask Master Zhu to take the exam!"

  Zhu Zhao pointed to the rockery beside the pool in the garden: "Just the top one, if you move it down, you will pass the border." That rock is already the smallest.

   He thought that the girl in front of him would refuse, but she didn't say a word, and jumped up with an agility he couldn't imagine. In the blink of an eye, the person was already on the rockery.

   Then without blinking, he pulled up half of the rockery.

  "..." Zhu Zhao was speechless in shock.

   It was Mrs. Mujin. After all, she was already shocked. This time, she did not lose her temper. She said to her husband indifferently, and her tone was very showy: "Let me tell you, this child is a genius."

  Zhu Zhao nodded and agreed: "I didn't expect it." Looking at her, the rockery completely covered her, and she held it like a play.

   It's been so long, I haven't seen her put it down.

   I really can't think of why that thin arm is not broken.

   shook his head, Zhu Zhao was also happy, how hard it is to find a warrior who can break through the innate realm by himself, he is having a headache and can't complete the task explained by the immortal master, this time is too good.

   At the moment, his face was happy, and his originally serious face became kinder.

   He hurriedly told Mrs. Mujin: "Madam, you have to take good care of this good niece."

He greeted Lian Yi warmly: "My niece, just stay here with peace of mind, there are still some days before the competition, I will find a good Xiantian martial artist in a few days and teach you some skills to use in the competition. Can."

  Lian Yi calmly put the rockery back to its original position, and then thanked him calmly.

  Although she has been a sect since she was a child, she has also seen some of these mortal red tapes when she lived in the village when she was a child.

   She naturally understands that only with the approval of the head of the family can she live peacefully.

   Unexpectedly, Zhu Zhao's actions made him nod his head straight in the eyes of her: I just think that this girl is very arrogant, and she will definitely not be a thing in the pool in the future. It was only a while ago that I forgot about it, and I even complained about how weird it was.

   At this moment, Lianyi settled down with peace of mind. After some time, Zhu Zhao found a warrior to come over and teach Lianyi how to practice martial arts.

  Xu Shi Lianyi had already practiced the nine-turn golden body art, and these things were nothing to her, so let's not talk about it easily. In the end, her martial artist master felt that there was no way to teach it. Fortunately, the day of entering the palace to compete is just around the corner.

   Lian Yi changed his looseness from the past and prepared for the competition.

   (end of this chapter)