Fanatic Martial God

Chapter 1207: Breaking the knot

After a few people in Xiao Chen approached, they looked down at the fairy sacred house from the sky. The buildings with high atmosphere and sturdy buildings are full of hundreds. It can be seen how large the sacred soul palace is, not the ordinary palace can be compared.

Of course, it was also the time when the Xianshen House was the original appearance. Today, the Xianshen House is filled with the atmosphere of the monks and the majestic momentum. However, because of the great war of the year, many buildings have been destroyed and lost.

Even if it is a mess, it still gives a sense of deterrence!

Compared with Xiao Chen, they have already had a lot of reincarnations. They are all shocked by the Xianshou House in front of them, but no one dares to break in easily.

"I. I have never seen such a huge palace! If these palaces are not destroyed, the momentum must be more majestic!" Nether exclaimed, the city pool need not say, do not say anything else, the fairy is better than the fairy The house is several times larger, and the city is not comparable to the castle palace.

The seven souls chicken nodded like a glutinous rice: "Yes, I have never seen it! In front of the Xianshen House, I have a feeling that I dare not look at it, and even some fear to go in, it is a fear of inferiority! ”

"It’s not surprising that the House of the Souls is so discouraged, and it’s not surprising."

Xiao Chen’s knowledge has looked at it and said: “The House of the Souls has blocked my knowledge of God and has not sensed any breath of the House of the Soul.”

"So terrible big forces, there must be people to survive, there must be more terrible ancient strong, baby must be very much!" Nether is excited, the more you think, the more you can't wait to enter the fairy soul house, I have imagined that he has collected countless Baby scene.


Soon, there were many sounds of breaking the air, and one strong and one strong came to the fairy soul house one after another. At the moment of arrival, they were unconsciously exposed to the shock.

Among the sacred souls, the corpses are all over the place. I don’t know if there is any formation in the sacred house or because of terrible power relations, the corpse does not rot.

Looking at a large number of corpses, Xiao Chen frowned slightly: "There are so many people who died. The battle between the Xianshen House and the mysterious forces must be very intense."

The Xianshen House was absorbed into the ancient fairy screen. No one knows where the land of the Xianshou House was, and the fierce battle broke out. What kind of destruction will be suffered in the surrounding area.

"Hey, Xiao Chen, have you seen the tall tower in the fairy sacred house?" Ghosts quickly pointed to the tower of the sacred soul.

"The tower is not damaged, is there enchantment protection?" Lin Mutian wondered.

Xiao Chen said: "There should be enchantment protection, just like the main palace. After such a fierce battle, the main palace has not been damaged."

"Xiao Chen, let's go in and see." Nether excited.

Gorefiend: "When you go in, you will only get yourself into trouble."

"You can't be reckless. Now you don't know the situation of the Xianshen House. Let's watch it for a while." Xiao Chen shook his head and didn't dare to take risks easily.

In the presence of the sacred enchantment on the surface of the sacred soul house, once it broke in, the consequences were unimaginable. The sacred soul house was the most powerful existence in the ancient times, and the formation and knot definition were terrible.


Soon, a few people flew out of the cloud, not long after, Yan Aotian five people also appeared, Luo Han Han has joined several people in Yan Aotian.

The cold eyes of the cloud and the empty eyes glanced at Xiao Chen, but there was no speech, but the murderous eyes could see that he had hated Xiao Xiao, and he wished to tear Xiao Chen.

"Xiao Chen, you come so fast." Yan Aotian looked at Xiao Chen and smiled coldly. He looked at Xiao Chen’s eyes and always revealed the cold cold.

"Turn off your ass?" Ghosts did not take a good cold and sighed, and glanced at the arrogant sky.

"Hey!" Yan Aotian snorted and didn't answer, but his eyes were more murderous.

Xiao Chen whispered: "Everyone will be careful to enter the fairy soul house. Yan Aotian will definitely shoot us. It is estimated that the cloud will not let us go. Now there are many people here, they still dare not."

"Understand!" Ghosts and several people nodded.

"call out!"

At this time, the annihilation of Yunkong seems to worry about the existence of enchantment or array of geniuses. Suddenly, a wave of slamming sounds, a powerful force flew out.


The extremely terrible power came to the fore, and the slamming impact on the surface of the fairy sacred house, a bang, suddenly resisted by a powerful energy, instantly offset the power of the cloud.

Seeing it, destroying the cloud and sneer: "The House of the Souls is protected by a layer of enchantment. It is very powerful. We don't break this enchantment. We don't want to go in."

"The power of the enchantment is very strong. In order to destroy the power of the cloud, it is impossible to shake the slightest. There is no vibration at all." Xiao Chen frowned slightly.

The Gorefiend is dignified: "It is not easy to break this enchantment. It is absolutely impossible to rely on personal strength. If everyone joins hands, there is still hope."

"Yes! There is still a chance to join hands." Xiao Chen nodded, then looked at the crowds, and said: "The enchantment of Xianshou House is very strong. Just now you have seen it. If you want to enter the fairy house, It is necessary to break this enchantment."

Yan Aotian cold and cold: "nonsense!"

"The soul of the Lord, what do you have to see?" asked a three-turned Emperor.

"I can't talk about it, but there is a way to try it. We will join hands and hit everyone's attack at a point in the enchantment. It should be able to break the enchantment. From ancient times to the present, the power of enchantment should be Was weakened a lot." Xiao Chen smiled.

"Good! I agree with the story of the soul master, and together with the hand to break the enchantment!" One person agreed with the big channel.

"I also agree with Xiao Chen's brother!" A familiar laughter suddenly came from a distance, and after a while, a few yin and yang, three days of yin and yang appeared in Xiao Chen.

"Yin and Yang are few days, you have finally arrived." Xiao Chen looked at the yin and yang, and smiled happily. He had not seen it before, and he still had some concerns.

Yin Yang and Xiao Tian smiled bitterly: "Where is the fairy soul house, we don't even know, it took a lot of time to find it."

"What is the smell of yin and yang? How has it improved? It has improved a lot. It has already approached the five-day transition of the Emperor's Emperor. Didn't it absorb the power of blood? If it is not the stink of Xiao Chen, my cultivation can improve a lot." "The cloud is hollow and the dark road, when it comes to the blood power, think of Xiao Chen's calculation, he is angry with a stomach."

"Small brothers, your cultivation has improved a lot, is it also absorbed the essence of the ancient strong?" Ghosts quickly asked, obviously the feeling of yin and yang and the sky increased a lot.

Yin Yang and Shaotian heard the words and smiled: "No, I didn't even encounter an ancient strongman, but I met a lot of seals and enchantments."

"How did your breath improve so much?" asked Ling Chao.

Yin Yang explained to the sky: "That is because the Lord has found the Yin and Yang Book of our Yin and Yang family."

"Yin and Yang Tianshu? What is that?" Xiao Chen asked in amazement. It sounded like a very powerful look, otherwise the yin and yang would not improve so much.

"It is the record of the yin and yang family in the ancient times, there is a strong force inside, so my cultivation can be improved." Yin Yang Shaotian laughed.

"Are you **** finished?" At this time, Yan Aotian was impatient and cold.

"Xiao Chen, don't you want to break the enchantment with your hands? If you do, then talk nonsense!" The cloud is not impatient, one by one is very anxious to enter the spirit of the House of Soul.

"You don't talk, how do I know if you agree?" Xiao Chen sneered, saying that the power of the fairy in the body suddenly spurred out, extremely overbearing.


The yin and yang days, ghosts, blood witches and other people have spurred Xianyuan, and the annihilation of Yunkong and Yan Aotian and other strong players are also motivated at the same time, the power of a stock of terror almost broke out at the same time, one time, the number of squares The space within a million feet is shaking sharply.

"call out!"

Destroy the cloud and take the lead, a horrible force burst out, and the smashing impact on the enchantment of the surface of the Xianshen House, the power is continuously transmitted, forming an energy column, and constantly impacting the enchantment.


Xiao Chen's people shot one after another, and the power of a horror burst out. The sound of the emptiness was so fierce that all of them rushed away from the point of attack.

There are many people who enter the light curtain, but there are very few people who come to the Xianshen House. There are more than a hundred people, and they are all reincarnated emperors and Xiandi strong. Others may be trapped and may be dead.


More than one hundred horrible forces hit a point in the enchantment. Under the madness of the attack, the enchantment finally slammed and the sorrowful swaying was fierce.

"The young master, retain the strength!"

Destroy the cloud and hear the words, the dark channel: "Xiao Chen is only urging the power of Xianyuan, and does not motivate other forces, I must also retain strength!"

"Hey! I don't want to go all out?" Yan Aotian sneered in his heart.

However, while they were impacting, the enchantment was also resisting, and they were able to block their power, showing how terrible the power of enchantment was.

"It's not the ancient enchantment, the power is weakened so much, it can also block the power of all of us!" The battle frowned, surprised.

"Xiao Chen brothers, we must do our best to shoot, otherwise we can not break the enchantment." Yin Yang less heaven.

"You! This power is not enough! Full force shot!" Xiao Chen suddenly screamed, the power of the blood at the same time stimulating, and full force.

"Hey!" Destroy the cloud and sneer, not intending to push the full force.

"Good!" Everyone heard the words, responded one by one, and motivated one by one, and the power of impact enchantment became more and more horrible!


The power of terror has soared, and the enchantment has become more and more fierce.


As the crowds made their best efforts, the power became more and more horrible. At this moment, the enchantment could not bear the power of this horror. Suddenly there was a crack in the crack from the point of attack.

When I saw it, everyone was overjoyed, and the ghosts and sorrows were very excited: "Xiao Chen! The enchantment is broken!"

"Successful!" Xiao Chen ecstasy laughed, this moment, everyone stopped attacking, eyes all looking at the bursting enchantment!