Fanatic Martial God

Chapter 1287: Xiao Chen Zhan Yan Emperor (2)

"The repair of Yan Tiandi's old **** is above me. If it is not my physical strength, and the force that drives me to help me improve my strength, it is really not his opponent." Xiao Chen’s heart is dark, intense Fighting, Xiao Chen is just barely able to fight against Emperor Yan.

"But my speed is comparable to that of him. There is room for transfer. It can be said that the speed is above him." Xiao Chen continued to secretly, the speed was fast enough, Xiao Chen would not worry.



With the passage of fierce fighting time, the power of the two people has become more and more terrible. It has already spurred eight successful combat battles. The high-altitude explosion is deafening, and the space of the fairyland is extremely fierce. Even in the most remote places in the fairyland, The space is sensed to vibrate.

"The physical strength of Xiao Chen's stinky boy has become so powerful. Under the celestial respect, with the power of the flesh and the power of chaos, he can actually fight against this fairy!" Yan Tiandi was shocked and fiercely fighting. And did not account for the slightest cheap.

Looking at the fierce battle in the sky, the yin and yang souls were shocked and said: "In just four years, Xiao Chen actually achieved such a terrible realm, and his strength was actually above the old man!"

At the same time, many of the guards in the Dan Dian were bombarded in large numbers. In front of the reincarnation of the soul gate, the guards of the Dian Dian were too weak. At half an hour, there were less than a thousand people left. Although the soul brothers also have Death and injury, but it is only a few hundred people.

"Yan Tiandi, you will be killed in the temple guards. Are you still not willing to show up?" Qiao Feng shouted, madly killing the enemy, the whole body was splashed with the blood of the enemy.

"To tell the truth, I also want to try the strength of the cockroach!" Ling war cold and cold, the soul of the other strong players who did not play, are waiting to appear.

The Dan Dian guards were slaughtered. Some people in the place did not feel anything. After all, the strength of the Dian Dian guard was too weak. Even if they had the reincarnation of the Emperor and the Emperor, they were not enough to kill the soul.

Xiao Chen and Yan Tiandi in the fierce battle, the two also looked at the bottom, thousands of people in the Dan Palace have now been killed only one-third of the death, can be described as heavy casualties.

"Yan Tiandi, your Dan Dian's strength is strong, if I guess it is right, so terrible, Dan Dian must have developed a lot, if it is my words, it will certainly be developed in large numbers." Xiao Chen sneered, It is precisely because of this concern that Xiao Dian did not act rashly to eradicate the Dan Temple when he first smashed the Dan Dian.

"Father, since they want to see the power of our Dan Dian, so give them some fear!" Yan Aotian gave a message to Yan Tiandi.

Yan Tiandi heard the words, and after Xiao Chen slammed a note, the two each retreated to a distant place, ending the fierce hand-to-hand combat.

"Xiao Chen, since you want to see the strength of Dan Dian, this fairy will be yours!" Yan Tiandi sneered, the voice fell, a fierce wave, between the blink of an eye, three thousand 傀儡 appeared out of thin air, neat rows Line up on the void,

"傀儡 傀儡 藏 藏 傀儡 傀儡 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎 炎! Shocked in the dust, and sure enough, he guessed.

"A lot of cockroaches, there are three thousand cockroaches, and they can't see their cultivation. They can't sense the slightest breath of life!" Zhuge Zhengfeng frowned, and the number seemed to exceed his imagination.

Mu Yunshan dignified: "Everyone is careful, according to the original plan, do not underestimate these embarrassment, they are definitely the reincarnation of the emperor!"

"These cockroaches must be killed and killed, or they will be wiped out, or they will recover!" Ghosts frowned and shouted, and the look became very dignified.

"How did Dan Dang get so much in the end?" Yin and Yang sorrowful doubts, one by one is secretly guessing.

"Evacuation!" The blood witch screamed fiercely, and everyone in the soul of the war was violently retreating. Mu Yunshan and other strong men who had not yet shot, almost simultaneously flew to the front of the soul gate army.

"Xiao Chen! This Xianzun is to see how you deal with these three thousand! With their strength, destroying your soul door is more than enough!" Yan Tiandi proudly sneered.

Xiao Chen has no fear, and the evil smiles: "That may not be!"

"Xiao Chen! Kill me Dan Dian so many people, this time it is your soul brother!" Yan Aotian sneered, said suddenly swaying, three thousand screams suddenly rushed out to Muyunshan, Dan Dian Only the guards of less than a thousand people left, and they rushed to the soul again.

Ling war frowned: "These cockroaches have already been controlled by the lock of the soul!"

"Millions of avatars!" Mu Yunshan suddenly spurred Xianyuan, his hands quickly printed, shouted, blink of an eye, Wandao avatars condensed, and quickly rushed away, others did not shoot.

"Hey! Seven converts the emperor's avatar to deal with the Dan Temple three thousand? Not self-reliant!" Yan Aotian disdain sneer.

The ancient white tiger heard the words and sneered: "Small smashed, don't be too happy."


Three thousand rushing out of the storm, urging the power of terror in succession, the brilliance of the road flashed out, extremely glaring, three thousand horrible forces broke out, the space of the fairy world shook violently, and the momentum was magnificent. Countless people are scared and scared.

"Sure enough, all are the reincarnation of the emperor!" Xiao Chen was shocked, although he had already guessed it, but his own eyes were still shocked by the horrible lineup.

"Three thousand 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 三 三 三 三 三!

Three thousand reincarnated masters, how horrible the lineup!



Mu Yunshan's Wandao splits his eyes and fights with the Three Thousands of Thousands. Mu Yunshan is the place where the seven emperors are turned, and the condensed avatars are repaired to reach the six emperor's realm. It is terrible, but only It’s a split.

"Very good! As long as we can see their cultivation, we can drag on to cultivate a powerful 傀儡! Ling war, ghosts, Zhuge predecessors, old predecessors, you each look for the same as your own repair! Put them Lead! Black! Hands-on! Other brothers are on standby!" Mu Yunshan screamed and acted according to the original plan.

Mu Yunshan's voice fell, and dozens of reincarnated masters of the soul gate at the same time shot, and are looking for their own shackles, and lead them to other places.


At this time, the dark black hidden in the dark, the space penetration, the mad attack on the cockroaches, numerous fists silently appear, a large number of cockroaches were hit, and were shot to fly out, hit the guards instantly killed!

"This is Xiao Hei's old bastard!" Yan Aotian frowned, not knowing where the black hide is, it can't stop.

After Mu Yunshan and other strong men led the powerful shackles, Mu Yunshan's avatar and the black mad attack, for a time, blocked the terrible lineup.

The little black is the realm of the seven emperors, in the face of their horrible power, repaired into a weak cockroach, all of them are smashed into blood fog! Just a few breaths, there are already dozens of cockroaches being killed!

"It seems that the soul gate has already been prepared. Mu Yunshan's avatar is to see the repair of the cockroaches, so that Tianshan Jun will drag them into a powerful shackle, and the black is attacking in the dark!" Yin Yang Shaotian surprised Tao, three thousand 傀儡 was actually blocked, everyone was shocked.

"Come out! Thousands of thousands of **** trees!" The next moment, Xiao Chen appeared in a void, hands clasped together, suddenly screamed, a million horrible scary tree appeared out of thin air.

The tree of God appeared, and the soul of the door stood by, and Xiaotian hurriedly shouted: "Brothers, God tree!"

"Kill!" Thousands of brothers in the soul door screamed and screamed, and quickly rushed out to fly over the tree of God.


Xiao Chen’s avatars spurred the power of terror, manipulated the **** tree to launch a mad attack, and thousands of terrible and huge branches burst out.


The power of the **** tree is terrifying. Thousands of places where the branches pass, and those that cannot be avoided are pierced by the **** tree, and the body is shattered and killed directly!

The sacred tree and the little black are simply unilateral massacres, and more and more cockroaches are smashed into blood.

"Xiao Chen's **** tree! Nine turns to the power of the Emperor! Great! There is a **** tree to play, you can never pose a threat!" Yin Yang Shaotian suddenly expressed great joy.

"This is the monster that Xiao Chen summoned!" Yan Ao Tian stunned his eyes and the power of the **** tree became even more terrible with the improvement of Xiao Chen Xiu!

"Divided?" Yan Tiandi's face changed, frowning: "Bad boy, you have already prepared a avatar!"

Xiao Chen sneered and said: "You are right, just to deal with the shackles of your Dan Dian! Because I know that the shackles of the Dandan Temple cannot have seven turns of the emperor and eight turns of the emperor, the avatar of Yunshan. Just to lure the urging power, so that the Tianshan predecessors can lead the more powerful cockroaches. As for the other cockroaches, the repair of the black singer and the emperor is enough to kill them! The **** tree has nine Turning to the power of the Emperor, how long do you think your embarrassment can withstand?"

Yan Tiandi heard the words, his face changed greatly, and hurriedly yelled at Yan Aotian: "Inflammatory, kill this animal, and destroy the tree of Xiao Chen as soon as possible!"

"Yan Tiandi, I have more than one person to prepare for the avatar! And my avatar can also condense the avatar!" Xiao dust evil laughed, the voice fell, control the avatar of the **** tree, this time again condensed a dozen avatars, and At the same time, among a large number of shackles, Xiao Chen appeared in a vain manner and launched a mad bombing of Dan Dian.

Originally, the momentum was astonishing, and the thousands of people who feared countless people. In the blink of an eye, the situation was instantly reversed. The attack of the **** tree and the little black madness left more than two thousand shackles.

Xiao Chen proudly sneered: "Yan Tiandi, how? My tactics are not bad! You don't have any use."

"There is no reason! The big wilderness!" In less than a few minutes, the scorpion was smashed by hundreds, and the Emperor Yantian angered and screamed, screaming out a lot of avatars!