Fairy: What Do You Call Borrowing Power? is This Unknown?

Chapter 764

Moreover, this just solved my urgent need.

On the other side, the three people with bruised noses and swollen faces were staring wide-eyed at the moment.

Looking at Gajeel in surprise.

powerful! too strong! This is their intuitive feeling.

A guy who can retreat from the face of a dozen wizards and knock them down within ten seconds.

···Ask for flowers····

Even in this city of Leno, he is a rare strong man.

Moreover, the other party seemed to come to help him.

So, the three of them supported each other and stood up.

Limping in front of Gajeel and the others, he nodded and bowed.

One side spoke excitedly.

What do you want to say to thank Gajeel for saving his life, and invite them to have a good meal.

How could Gajeel have the time to deal with this group of people.

Just as she was about to wave her hand, she was immediately stopped by Leibi.

Lebby keenly sensed that this was a way, and it was also the first clue for herself and others to understand the empire.

So, no excuses.

Then he came to a restaurant with the three injured people and started eating.

in the middle of a conversation.

Leibi and the others found out that these guys were members of the dark guild [Dark Specter] established in Leno City.

Although the [Dark Specter] at that time was not as huge as it is now.


However, the Dark Guild is also in charge of an entire block, and its influence in Leno City is not small.

However, it is a pity that because the president was assassinated recently, the entire guild has no leader.

The rest of the guilds also saw this opportunity and wanted to share a share of the [Dark Specter] cake.

Therefore, it was divided up by many dark guilds.

That's how they got down.

After hearing all this, Rebby's eyes kept flickering.

As if thinking of something, he poked Gajeel beside him.

He whispered his plan to Gajeel and Liliting.

It turned out that she wanted to use the background of the dark ghost to blend into it.

Now is an extremely good time.

The president was assassinated, and the members of the guild were hunted down. This is the time when someone needs to stand up and lead them to resist.

And Gajeel, who just rescued those three people, has this potential.

The first thing to start is to gain the complete trust of these three people.

And so the planning began.

Under the blessing of the halo of saving their lives, Jiajilu and others quickly gained the trust of the three of them.

And, because of its powerful strength.

It also gave the three of them a glimmer of hope for revenge.

So, without even needing Gajiro and others to speak, the three of them asked Gajiru for help in revenge.

So, the next thing is much simpler.

Under the accusation of the three, Gajiro and Lili kept sweeping away the hostile forces.

Also relying on the names of the three of them in the guild, they continued to receive those members who were hunted down.

Coupled with the strategic support provided by Leibby from time to time.

Ever since, a giant in Lai Luo City that could rival the other two dark guilds was slowly born.

Among them, Gajeel and the others contributed the most.

With the blessing of huge credit, even though Gajeel is just a stranger who has only been here for about a month.

He was also directly elected by everyone as the new president of the [Dark Specter] guild.

Chapter 675 I'm Already Burning

"So, in the past two months, you became the president of [Dark Specter] by fighting?"

Listening to Gajilu's narration, the corners of Luo Xingchen's mouth twitched inexplicably.

"Haha~ In fact, it's not all about fighting." Gajeel scratched his head and laughed awkwardly, and said.

Then he looked at Rabby: "Rabby helped me a lot in this."

"If it weren't for her, I probably wouldn't be able to do this."

"It's really nothing, I'm just helping to analyze and analyze." Rebby also responded a little embarrassed.

"Okay, you two, stop being humble."

In the end, it was Lili who interrupted their refusal.

"Then, have you gained anything in these few months?" Luo Xingchen couldn't help asking.

"If there is a harvest, there is still some." Hearing this, Lebby's expression also became serious.

He stood up and walked to the front of the desk with strides.

A document was brought over.

It was placed in front of Luo Xingchen: "Xingchen, you can take a look at this. This is something we have obtained through the information network of [Dark Specter] these days."

"Information about the Twelve Shields of the Protectors?"

After receiving the file, Luo Xingchen flipped through it.

"The Twelve Shields of the Guardians, the desert king Argil "Three One Zero" Ram, good at using sand magic, fierce personality, arrogant and arrogant, and has an extremely belligerent mood."

"It is one of the main factions who launched a war against Ishgar."

"He is still the minister of the Alvarez Empire, the grandson of Yakir."

Luo Xingchen's eyes fell on the first name.

Slightly squinting his eyes, he continued to turn the pages without stopping.

"The Twelve Shields of the Guardians, General Winter Inber Yura, is the magician and user of ice magic, and is the staff officer and executive officer of the Alvarez Empire."

"The Twelve Shields of the Protectors, Blantysh, the Kingdom of Ruin, magic is the magic that can change the size and shape of things at will."

"I seem to have a reflection of this. The guy we met just now claimed to be the captain of the Brandish team." Milaj seemed to think of something, and said aloud.

"That's right, and the powerful magic power we felt afterwards should be her." Luo Xingchen nodded in agreement.

That voice made Gajeel's eyes widen: "Have you encountered this guy before?"

"That's not true. I wanted to fight, but isn't this your letter? That's why I retreated with Xingchen just now." Miraj said.

"However, no matter what, you really made a big news." Lili sighed softly.

"Yes, tomorrow morning, your arrest warrants will be all over the streets and alleys." Rebby nodded in agreement.

Regarding this, Luo Xingchen shrugged his shoulders: "Let's talk about that later."

Then, he looked at the file again.

"The Twelve Shields of the Guardians, Concubine of War, Timaria, magic seems to be related to time, but the specifics are unknown. The Valkyrie, who is called the battlefield, once had a terrifying feat of deciding a war by one person."

"The Twelve Shields of the Guardians, Judgment Val, magic is related to spying, and he knows alchemy. Is his body constructed by machinery?"

"It's the machine race. Although it sounds fantastic, but according to the rumors, it is indeed the case." Leibi added.

"Can machines have life?" Milaj expressed his doubts.

"The Twelve Shields of the Protector, Lakaide, the magic is unknown, and the specifics are also unknown." Luo Xingchen was still flipping through the file.

"The Twelve Shields of the Guardians, the King of Magic, Orgast, is known as one of the arms of the empire, and the specific magic is unknown."

"The Twelve Shields of the Guardians, Scarlet Despair Irene Berserion, is known as one of the arms of the empire, the specific magic is unknown."

"And...the Twelve Shields of the Guardians, the God of Heaven, Selene..."

"The leader of the four heavenly kings of Ishgar, the user of dragon slaying magic, is Luo Xing...similar to me?" Luo Xingchen raised his head and looked at Leibi.

Rebecca nodded slightly.

"According to our investigation and the description of the person who witnessed Selene's shot last time, this guy can use at least four kinds of dragon slaying magic."

"Is that so..." Luo Xingchen nodded lightly.

Then he continued to turn the page, but found that the back was blank.

"No more?" he asked.

"No more." Lili responded.

"Even the Guardians of the Twelve Shields don't often walk in the Alvarez Empire, so the information we have collected is only nine people, and the remaining three people have not been seen yet."

Having said that, he paused, and continued: "It may also be because the time is too short."

"If you have more time, you may be able to collect information about the other three."

"It seems that there is a long way to go." Luo Xingchen closed the document.

Said: "Even the known information is not too complete."

"But one thing is certain." Rebby said.

Looking directly at Luo Xingchen: "The one who protects the Twelve Shields must not be underestimated."

"Each of them...has the power to defeat a small country alone!"

"Moreover, there are two of them who we must pay attention to."

"Who is it?" Milaj asked.

"Olgast, and Irene!" Rebby said these two names with a solemn expression.

"I saw before that there was a description like the double walls of the Alvarez Empire behind their names on the document... What exactly does it represent?" Luo Xingchen looked at Lebby.

"Represents the strongest!" Leibby took a deep breath.

"The twelve people in the Twelve Shields of the Guardians are also strong and weak. If they are divided into upper, middle and lower, then only these two people stand at the top."

"That is to say... are they above the other twelve shields?" Milaj frowned and murmured.

But in the end, there is still too little information, and the information about these two people is only to know their strength.

There is no information about the specific magic.

"Actually, if you hand the key directly, you should be able to get more things." Luo Xingchen picked up the teacup at the side and spoke slowly.

"Fight? Are you crazy? At least for now, it's absolutely impossible." Leby sighed helplessly.

Looking at Luo Xingchen: "I know, Xingchen, you are very strong."

"Even being able to fight against Akunologia is a monster among monsters, but... after all, this is facing the entire empire."

"We don't have any reinforcements."

After a pause, she seemed to think of something, with vigilance in her eyes:

"Also, I've heard some gossip before. Although I don't know if it's accurate, I can't ignore it."

Those words attracted the attention of Luo Xingchen and Miraj.