Fairy Winner

Chapter 3289: 1 step late

     After listening to the whole story, he suddenly seemed to relax a little, and said, "I don’t know how to thank you anymore, brother Baima."

   "You and me, don't be too polite."

   Zhou Shu waved his hand and said with a smile, "Besides any thanks, I didn't do anything."

Suddenly frowned, "I didn't do anything? If you didn't destroy the Seven Star Realm and Yin Tianhai, and let Emei study the power of the moon and stars, we Zhurong Clan would have no retreat. I will tell the Wizard of God when I go back..." He stopped. , Suddenly became excited, and his voice suddenly became louder, "No! White horse brother, you go to Zhurongjie with me, the witch **** will never treat you badly!"

   Zhou Shu smiled and shook his head, "Now is not the time."

   suddenly seemed to stare at him, "Last time you told me you might go."

   "It's not the time yet."

   Zhou Shu paused, not wanting to explain, "Speaking of which, haven't you contacted the wizard **** yet?"

   Suddenly he sighed and said with some worry, "No, I can only go back and worship the statue, alas."

   "It's impossible for the witch **** to have an accident, don't think too much," Zhou Shu looked slightly condensed, "Speaking of which, the matter between you and the Xuanming clan has not ended yet, Cang Jue is very ambitious, and will not let Zhurongjie go."

   "I don't want to let them go!"

   suddenly clenched a fist, "When I go back and tell the witch god, I will go to the Profound Underworld, how can Cang Jue target us like this, how can I let it go?!"

   Zhou Shu said lightly, "If the witch **** doesn't let you go."

   Suddenly said astonished, "Impossible! The witch **** is as fierce as fire, and it is impossible not to fight back after being deceived, brother white horse, why do you say that?"

   "I just talk about it, don't care."

   Zhou Shu waved his hand and said with a smile, "Brother Xiang, do you want to join forces with Emei?"

   Suddenly, he was stunned, with a look of confusion, "Joining hands with Emei? They were also with the Xuanming clan just now, planning to destroy our Zhurong clan, brother Baima, why do you say that? I don't understand."

   Zhou Shu smiled, "I'll talk about it casually, but you can think about it, in fact, there is no harm in doing so."

   Suddenly thought for a while, and suddenly realized, "Joining hands with Emei, against Xuanming clan?"


   Zhou Shu nodded, "Cang Jue can do it, you can do it, the moon and stars are very powerful, but the sun and the moon may be stronger."

Suddenly it seemed to think for a while, just shook his head, "I can't be the lord, I have to go back and ask the witch god, but I think... she won't agree, except for you, I have never seen her communicate with any practitioners. What's more, it was Emei who destroyed the Huoman tribe in the past."

   "Well, naturally it is up to the wizard **** to decide."

   Zhou Shu raised his hand, "Brother Elephant, I still have things to do on my side, let's take my leave."

   suddenly said anxiously, "I'm leaving now? Wait... I haven't thanked you yet."

   Zhou Shu smiled and said, "You are welcome, I just did what I think I should do. Besides, Zhu Rong Wushen will contact me."

   "How can that work? You helped so much!"

   suddenly couldn't help shaking his head, and suddenly thought of something, "Or, I will also send you a Zhurong chariot?"

   Zhou Shuli stayed, his interest greatly increased, "Can you send that car too?"

"That one can't work, but I can imitate it, Cang Jue can do it, why can't I? I will explain to the shaman god, as for the horned mammoth, I happen to have a well-bred one here," Suddenly Xiangxian made up his mind and couldn't be stunned The Ming clan passed, he looked at Zhou Shu and said, "Do you want it?"

   "Yes, of course."

   Zhou Shu nodded, "If you can really do it, send it to Xianshu City."

   suddenly raised his fist and punched Zhou Shu, "Okay."

To get the Zhurong chariot, even if it is a counterfeit, it is also a very important token, which can greatly enhance the status of Xianshu City. Now that Xianshu City has a reputation, the most important thing is its status. As for how the reputation of Xianshu City comes Yes, that was what happened when Zhou Shu was in the Demon Realm and the Witch Realm, which may be detailed later.

   The blue light flashed.

   arrived at the Imperial Palace.

   Under the Thirteen Float Tower, the old man sits upright.



   Zhou Shu smiled, sitting opposite him, Zhao Yueru and Lin Zhu standing behind him.

   The old book said lightly, "Now they admit that you are the emperor, right?"

   Zhou Shu shook his head, "The younger generation dare not be."

"If you did it, you did it. There is nothing to be afraid of," the old man said solemnly. "In fact, now I can't think of it. You can really lift the crisis between the Kuaiwei world and the Jiang family. I must admit that you are mine for so many years. The practitioner who is most likely to succeed the emperor."

   Zhou Shu pondered for a few breaths, "Senior Shu, I want to know about the Emperor Xuanyuan."

   The old book shook his head, "It's too long, and what I told you may not be true. You have to find the real answer by yourself."

   Zhao Yueru was a little dissatisfied, "Senior, why are you doing this? Back to school?"

   The old book smiled slightly, "I don't remember that I said to tell you, I just want to see if he is qualified to be the emperor, and besides, what I want, you haven't done it yet."

   Zhao Yueru was taken aback, "What do seniors want?"

   The old man shook his head and said nothing.

   Zhou Shu motioned to Zhao Yueru not to speak any more, and paused, "Senior Shennongding, the younger generation thinks he should be willing to meet this girl."

   Old Shu said calmly, "He is down there, and it will take a while to come out."

   "What are you doing below?"

   Zhao Yueru looked down unconsciously, but couldn't see anything.

   Zhou Shu also looked at it, but at a glance he knew that there would be no results. The space they were in was separated from the underground, and they were not in the same space at all.

   The old man did not hide, "He is merging with the newborn Jianmu."


   Lin Zhu couldn't help but said, "Mixed Wood City Lord? Are you going to devour him?"

   Zhao Yueru's eyes flickered, "What did you do to Mu City Lord?"

"Don't worry~lightnovelpub.net~ Zhou Shu motioned to them to calm down, thoughtfully," Senior refers to let Wooden City Lord enter the virtual world of Shennongding and become the guardian of Shennongding~www.mtlnovel. Com~ The old look also knows that they can't be against Mu Chengzhu. After thinking about it carefully, the answer will naturally come out.

   For the wood city lord who cannot move freely, it is an excellent choice to become the lord of one realm, and the virtual realm of Shennongding cauldron is no worse than the refining demon realm. After becoming the real realm in the future, the future will be bright, chasing the mysterious yellow realm.

  Shu Lao smiled and nodded, "There is a demon refining pot in the end. I have a clear understanding. You are right. That's it."

   Zhou Shu's heart relaxed slightly, "Mu Chengzhu agreed, right?"

   "Do you think he would disagree with such a good thing?"

Having said that, the old man sighed unconsciously, "He didn't intend to do this originally, because Jianmu will never subdue to anyone, even if he exists as the guardian of the artifact, he will not accept it, but It is a pity that after he absorbed Jianmu Bud and grew up with it, he found that he was not a real Jianmu. Then, dominating the virtual world and growing up with Shennongding is his best choice."

   Zhou Shu doubted, "Isn't it the real Jianmu?"

   The old scholar said regretfully, "In the world, there will only be a building tree. He is one step late."


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