Fanatic Martial God

Chapter 1198: Fight against the enemy

"How is this possible? A little devil in the district can escape my enchantment!" The man was shocked and unbelievable.

As an ancient strongman, he can't believe that he has a powerful lawsuit that can escape the enchantment!

The next moment, Xiao Chen and others appeared in a certain place above the sky, confrontation, Xiao Chen several people are not a man's opponent, even if it is a avatar, can easily hit Xiao Chen them.

The man looked at the sky, cold and cold: "Bad boy, fled very fast."

"Xiao Chen, hurry!" Ghosts quickly said that in the face of such a terrible ancient powerhouse, it is more dangerous to stay.

"No hurry! The real body of this guy is sealed! The power is strongly suppressed. Just now he said that the enchantment was set by him, which means that his strength is equal to the power of enchantment." Xiao Chen sneered, just attacked A few punches of enchantment, let Xiao Chen understand the power of men.

"Xiao Chen, do you want to deal with him?" Ling battle frowned and asked, see Xiao Chen's expression will guess.

"What's the matter? Don't forget that he wants to absorb our blood. In turn, we can also absorb his blood. In the ancient fairy screen, this is a good opportunity to improve and cultivate. Can you miss it? His true The body is sealed, the power is limited, and it is impossible to exert all the power. We can deal with him even with the hand!" Xiao dust evil laughed, his eyes flashed fiercely.

"Haha! Deal with me? Hahahaha!" When the man heard Xiao Chen's words, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Is it funny?" The blood witch is cold and cold, and the cold eyes are terrifying.

"You a few little devils really don't know how to be tall and thick, just rely on your strength to deal with me? It's just an egg hitting the stone." The man sneered, looks very arrogant.


When the voice of the man fell, the ancient forces in the body broke out wildly, and the blue light flashed, and the horrible power shook the surrounding plains and the mountains in the distance.

"This power is terrible, and it is quite the same as the Sixth Immortal!" The Blood Witch frowned: "His power has been suppressed!"

"Xiao Chen, a combination of four forces, enough to deal with him!" Ghosts quickly said.

"Little devils, I will let you know what is the strong now!" The man sneered smugly, his eyes suddenly flashed fiercely murderous.

"Little white tiger, you are responsible for finding the real body of this bastard! Must be sealed in the ground! Blood witch, ghosts, you first retreat, waiting for the opportunity to move." Xiao Chen suddenly shouted, the body suddenly spurred four forces, and quickly Fusion.

"Well! Packed on me!" The ancient white tiger smiled and swooped down quickly.


Xiao Chen suddenly urging the power of four hegemonic forces, the momentum suddenly changed, the incomparable monks, the breath soared at a terrible speed. At this moment, the power of Xiao Chen broke out wildly, and the power of extreme horror shook the space.

"What? This. How is this possible? How can this little devil have such terrible power, and the momentum is so shocking!"

Shock! All shocked! The man's face was full of shock, and he couldn't believe the young Xiao Chen, who had such a terrible power.

"This little devil will combine the four forces! What is the power of these four stocks?" The man was shocked, his power was suppressed, and now it is only comparable to Xiao Chen!

"The power of fusion is too fast, I must hit him as fast as possible! Destroy his avatar, it should affect his true body!" Xiao Chen said in the heart, the murderousness of his eyes became more and more horrible.

"Xiao Chen is too terrible!" The seven souls were terrified and extremely excited.

"Xiao Chen! Get rid of him!" Ghosts screamed.


Thinking of this, Xiao Chen suddenly pulled the sword, and the footsteps violently burst out, and the speed was as fast as lightning.

"What? This is amazing speed!" The man shook again, Xiao Chen blinked, making him even more unbelievable.

"Hey!" Xiao Chen sneered, and the sword in his hand slammed into the man's chest.

The man is just a avatar, and the body is sealed and can be condensed, which means that the avatar is related to the real body.

"Bad boy!" The man gnawed his teeth, suddenly violently retreating, and extremely thrilled to avoid the attack of Xiao Chen.

Upon seeing it, Xiao Chen sneered and said: "Your avatar is really connected with the real body. Most of the avatars are connected with the real body. Once the avatar is created, the real body will also be injured."

"God is determined! A knife is broken!" At this time, while the man was retreating, behind him, the ghosts suddenly screamed and slammed out with a big knife.

"call out!"


An extremely terrible black knives were shot out, and the sound of breaking the air was extremely harsh. It was full and huge. When it passed, the space was shaking and it was unstoppable.

"Hey! Look for death!" The man disdained coldly, the ghosts were just a turn of the emperor, and the man did not put him in his eyes.

"call out!"

The man slammed his hand and a horrible force broke out. The speed was amazing and the blink of an eye.

"Hey!" Ghosts and mysterious sneer, decisively gave up the knife and forcibly cast a teleport.



The terrible power of the man instantly shattered the knives of the ghosts, and the rumbling explosion opened, deafening, the explosion of energy madly spread, and the space collapsed.

"Good job! Ghosts!" Xiao Chen evil smiled: "Chaos sword! No shadow to kill! Ghost shadow!"

"call out!"


At this moment, taking advantage of the man's power to deal with the ghosts, Xiao Chen launched an attack in vain, holding a sword and flashing golden light. The speed was fast, and the man did not react at all. With a bang, the avatar was instantly pierced by Xiao Chen.


The man’s avatar was pierced, and somewhere in the seal, a man’s blood spurted out.

"How does the speed of this stinky boy improve?" The man was shocked and couldn't believe that Xiao Chen had such a terrible speed.

"call out!"

In the next moment, the man once again condensed his avatar, slamming, and slamming to the top, the power of terror was motivated, his hands flashed quickly, and he yelled: "The ancient gods decided! The smoldering fire!"

"call out!"


The power of the extremely horrible fire attribute was motivated. The man waved his hand, and the huge cyan fire of five or six thousand feet rushed to Xiao Chen, and the space temperature instantly increased several times.

"It's good! Let you see and see my black fire!" Xiao Chen evil laughed, his left hand bent into a claw, the black flame burned out of nowhere, the incomparable Sen cold breath swept out, Xiao Chen quickly waved, a dozen or so huge The black fireball flew out.

"Black flame?" The man was shocked and shivered by the cold breath of Wu Huosen.


The next moment, the more shocking scene of the man happened, I saw the fire burst into the blue sea of ​​fire, it was crazy to absorb his flame!

"What? My flame has been absorbed!" The man's face changed dramatically and became more and more horrified.

"Forgot to tell you one thing, I am an alchemy teacher." Xiao dust evil smile, only a moment of work, the huge blue sea of ​​fire is absorbed by the fire.

"Alchemy?" The man heard the words, this fully understands that the power of the fire attribute is useless to the alchemy master. Of course, it depends on the strength of the repair.

"Good opportunity! Black cloud claws!" At this time, the scream of the Nether came from the sky, and when the man was horrified, it suddenly slammed out, and the huge black energy claws slammed toward the man.

"Purple electric Xuan Yue sword!" Nethered a big drink, stretched out the hand to catch, the top of the fairy sword flashed, the blade around the purple electric, very terrible, the ghost of the moment of explosion.

"弑月剑决! Throughout the world!" Nether suddenly screamed, the power of extreme horror infused into the sword, decisively swept out.

"The fire knife method! The sky is cracking!" Ling war also applied the knife method, a wave of big knife, the horrible knife smack shot out, magnificent.

"Xian Ding! Promise Heavenly Sword!" Lin Mutian urged the three-turned Emperor's whole body strength, his hands quickly flashed, and finally screamed, a 30,000-foot huge energy sword condensed out, suddenly waved, the horrible energy sword carried The imposing momentum burst into the men.

The Gorefiend, the Seven Souls, also shot at the same time, and they all exerted powerful law decisions. They all saw the opportunity to shoot, and the power of a horror rushed to men at the same time.

"Hey! Just rely on your strength to deal with me?" Seeing six terrible forces bursting out, the man was not afraid, and the power of terror was mad.

"Xiao Chen! Find his real body! My position is the place where his body is sealed. It is a cave!" At this time, the ancient white tiger quickly sent a message to Xiao Chen.

"Great!" Xiao Chen heard the words, suddenly overjoyed, now the blood witches their attack just rushed to the man, Xiao Chen can take this opportunity to reinvent his true body.

"God!! The soul of the ancients!" Xiao Chen spurred the power of the whole body, his hands quickly flashed, and the figure disappeared in vain.

The next moment, Xiao Chen appeared in a mysterious cave, the palm of the hand that had already been sealed and condensed with the power of terror, and he did not hesitate to slam into the cave and was sealed.

At this moment, the man's pupil suddenly slammed, and the horror reached the extreme. It is unbelievable that Xiao Chen found his true body so quickly. The avatar is condensing strength. Even if he notices it, it is too late. The real body is sealed and cannot move. Facing Xiao Chen The attack is simply inevitable!



Xiao Chenyi slammed on the man's chest, and the bang banged. The overbearing force shook the man's mouth and vomited blood. The front was hit by Xiao Chen. The injury was severe. The extreme horrible power shook the cave. The entire mountain was blown up.

"Xiao Chen! Well done!" The ancient white tiger was very excited.

"On the other side! Let's go!" The blood witches quickly said, and when they heard the explosion, they knew the position of the man.

"That **** is over!" Ghosts ecstasy said: "Accepted his blood strength, our repairs must be able to break through the second emperor's realm!"

The huge mountain was blown up and directly razed to the ground. I saw a huge seal of more than a dozen feet, and the man in the middle of the seal was seriously injured.