Fanatic Martial God

Chapter 108: Consultation countermeasure

"Xiao dust little brother, let's go to Fangjia?" Arrived in the Oriental City, Han Yun quickly looked at Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen shook his head and smiled: "Of course not. I have already enemies with Fang Yunchong. If I go ahead, I will not wait for us to talk. It is estimated that the master of the house and the master of the house will kill me! I am not going to die? I am not that stupid."

"Xiao Chen is not simple, smart and extraordinary." Han Yun praised a sentence, then asked: "That way, according to your opinion, how do we do?"

"To find the owner of the East, the East City is under his control. If he knows the things of the family and the Lord, can he not care?" Xiao Chen smiled lightly.

"Are you not pulling the eastern city owner into the water?" Han Yun suddenly stunned.

Xiao Chen shook his head and smiled: "Of course not. If he is a city owner, he does not know that the family has a flower thief. Others know it first. Then, is this city owner not the laughing stock of everyone in the eastern city? I am He is good, let me say, I have had a relationship with the Oriental City Qianjin, but I am already a friend, and I don’t want to make his father embarrassed."

"Xiao Chen this kid can actually think of this, admire, admire." Han Yun heart secretly, next to Xiao Chen, suddenly felt that there is a sense of self-confidence.

"Cold cloud lord, this is the first time I have been to the Oriental City. You should be familiar with the Oriental City, or you will lead the way. Otherwise, I will find me by the guards of Fangjia. There will be unnecessary troubles, and there will be a cold cloud lord. Seeking the words of the city owner, I believe it will be more convenient." Xiao Chen said to Han Yun.

Wen Yan, Han Yun smiled and said: "Oh, Xiao Chen's little brothers are cautious in doing things. It is really admiring the old man. If this is the case, then the old man will lead the way."

In order to avoid the guards of Fangjia, Han Yun took Xiao Chen from the west side of the Oriental City. Because Fang Jia is on the east side of the Oriental City, he can avoid the Fangjia guard in the west.

"Xiao Chen, the strength of the Oriental City is even worse than the sky! I have sensed the atmosphere of several Jindan period masters, as well as the Yuan Ying period!" The ancient white tiger voiced.

After about ten minutes, Han Yun and Xiao Chen came to the main city gate. The two guards recognized the cold cloud at a glance. One of them quickly respected and said: "It turned out to be the lord of the singer, do you know what the cold lord has? ”

Han Yun smiled faintly: "Oh, the old man has important things to discuss with the city owner this time, and both of them have trouble to report."

Another guard respectfully said: "Please wait for the cold lord, I will inform you."

"It seems that the lord of the Hanyun is not small in the East City, but it is also the master of the cold cloud, but the master of the Yuan Ying period, the round repair is, in the eastern city is the surrounding towns, it is also one of the best." Xiao Chen’s heart is dark.

After a while, the guard came back, and he respectfully said: "The lord of the cold, the city owner has please, please come with me."

"Thank you." Han Yun smiled politely, then followed Xiao Chen to follow the guard to the main city hall.

"The main city guards the strict, the guardian's repair is not weak! The strength of the owner of the Oriental City is really powerful! The strength of the Fangfang family is also not much worse." Xiao Chen heart secretly, enter the main city, eyes are also curious to watch.

Xiao Chen’s weird dress also made the guards of the main city curious, because Xiao Chen’s dress was different from them, and the high-necked black robe covered half of his face, giving people a sense of mystery. There is still a sword behind it. It is because of this dress that the guards of the main city are curious.

Han Yun and Xiao Chen entered the hall, and the Oriental City Lord Oriental Ba Tian was happy to hold the fist and laughed: "Oh, the cold lord is coming to visit, there is a long-term welcome to see and forgive me, the cold lord please sit."

"Oh, the East City Lord is polite." Han Yun smiled lightly, habitually touched the white beard, and then sat down with politeness, Xiao Chen naturally would not be polite.

"Cold lord, we haven't seen each other for three years. When you bought medicine in the first place, you came to the Oriental City. Now you are sending disciples to buy. The old man is busy on weekdays. I really can't find time to go to Xingzong. You are good. I don't take the initiative to come to the old man to drink tea and chat. The old man is in the Xingzong." When the Eastern City Lord meets, he is screaming and blaming the cold clouds.

"Buy herbs? Is it hard to be a cold cloud master is also an alchemy teacher? And the cold cloud lord seems to have a good relationship with the eastern city owner." Xiao Chen secretly stunned, but did not show on his face.

Han Yun suddenly smiled and said: "The city owner does not know, the Xingzong disciple is really lazy, if the old man does not stare at them to practice, one will only be a disaster, this is not, recently, a hundred months ago, Baihua Town also had a flower thief In a month, more than a dozen girls were spoiled. This flower thief has not caught it yet."

"What? Picking a thief? Is this really the case?" The Eastern Bajord could not help but be surprised, and asked quickly.

Han Yun shook his head and said with a helpless voice: "Yes, and the flower thief also blamed the old man's star sect. The old man was forced to come to the city to discuss it."

Wen Yan, the Eastern Ba Tian was even more surprised, and his frown asked: "The cold lord, a flower thief will make you burnt, is this person's cultivation still not above you? Still need the cold lord to come to the old man personally? ”

"Speaking of it, my Xingzong disciple pursued for a month, and there was no clue. But the little brother kept it for a few nights and found and stabbed the flower thief. Unfortunately, the flower thief ran away." Road.

"This little brother is?" Oriental Ba Tian asked to Xiao Xiao doubts.

"Oriental city owner, younger generation Xiao Chen." Xiao Chen faintly clenched his fist and laughed.

The Oriental bully nodded, glanced at the cold clouds, and looked at Xiao Chen again. His face was dignified: "Since you come to find me, you must have some eyebrows. Let's just say it."

“The owner of the East is really amazing!” Xiao Chen smiled and took a sip of tea, then calmly said: “Things are like this.”

Then Xiao Chen said that the story of the matter, the Eastern Ba Tiancai learned that it suddenly angered: "There is no reason! It is impossible to be boundless! Fang Yunchong this stinky boy, so big things can not be done! It is not as good as a beast!"

"The Eastern City Lord should not be angry. This matter has not yet been determined to be Fang Yunchong. Unless he knows that there is a sword wound on his shoulder and he is injured by me, he can conclude that he is a flower thief." Xiao Chen slowly opened the way. Serious looking.

The Eastern tyrant yelled: "What else does it need to prove? Fang Yunchong's stinky boy is greedy and beautiful, and he has come to raise his relatives many times. The old man is very clear. Some time ago, he used the Acacia to start the old husband's daughter. When the good-hearted people are saved, they are ruined by Fang Yunchong’s stinky boy! Now the family has not yet explained to the old man! Hey! If you are not jealous of other families under the family, the old man will kill his family!”

"Xiao Chen, the enthusiasm of the eastern city owner is really powerful, I can't think of his other family's hate." The ancient white tiger voiced.

Xiao Chen whispered: "Is this not better? There are Oriental city owners standing on our side. The odds are bigger. We don't have to worry about Fangjia. If the flower thief is really Fang Yunchong, I can have no worries. kill him."

"Wait, little brother, you said Fang Yunchong was hit hard by you? This.." The Eastern Ba Tian quickly reacted, and it was unbelievable to look at Xiao Chen.

"Oriental city owner, you don't want to underestimate the brothers under Xiao Chen. Now he is the middle of Jindan. In the younger generation, I don't say that I am a singer, even if it is the Oriental City, no one is his opponent!" Han Yun quickly laughed, and his evaluation of Xiao Chen was much higher than that of Xing Yizong.

Wen Yan, the Eastern Ba Tian looked shocked and looked at Xiao Chen, said: "Xiao dust little brother, not simple, the old man sees you are also in his teens, younger than the young girl, actually has advanced to the middle of Jindan! It’s just a genius!"

"Oh, compared with the Oriental City Lord, it is still too far away." Xiao Chen modestly laughed, and did not have the slightest pride because of the praise of the Eastern Ba Tian, ​​still a calm face.

"Oriental city owner, the old man admired Xiao Xiao's little brother, not only cultivated high, but even the mind is not under us." Han Yun laughed.

"Oh? Is there any way for Xiao Chen's brother to deal with Fang Jia?"

Xiao Chen said with a serious look: "According to what the younger generation knows, there are several families under the Fang family who are headed for the future. When they came to the East City, the younger generation learned from the main body of the Hanzong that other families have general strengths, if the eastern city owners use deterrence means. Shocking them, other families naturally dare not rush to shoot, so that we can deal with Fangjia alone, saying that it is better to say that Fang Yunchong is not a flower thief, if not, we should be aggravated, if it is, Fang Yunchong must die, After all, the thirteen girls in Baihua Town were ruined. Even if we don't pursue it, Baihua Town will pursue it. When the time is big, the reputation of the Oriental City will definitely fall, and it will have a big impact on the eastern city owners."

Wen Yan, the Eastern Ba Tian nodded in agreement: "Well, Xiao Chen's little brother said that it makes sense. If you find out that the flower thief is really Fang Yunchong, then the old man will first warn the other three big families, let them stand still, so we can deal with Fang Jia, there is a cold master to help, I think other families do not dare to take the shot."

"The younger generation is exactly what this means, so.." Xiao Chen nodded and wanted to say something, and was interrupted by a crisp and sweet voice.

"Xiao Chen? You. How did you get to the Oriental City? And there is the uncle of Han Yun, how come you come together?" At this time, the beautiful hall came to a beautiful beauty, but it was the Oriental City, and its face was full of surprises.

"Snow, do you know Xiao Chen?" asked the Eastern Doom.

Oriental Snow nodded and said: "Well, father, Xiao Chen saved me, or my daughter will not come back safely! We are good friends now."

"What? Is Xiao Chen saved you?" The Eastern Ba Tian suddenly was shocked and his eyes swept to Xiao Chen. He quickly thanked and laughed: "Oh, Xiao Chen, the brother, you saved the little girl. Why didn't you just say?" The old man still can't repay before, but I don't think it is you! Thank you so much! The old man is such a baby daughter, thanks to your rescue."