Fairy’s Box

Chapter 113: new track

Leina lowered her head very low, a pair of slender hands grasped the textbook tightly, the knuckles of her fingers were blue and white, and the long bangs covered her pretty face, so she couldn't see any expression.

"Boy, what nonsense are you talking about, come out with me!"

Yale knew that anything Putin said next could cause deeper damage to Reina. So he grabbed the purple-haired boy's arm and forcibly dragged him out of the classroom while crying and begging for mercy.

After a moment of silence, the classroom exploded again:

"Putin is dead this time. I don't know if his left or right arm will be removed."

"I don't know, don't talk nonsense. According to that guy's past practice, Putin is at least paralyzed in the lower body."

"The rumor I heard is that the stone sinks to the bottom of the sea..."

Jacqueline nervously looked at Lena first, then Elena, her gaze stopped alternately on them, but she didn't know what to say.

Dragging Putin all the way downstairs to the shade of a tree, Yale pressed him against a cypress tree - this was not violent, because the opponent's legs were too weak to stand up.

"Now tell me, who told you those absurd things?"

"No, I can't say it." The purple-haired boy replied sobbing, he still remembered his promise that he would never betray his friends.

"Okay, I don't care who said it." Yale squeezed his bulging temple, stretched out his other hand, and touched the other's forehead:

"Listen, I'm not in the mood to find out who is spreading the rumors, and I'm not in the mood to sink you into the bottom of the sea. You'd better forget about those messy rumors. However, you must be responsible for what you did today, and apologize to Lena. ,immediately!"

The knight removed his fingers and slammed a punch, smashing the cypress branches and leaves, and shouted at Putin, who was pale with fright:

"If I don't get her understanding, I will beat you repeatedly. Seriously, I will tear your mouth apart. Now, immediately, get out of here! Get out!"

Yalei's threat was extremely angry, but the purple-haired boy ran away as if he had been granted amnesty.

boom! The knight slammed into the tree with another punch, as if he had exhausted all his strength, he sat down under the shade of the tree.

A gust of soft wind blew, carrying a faint floral fragrance. The early morning breeze ruffled the hair of the young man. He closed his eyes tiredly and did not take care of it with his hands. He greedily breathed in the smell of the woods.

Yale didn't expect such a turning point, Putin didn't like Reina, he should be happy. But recalling the girl's lost face at that time, she couldn't help being discouraged.

That guy's words made you so sad, then, how much weight do I have in your heart?

This question kept echoing in the knight's mind until the bell rang. When he got up and returned to the classroom, the second-to-last row was empty. This is also predictable, Yale comforts himself.

Noticing that the purple kelp was not there either, he calmed down a little. After that guy explained everything clearly, and then he went to comfort himself, it should be fine.

The knight waited until lunch time, when he was eager to see, and finally waited for the purple-haired bean sprouts to return. As soon as the other party arrived in the classroom, he ran in front of him and said breathlessly, "Rena, Rena, she forgives me."

"You kept your mouth." Yale forgave him coldly, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Now that the matter has been resolved, let them be quiet for a while, time will dilute everything, and go to see them at night.

After lunch, they exercised at the deep water training ground until it was dark as usual. The knight dressed in the dark night and walked downstairs to the residence of Reina and the others.

He walked along the spiral staircase to the second floor and knocked on the door of the room.

"Come, come!" Jacqueline, who was wearing pajamas and white rabbit slippers, opened the door.

After seeing Yalei, she blushed all of a sudden, covered her chest with her arms that did not match her figure, and quickly got out of the way: "Please, please come in."

"Thank you." It was the first time the knight entered the girl's room, and he was a little nervous.

The red-haired girl sat at the desk with a plate of snacks in front of her, and gave Yale a light glance: "What are you doing here?"

He pretended not to notice the coldness in the other party's tone, and said with a smile, "For the matter of the morning... Now, do you feel better?"

"What happened in the morning?"

"If there is no accident, Putin should have explained it clearly." The knight was a little confused. Could it be that the bean sprouts dared to deceive himself?

"He did come to apologize, and I forgive him." Reina stuck out her red tongue like a cat and licked the candy particles on her fingers.

"That's good." Yale's heart, which had been hanging all this time, finally settled down.

"Because I know that he is just a weak person. If he is coerced by the wicked, no matter how ugly it is, he has to do it."

"Rena, what do you mean?" The knight's face was a little ugly, he noticed that the red-haired girl looked at him as if looking at a stranger coldly.

"Do you really think of me as an idiot?" Lena pushed aside the seat and stood up facing Yale:

"It's a good strategy to coerce Putin into this scene, destroying him while preserving his own image. Why am I worthy of your careful planning, Lord Knight?"

"You misunderstood, I didn't..."

"Do you still want to lie to me? Putin is a gentle person. Without your threat, how could he say such a thing!" The red-haired girl clenched her pink fists, her shoulders trembled slightly, and her eyes almost spit fire.

"Calm down, if you don't believe me, I can confront him tomorrow, or now!"

"You are not allowed to coerce him any more! You bastard!" Lena rushed to Yale's face fiercely, and kept pushing him out the door with force: "Die, die, die!"

In order to prevent her from being shocked by the steel vindictive energy, the knight had to retreat again and again.

"Go to hell!" The red-haired girl screamed as if venting, and pulled Yale out of the door.

Yale couldn't help holding her wrist, and asked angrily, "How can you believe me? Why are you so angry? Why am I inferior to that bean sprout!?"

"Why do you believe in a **** like you! Let go, you hurt me." Reina frowned and struggled.

"I didn't mean to." He quickly released his hands.

"Aren't you tired enough? How long are you going to hide? Take off your disguise, disgusting guy!" The red-haired girl gently rubbed her red wrist with undisguised hatred in her eyes.

This sight is like the sharpest sword, together with his heart, and the picture scroll under the sun that day, twisted and shattered together.

It turns out that I am like this in your heart.

Nothing in me compares to your trust in him.

Compared to him, my heart is worthless in your eyes.

"I see." Yale finally took a deep look at Lena, focused as if looking at a piece of art, trying to engrave her appearance in his mind.

After the longest three seconds in his life so far, the knight twisted his heel and walked down the spiral staircase.

It was not until the boy's back disappeared under the night sky that Reina closed the door of the room. She didn't know why, but her heart was empty, as if she had done something wrong.

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