Fanatic Martial God

Chapter 1153: Gorefiend wins

The Gorefiend field was broken, but the Gorefiend was injured, but the injury was not heavy and could not affect her combat effectiveness.

If Yuhan is not a goddess, he can't break the bloodsucking field with his power. After all, it is a god-decision. The power that erupts is much stronger than the fairy.

"Yuhan this bastard's strength is not simple! Just the gods decided, the power stopped."

The ghost slaughter did not worry: "The **** is so powerful that it can't fight the blood witch, how powerful the blood scorpion is, we know better than anyone else."

"The battle is just beginning." Mu Yunshan laughed, everyone is not worried that the blood witch will be defeated in the rain.


The next moment, Yuhan suddenly stepped on the ground, slamming his bang, his body rushing toward the blood witch, and he was more powerful than before.

When the blood witches spurred Xianyuan, they rushed up and rushed to the opponents of the same level. The blood witch was never afraid.



The two immediately launched a fierce hand-to-hand combat. The two men tried their best to launch a fierce battle with amazing speed and terrible power. The squadron was filled with terrible power. The explosion rang through the space, and the speed was fast. It was impossible to see the weak people. .

"The blood witch and the rain han have the same strength. If you want to win the game, you will see the final battle of the gods!" Leng Xuan said, his eyes have been watching the battle between the two.

Zhuge Zhengfeng smiled faintly: "If the blood witches display the blood scorpion, it is completely different, but the situation is quite strong. With the **** witch's temper, she will not display the blood scorpion."

The melee battle became more and more fierce, and the battle between the blood witch and the rain culvert from the ground of the ring to the sky, the terrible power spread out, the space within a few hundred feet of the square collapsed one after another, and the sound of the sound was heard.

"The blood witch's strength is so strong, I think the soul of the other younger generation, the strength is not weak." Yu Han heart secretly, in the case of full force shot, he still can not prevail, can not help but secretly admire the power of the blood witch strength.

"The melee combat is comparable, and it is hard to take the wind when it is played again. It is a waste of time." Yu Han’s heart secretly, thinking of it, it suddenly retreated and gave up the hand-to-hand combat.

Rain culverts retire to the distance, sneer: "The blood witch, our strength is quite, the close combat is difficult to win, not as good as this, there is a strong law, you make it out."

The Gorefiendress heard the words and said coldly: "You seem to be very confident about your own law, because it is God's decision?"


The blood witch is naturally not polite, the eyes are fierce, the celestial element is urging again, the blood red light flashes, the terrible power is pushed out, the blood witches fly fast, and the fierce calendar screams: "God! Skyfire!"

With the dedication of God, the blood witch's momentum is soaring, the power of extreme horror is quickly condensed above the sky, and a huge energy mark condensed by the power of fire attributes appears at high altitude.

"Using the nature of fire to display the gods, this power is indeed powerful. It seems that you are majoring in the power of fire." Yu Han sneered, the blood witch turned to God, he was not surprised, it seems that he was not the blood witch. The stock force is scared.

"call out!"


The blood witches waved their hands, and the huge fire attribute energy burst out. The harsh sound of the sound stunned the audience's eardrums, and they instinctively covered their ears. Wherever the energy was printed, the space violently vibrated and collapsed. It was dark.

Looking at the terrible energy of the explosion, the rain and squad suddenly changed, and the whole force urged Xianyuan, and the hands quickly flashed, and finally shouted: "God! Turn the sea!"

Rain culvert is also the use of energy printing, but his water attribute energy, it seems that the use of water under the subordinate relationship to restrain the power of the blood witch.

"call out!"


The huge water property energy is printed out of the air, the momentum is amazing, the speed is fast, and the blink of an eye is coming.


Seeing these two horrible energy prints, the crowds of the crowds have taken a sigh of relief, and the face is full of horror. Even the strong emperor can not help but be shocked by the strength of the two.




In the next moment, in the horrified eyes of the people, the two horrible energy prints collided in an instant, and the rumbling sound blew, and it exploded in vain. Under the shock of the horrible power, the blood witch and the rain culvert vomited blood. Exploded by the explosive energy, the sky was violently shaken.

The hard touch of God's decision is still quite equal, but the two are not hurt, and they are pale and three-pointed.

"The bloodsucker's sister's injury is aggravated!" The East Snow hurried, watching the battle of the blood witch, the palms of the hand squeezed out the sweat.

"The opponents who are quite equal, the injury is inevitable, don't worry." Dongfang Feifei comforted and smiled, gently patted the shoulders of Oriental Snow.

Mu natural laughed: "The blood witch has a Chinese fairy, she has not yet offered a magic weapon, don't worry too much."

Above the sky, a few minutes passed, and after the explosion energy gradually dissipated, the figures of the two men gradually became clear, and the collapsed space was completely repaired and restored to brightness.

Rain culvert wiped the blood on the corner of the mouth, and the cold eyes swept to the blood witch, sneer: "The female genius has such a strong strength, it is not simple."

The Gorefiend is pale, but because it is a beautiful woman, it seems that there is a little different beauty, but the face is even more chilly.

"A good and strong woman." Yin Yang Shaotian praised: "The younger generation of the soul door is not simple, Xiao Chen brothers have cultivated a lot of elites."

"Some days, are you looking forward to fighting Xiao Chen? You have been waiting for a long time this day." Yin Yang was happy and laughed.

Yin Yang and Shaotian heard the words and smiled faintly: "The elders are right. Xiao Chen is my real opponent. He has not appeared yet. I must have not yet gone out, but I believe he will come!"

The Gorefiend woman has no fear, and after a short break, the body's tumultuous blood pressure is made, and it is full of urging the fairy, the momentum is soaring, and the red blood flashes.

The blood witch's cold eyes swept to the rain culvert, cold and cold: "Take out your true skill, who wins and loses, look at this trick!"

"Good! Refreshing!" Rain Han Hao airway, the power of the body burst out, the blue light flashed, the rain han waved, the body instantly flew out a blue light, a jade suspended above its head, the momentum instantly soared several times , the power is increasing quickly!

"The next product fairy!" Feel the atmosphere of the rain and the magic weapon, the crowd watching the audience exclaimed.


The calm space violently vibrates again, and the dark cracks and the claws burst open. This terrible power broke out and the crowd was frightened.

"Blood Witch, sacrifice your magic weapon." Yu Han sneered, his hands flying fast, and then screamed: "God! The gun of destruction!"

Yuhan madly gathers strength, and over his head, a huge blue energy gun condensed with more than 10,000 feet. With the help of the next product, the power is unprecedentedly powerful.

"Amazing power! It is worthy of being a young strongman of the Star Spirit Hall. The strength is indeed not to be underestimated. These little guys have already surpassed our old guys." Nanaofeng smiled lightly.

Xiao He heard the words and smiled: "You are not a turn of the Emperor, it is quite a repair."

"Blood Witch! Be sure to beat him! Can't lose to the Star Soul Hall!" Mu Yunshan Road, eyes watching the blood witch.

"God decides! The claws of the Gorefiend!" The blood witches slammed into the air, their hands flew fast, and the palms suddenly turned into claws. The extremely terrible power condensed on the claws, and the tremulous breath permeated.

"It's the claw of the Gorefiend! It is the goddess of the blood witch before Xiao Chen's retreat! Listening to Xiao Chen said that the power is terrible, and it is stronger than the average god. It belongs to the senior god!" The ghost screamed and exclaimed, he did not I think that the Gorefiend has been cultivated.

"This **** is not easy!" Tianshan Jun was surprised: "The momentum is above the **** of the rain culvert! And the power is more fierce."

"She actually cultivated a high-level goddess."

"Is this her killer? God's power is above me. Does she not intend to sacrifice the magic weapon? Then I will start with a strong hand!" Rain Han frowned deeply, feeling the terrible momentum, and the heart rushed. A jealousy.

"call out!"

When the voice fell, Yu Han slammed his hand, and the huge energy gun suddenly burst out. It was magnificent, and a huge crack ran away along the smash of the energy gun.

"Come out! Skyfire gods fall!" Seeing the rain culverts, the blood witches suddenly screamed, and the magic weapon of the Chinese product was flying out of the body. At this moment, the momentum of the blood witch was skyrocketing again, and it was extremely stunned and condensed in the claws. The power on it has also increased several times.

"What? In the middle of the fairy!" Rain han face suddenly changed, his eyes flashing with horror, the blood witch at this moment the power beyond him too much!

"call out!"


The blood witch suddenly slammed a claw out of the air, and the sound of a broken sound, a blood red energy burst out, instantly condensed into a huge energy claw of more than 10,000 feet, wherever it passes, the space is shaking violently, terrible!

Feeling this terrible energy claw, everyone was shocked and terrified.



The two terrible forces collided in a blink of an eye. The rumbling sound blew and violently exploded. The blood witch's energy claws took advantage. On the spot, the rain culvert vomited blood, and the body shape flew like a shell.

The power of the Gorefiend's claws is terrifying, and all the explosive powers are thrown at the rain culverts. The one-click hits the rain culverts, and such terrible power shocks the audience.

"The young powerhouse of Soul Gate is terrible!" The crowd in the crowd, this is the idea.

"Blood Witch! Well done!" Mu Yunshan and the soul of the door everyone excitedly cheered up, one by one red face.

After a while, countless people who were shocked, instantly boiled up, like a galloping horse, cheering for the Gorefiend!

"Blood Witch wins!" Ling Xi glanced at the heavy rain culvert, and then loudly.