Fanatic Martial God

Chapter 1191: Demon appeared

"The soul of the Lord! The soul of the Lord!" Xiao Chen beat the flaming demon, the whole blood of the blood boiling, a burst of high-pitched voices resounded through the world.

Xiao Chen won the victory of the battle of the honor of the fairy, and preserved the honor of the fairy world, so that countless people in the fairy world worshipped.

Xiao Chen has terrible strength, the main door of the soul gate, or the eight-in-one alchemy master of Wei Zhenxian, winning the alchemy test and being named by the seal of the Dan, these two identities have made Xiao Chen become the super strong in the hearts of countless people. By.

The alchemy test and the competitions were all manifested by Xiao Chen. The faces of Yan Tiandi were gloomy and their genius battles. No matter the alchemy test or the competition, Dan Dian won no one, and it was simply moving the stone to his own feet. .

"Oh! Even if we can't win the power of Xiao Chen, we have an unexpected harvest." Yan Tiandi sneered in his heart.

Above the sky, Xiao Chen converges on strength, and then takes a nine-turn return to the soul, which slowly descends to the top of the ring. In the match, the fire devil lies on the ground of the ring, motionless, and the injury is very serious.

"Xiao. Xiao Chen. Lost in you. Hands, I. I am not willing." The fire magic is hard, the voice is very weak, and you can't hear what he said without listening carefully.

However, Xiao Chen heard it very clearly. He smiled and said: "Your strength is really terrible. I have never thought of defeating you. You are the son of the demon world. The devil is not standing, it should have killed you, but it should have killed you. Because it is a competition, there are rules to kill, and you are lucky."

"Hey! I want to kill. It's not that easy." The flaming anger angered, and the half-opened eyes stared at Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen immediately looked at the elders of Lingxi, and smiled: "Lingxi elders, the battle of genius is held in the Dian Dian, the devil is the devil, you are the host, I will hand it over to you."

Elder Lingxi heard the words and touched the beard. He smiled and said: "The battle of genius is over, and the sorcerer is defeated. Since it is over, there is no such thing as a martyr in the competition. The sorcerer is the devil and has a reputation with the fairy world. Deep hatred, hate, not indiscriminate, must be killed, I do not know what you mean?"

"Kill him! Kill him!" Numerous people in the audience rushed away in a flash, murderous, and the momentum was shaking the world.

Xiao Chen didn't talk. This is the thing of Dan Dian. He was too lazy to intervene. He turned and flew away from the ring. The injury was recovering at a terrible speed.

"Xiao Chen brother, how is your injury?" Xiao Chen flew in, Mu Qing asked and asked, very anxious.

Xiao Chen wiped away the tears of the tears of Mu Qing, and smiled: "I am fine, the injury is recovering, and I will be cured soon."

"Xiao Chen, you beat the sorcerer, and won the honor for the fairy world. You see, everyone is cheering for you!" Feng Tianli was very excited.

"Xiao Chen, you won the first place in the genius battle, now you are the first day of the fairy world!" Ghosts excitedly laughed, everyone in the soul door shouted for Xiao Chen.

"Xiao Chen brothers, congratulations on winning the first place in the genius battle." Yin Yang Shaotian flew to come and hold a fist to congratulate.

"Thank you." Xiao dust laughed politely.

At this time, the spirit of the annihilation star whispered: "The rules set by the genius battle, the squad can not kill, the fire is seriously hurt, if you kill him now, we are not a sinister villain?"

"Inflammation is the person of the devil world. He hides his identity and participates in the battle of genius. He lets him compete with the soul master for the first place. He has not been disqualified from him. He has been very kind. He came to the fairy world to find his own way! "A reincarnated fairy emperor yelled.

"Yes! The sorcerer is looking for death, no wonder we! The demon world will fight against our celestial world every 100,000 years, causing countless people to be killed and blood flowing into the river. Isn't the purpose of occupying the fairy world? We must not be soft." The reincarnation of the emperor is angry.

Zuo Yu Huo Law followed: "The demon is not two, the demon is the son of the demon, of course, the next demon, in order to avoid the demon battle, must be smashed."

"The owner of the temple agrees with the meaning of protecting the law. The sorcerer is not weak, and after practicing for dozens of years, it will become the demon lord of the demon world. When the sorcerer's war will erupt again, the two worlds will fight, and there will be countless deaths and injuries, and must be riddled with roots!" The Emperor of Heaven is a great voice, quite a demeanor.

Speaking of this, Yan Tiandi looked at the yin and yang souls and smiled and said: "Yin and Yang Xianzun, how do you feel? You are the Supreme Supreme, this matter should be decided by you."

"Yan Tiandi, this bastard, actually pushed things to us! This old **** thinks about the outbreak of the demon war! Then from the interests of it! Hey!" Yin Yang Erran roared.

"Homeowners, the immortals are not two. If we don't agree, the forces of the fairyland will surely deny our yin and yang homes, but if we kill, the sorcerer's war will break out in advance." Yin Yang Fengtian frowned, neither is his Willing to see.

Some people in the whole place are quiet, and their eyes are swept away to the yin and yang souls. He is the immortal world, and the decision is in him!

The yin and yang souls thought for a moment, then smiled faintly: "Oh, look at the look of everyone, it seems that they are all ready for the battle of the devil. In this case, this fairy respects the meaning of the forces of all sizes, killing the evil However, if the demon is dead, the devil will be furious, and the demon war is likely to start tomorrow. I also hope that the various forces of the immortal world will immediately go back and prepare, waiting for the demon army, this fairy can only temporarily drag the demon, as for you. Life and death, it depends on your own creation."

When the words of yin and yang are coming out, everyone in the whole place is quiet. You look at me one by one. I look at you and can't decide.

"Small brothers, your father is really powerful. When you say something, you will kill countless people in the fairyland." Xiao Chen looked at the yin and yang and smiled.

"Xiao Chen brothers, according to your opinion, is it necessary to kill the evil spirits or not kill?" Yin Yang asked.

"Standing on your father's position, the sorcerer must kill, otherwise the position of Xianzun is difficult to protect. If I stand on my position, I feel that I can't kill it for the time being, unless we have overwhelming power to defeat the devil world, otherwise we will not kill it for the time being. There is still a three-year period in the Devil War. These three years are enough for us to do a lot of things." Xiao Chen laughed, this is just his personal opinion.

"Xiao dust is reasonable, three years can do a lot of things." Zhuge Zhengfeng agreed to laugh.

At this time, Yan Tiandi smiled and said: "The strength of the two circles is quite equal. Is it true that Xianzun is afraid of the devil world? As a fairy, it is necessary to lead the various forces of the fairy world to defeat the devil world, instead of letting the various forces of the immortal world fend for themselves. ""

"In this case, then the Xianzun ordered, killing the evil spirit!" Yin Yang soul faint smile: "Since the Dian Dian Dian has said that this fairy must lead the various forces of the fairy world to defeat the devil world, then good, this fairy The deity is ordered now, and the demon statue is personally dealt with by the deity. The devil is seated by the master of the spirit and the strong and the yin and yang, and the Dandian must protect the security of the various forces in the fairy world. The offender, Ben Xian deity wants him to fly away!"

Yan Tiandi heard the words, his face suddenly gloomy, and the safety of the various forces in the fairy world was protected, which could not be completed!

"Yan Tiandi wants the yin and yang to be embarrassed, but instead pushes the Dan Temple to the bottom of the valley." The sneer in the heart of the annihilation star, he sits on the mountain and does not interject.

However, just as everyone discussed the killing of the devil, the space that had already recovered, this moment, a black crack in vain tears open, an extremely horrible evil force filled out, so that there was fear in the place, breathing Difficulties, even the spirit of destroying the stars and the spirit of yin and yang, can not help but dignified, a burst of jealousy in my heart.

"If you want to kill the son of the demon, you have to ask the demon." A cold and incomparable voice came from the cracks in the darkness, so that everyone was cold in the bones.

"Devil statue!" Stars and souls frown and sigh, this horrible atmosphere, in addition to the devil, no one else.

"The devil of the demon, it is still coming!" Yin Yang soul faint smile.

"I guess that the demon statue will appear! The devil is dangerous, he can't come." Feel the evil power of this evil, Xiao Chen smiled, looking at the cracks in the dark.

After a while, a middle-aged man came out slowly, wearing a black armor cloak, long hair shawl, extraordinary momentum, handsome appearance, and even some fascinating, horrible evil atmosphere filled him.

"He is the demon demon? It is so young!" Yin Yang Shaotian stunned, did not expect to be a young middle-aged, it seems only about forty years old.

"I don't think so young!" Ghost and other people were shocked. I thought that Demon is also a bad old man.

The demon lord appeared silently and silently on the platform, and looked at the injury of the sorcerer. When he waved his hand, a medicinal herb entered the mouth of the sorcerer. The celestial darkness said: "The temper is repaired to a deep level, and I can’t think of losing so badly."

"The demon of the demon, not seen for many years, don't come innocent."

The demon slammed into a bomb, and a horrible force broke into the body of the sorcerer. He looked at the star-killing soul and grinned: "Star Soul."

"The devil is misunderstood. Today, the fairy is not the old man, but the Yin and Yang Xianzun." The star of the star shook his head and smiled.

"Yin and Yang home?" Devil looked at the yin and yang souls with amazement. He smiled and said: "I didn't expect the yin and yang homeowners to have served as Xianzun. So, the strength of Yinyang Xianzun is above the spirit of destroying the stars."

The yin and yang souls smiled faintly: "The devil of the demon is not seen for a long time."

Having said that, the demon statue only looked at the direction of Xiao Chen, and his eyes were obviously flashing with anger. He smiled and said: "Xiao Chen, this demon respect does not think that you are a fairyland person, your courage is not small, knowing immortal The devil is not standing, but he still dares to swear at me."

When the words of the demon statue came out, some people in the whole place suddenly became shocked and shocked, and Xiao Chen was so alone in the devil world!

Xiao Chen no fear, he chuckled: "I just want to find what I want."

"After three years, it is the period of the fairy magic war, you smash the things of the devil world, when the magic demon is counted together!" Tianmo laughed, even in the face of yin and yang souls, the spirits of the stars, the devil is not afraid.