Fanatic Martial God

Chapter 1214: Xiao dust battle deviation

"Destroy the sky, your strength is really weak, it is a weak mess, can not stand a blow, even I can not stop a punch, but also want to kill me, it is ridiculous." Xiao Chen sneered sneer.

"Small temple master!" Destroyed the cloud and was seriously injured by Xiao Chen. The face was very hot and the wind and the wind changed dramatically. No one ever thought that destroying the cloud in front of Xiao Chen was so vulnerable.

The detachment and the iron wind quickly flew away and were in a hurry.

"Haha! Xiao Chen, doing a good job!" The ancient white tiger in the distant battle suddenly laughed and laughed.

"A punch will seriously damage the cloud! Xiao Chen's power is too horrible!" Ghosts horrified and exclaimed.

"I can't believe it. The five-turned Emperor's late annihilation of the cloud was actually hit hard by Xiao Chen! And it was completely undetected by Xiao Chen's attack!" Mu Yunshan stunned, Xiao Chen's terrorist power, scared him. Cold sweats.

The Gorefiend is sluggish: "Xiao Chen has no motivation at all, and the strength of the flesh alone can severely damage the sky!"

Both yin and yang and yin and yang and yin and yang are also horrified to see Xiao Chen. Although they all know that Xiao Chen has advanced to the Sixth Emperor, but now seeing Xiao Chen, he is still scared.

"Less master, Xiao Chen has become more and more terrible!" Yin Yang stunned the voice, the voice trembled.

"The main hall of the small hall is very serious!" Fang divorced the road, and quickly took out the medicinal herbs to the cloud.

The iron wind can't be channeled: "How can the power of Xiao Chen become so terrible? A punch can reinvent the young master. The end of the genius battle is only a few months now. Xiao Chen can't lift such a terrible power. ”

"Cough!" The serious injury of the cloud, suddenly coughed twice, spit out a blood again, the face is very pale, looks painful: "This. This is impossible.."

In the hollow of the cloud, there is fear and regret. If it is not shot, Xiao Chen may not take the initiative, but all this cannot be recovered.

"Weird, the power of Xiao Chen will become so terrible? In such a short period of time, it is impossible to enhance such a terrible cultivation. Without the momentum, a punch can hit the young master!" In the heart of the scared, I couldn’t help but look at Xiao Chen in the distance.

"Xiao Chen! Get rid of them! Don't let go of one!"

"Yunshan, ghost slaughter, you go to absorb the energy of the fire attribute, brothers and brothers, you are going soon, they will give me the right to deal with it." Xiao Chen Xiaowei evil laughed, with Xiao Chen's current repair, to deal with the party And the iron wind is nothing to say.

"Haha! Good!" Ghosts were so happy and laughed, and a few people quickly flew to the distant fire.

In the fire space, the fire attribute energy is freely generated. Once absorbed, the fire attribute energy is regenerated, as if it could never be absorbed.

"Yunshan, this fire attribute energy is very huge! We are absorbing!" Ghosts are extremely excited, and they quickly run the exercises, madly absorbed.

"Repair can improve!" Excited, the same crazy absorption.

A few people in Muyunshan just absorbed a fire attribute energy, and it became obvious that the cultivation was improved a lot, and they were very excited.

"The power of fire attribute can not be completely absorbed, but also need refining, everyone can hurry to practice!" Mu Yunshan excited, this is a great opportunity to improve.

"Iron wind! Look at the temple master!" Fang away from the traces of the gloomy road, eyes staring at Xiao Chen, cold and cold: "Xiao Chen, the old man see how terrible your power!"

"Get out of it." Xiao Chen is clean and neat, with no fear.


The detachment of the madness spurred the power of Xianyuan, and the footsteps burst out of the air. It was very horrible, and the speed was fast. The blink of an eye approached Xiao Chen and suddenly screamed: "Xian Ding! Mixed Yuanzhang!"

Fang Fang’s fierce palm rushed to Xiao Chen, and the palm of the hand spread like a wind blade, extremely horrible!

"Hey!" Xiao Chen sneered, not to be outdone to meet a palm.

"Bad boy, dare to look down on the old man!" Xiao Chen did not push any force to shoot, suddenly let the party wrath.



The two palms immediately blew, and the bang banged, deafening, and the more terrifying power spread unscrupulously. The fire space turned like a raging wave.

The confrontation of this palm, Xiao Chen due to lack of strength, was scattered away from the traces of a palm of the hand hundreds of meters away, but no injuries, just shocked back.

"It is a sinful situation that the six turns to the emperor. This power is terrible." Xiao Chen forced himself to stabilize his figure, and he smiled slightly. There was no change in his face. The power just was not enough to hurt him.

"Xiao Chen turned out to be unscathed! With the strength of the old man, the implementation of the law, it is impossible to be able to shock the Xiao dust without the amount of power. This kid's repair is difficult or not six turns to the emperor? How is this possible?" In my heart, there was no shock and Xiao Chen, which made him unbelievable.

The confrontation of a palm, although the shock of Xiao Chen, but the square is more and more dignified, at least know that the power of Xiao Chen has been more terrible than the genius battle.

"Xiao Chen can block the power of the deviation! It is unharmed!" The iron wind horrified, scared him to tremble.

The serious injury of the cloud is even more fearful to the extreme, wide-eyed eyes watching Xiao Chen, a word can not say, a heart of unwillingness and anger, and feel very shameful, is simply moving the stone to lick their own feet.

"The repair of the square is deep, and it is close to the peak of the six emperors. But this power is not the opponent of the Xiaochen brothers." Yin and Yang are less dark, while absorbing the energy of the refining fire, while watching Xiao Chen and Fang Li The battle of the mark.

"Xiao Chen, let the old **** look at your strength!" The ancient white tiger that absorbed refining suddenly screamed.

The party is smothered and said: "Xiao Chen’s cultivation has really improved! But what is the matter? In just a few months, he could not have such terrible power."

"Fang away from the mark, make your full strength, I will let you see my strength!" Xiao Chen sneered, the voice fell, Xiao Chen will provoke the power of chaos.


The overbearing force that drives the chaos comes out, Xiao Chen’s momentum suddenly changes dramatically, the golden light flashes, and the glare is extremely dazzling. The power of extreme horror is like a flood of sudden surges, shaking the space and shaking, so devastating. The momentum of the powers scared the party from the horror.

"What? Actually. It turned out to be the six-turned emperor's realm!" The fear of the divorce is incomparable, the old face is full of fear, and the eyes are coming out quickly.

"Six. Six turns to Xiandi? This. How is this possible?" The iron wind looked dumbfounded, and the inner moment was completely filled with fear. The dust of the genius battle was just four turns to the Emperor, which was only a few months. It turned into a six-turn fairy emperor!

Such a horrible cultivation speed, completely beyond their imagination, is even more enchanting than the enchanting!

"Xiao Chen turned out to be a six-turn emperor!" Destroy the cloud and stay in the woods, almost scared to faint.

"There is no trace, the real battle is just beginning." Xiao Chen's cold and full of murderous eyes swept to the distant side of the trace, cold smile, and suddenly shot.

"call out!"

Xiao Chen's body shape appeared in front of the horrified side of the horror, but did not shoot, but the incompetent momentum has scared the party away from the violent tremors, and looked at Xiao Chen with great fear.

“Hey!” Xiao Chen smiled coldly and said, “Why, was it scared by my strength?”

The fear of the deviation, fiercely biting his teeth, extremely angry, roaring, and suddenly punched Xiao Xiao's chest.


The square is a punch from the mark, the power is terrible, the bang is blown up, and it is on the chest of Xiao Chen, which is still moving, but when the punch falls, the square is smashed!

Such a terrible punch can not shake Xiao Chen!

"Hey! I can't believe it myself. I am so strong that I am so strong that my physical strength is beyond my imagination. To be honest, you don't feel like you." Xiao Chen's sneer stand up.

"Family!" Xiao Chen's words, every word is insulted in the insults, was insulted by a junior, and immediately felt that his dignity was trampled, and his heart was like a sword. pain.

Xiao Chen is the world of six emperors. Nowadays, the power of chaos is promoted. The power is instantly increased several times. It definitely reaches the realm of the seven-turn emperor.

The anger is almost irrational, and the violent one wants to punch Xiao Xiao again.



However, Xiao Chen shot at a more horrible speed. The speed is fast. Xiao Chen is like no action at all, but suddenly the sound of the explosion, but let the square spit blood from the mouth, and the body shape flies out.

"What power is this?" The injured side is detached. When flying out, the fear in the heart is incomparable. The anger is instantly destroyed by the power of Xiao Chen's horror. Only the fear from the bottom of my heart!

Xiao Chen’s boxing wounded the wounds, and the two people who were out of the sky and the iron wind were already afraid to say nothing, and pale as a dead person.

"Destroy the clouds, and leave the traces, I want to kill you, there is no need to cast a law." Xiao Chen sneered, looks arrogant, but he has arrogant capital.

"God's decision! Million sword!" The injured side suddenly screamed out, the horrible celestial elements were all motivated, and the hands quickly flashed, and a huge 70,000-foot horror energy sword condensed over it. It is so cold and cold.

"call out!"


The party was swaying from the mark, and the extremely horrible energy sword broke out and smashed toward Xiao Chen. The sound of the sound was so harsh that the entire fire space shook violently.

"Give it back to you!" Xiao Chen sneered, and with a wave of his hand, the horrible energy sword that quickly came out disappeared out of thin air. The next moment, the energy sword was turned back and slanted away.

"What? How is this possible?" The face was changed from face to face, and his eyes were full of fear and incredible.

Xiao Chen sneered and said: "The square is still a trace, today is also your death!"