Fanatic Martial God

Chapter 1576: Mutual calculation

In the hall of Murong's house, Nan Ming is trying to control a master of the gods who have been arrested by them, and has already put the tea in the control of the soul to the master of the gods.

"Murong Feng! You pseudo-gentle! What have you given me? Let me go!" Shen Jun master and frightened and angry roar, crazy struggle, but to no avail, can not break free.


Murong Liancheng suddenly slammed up and yelled: "You shut me up! Quiet!"

Murong Feng and others are nervous and look forward to watching the master of the gods, Nan Ming is urging the gods, trying to control.

"Must be successful!" Murong Liancheng prayed in his heart, looked nervous, very worried about control failure.

As the Nanming gesture changed, slowly, the master of the gods began to calm down slowly, no longer struggling, and the eyes flashed brightly.

Upon seeing it, Murong Feng quickly asked: "How about Nanming's predecessors? Has it succeeded?"

"Who are you? Why are you tied to me?" Nan Ming still had no openings. The trapped **** master suddenly asked, and he did not seem to know Murong Feng and others.

When this person spoke, Murong Feng and others suddenly became ecstatic, and they knew that they had succeeded without asking.

"Great! Successful! Controlling the soul is effective! Haha!" Murong Liancheng excitedly laughed.

"Homeowner, he has forgotten the previous things." The elders laughed excitedly.

Murong Feng quickly said: "Southern Ming seniors, try it!"

Nan Ming nodded and looked at the god, saying: "Call my master!"

"Master!" The **** master said that he did not want to think.

"Haha! Great!" Murong Liancheng became more and more excited.

"I can't believe it. Just like a normal person, I can't see the control of the soul, but I don't know what I am doing." The two elders were shocked and unbelievable.

"This control soul is so powerful." A seven-product alchemy teacher was equally shocked.

"Controlling the soul? What is it? Dan medicine?" asked the **** master.

"Don't know what to do, don't let it go!" Nan Ming coldly sipped, and also loosened him.

"Yes! Master!" The man respectfully said that he only recognized Nanming, and others did not know.

Murong Liancheng quickly said: "You give me a kneel!"

"Sorry, there is no order from the master, you can't let me kneel down!" The man opened his mouth and looked a little cold, apparently feeling that Murong was insulting him.

"Your Majesty!" Nan Ming coldly sighed, the voice just fell, the man actually squatted without saying anything, as if there was no rebellion, but subconscious.

"From today, you are the person of Murong's family. Everything obeys the orders of Murong's family and Murong's master!" Nan Ming ordered.

"Yes! Master!" The man respectfully said.

"I slap in the face!" Murong Liancheng then tried.


The man said nothing, and a slap in the face of his face, a slamming sound, and the palm prints came out!

Murong Feng and others were stunned one by one, and the control of the soul was terrible, completely beyond their imagination.

"Controlling the soul is more terrible than we think. Nanming predecessors, and three predecessors, have labored you! The husband immediately banquets, invite those who are strong to come, and then completely control them!" Murong Feng quickly said, this control Soul is definitely the most terrible baby of strength!

"Mu Rong's family is assured." Nan Ming smiled happily.

"If you can control Xiao Chen, I will definitely let Xiao Chen be the dog of my life, let him do what he does!" Murong Liancheng excited, and thought in his mind that Xiao Chen gave him a picture of the next person.

"Mu Rong's owner, although you have a banquet, we will go back to refining and control the soul." Nan Ming smiled, and then left the hall with three Qipin alchemy divisions.

"Homeowner, the control of the soul is so terrible, in case.." The elders frowned, seemingly worried about anything, but the words have not finished, they were interrupted by Murong.

Murong Feng dignified: "The old man knows that there is no antidote to control the soul. We need to guard against some of the alchemists in Nanming. If we control the soul, Murong will be finished."

"I’m right, I’ve been worried about this before, but I can’t think of it.” Murong Liancheng said seriously: “Nan Ming is not a Murong family. They help Murong’s family because of the financial resources of Murong’s family. They get prescriptions for controlling the soul, and no one can guarantee that they will control us."

"Nan Ming is an ambitious person, and the old man is not at ease." The elders frowned.

Although controlling the soul is terrible, there are also considerable risks. If you are not careful, you will be controlled!

Murong Feng is extremely dignified, and he is also worried about this. After all, Murong’s family is huge. He does not want to control the soul and harm the entire Murong family.

Murong Feng was silent for a long time and said: "The old man can't think of a way. You must be cautious during this time, but you can't let Nan Ming see that we are guarding them. This will make them want to control us more. We must think about it. Ways to control them."

Murong Liancheng’s eyes flashed fiercely and murderously, saying: “Hey, the best way is to kill them, but before killing them, they need to control a large number of masters for the Murong family. As for the gods, there are great elders. Control, we can let the great elders arrange some masters of the gods in Murong."

Murong Feng heard the words, his eyes suddenly brightened, and smiled: "Well, yes, this is indeed a good way. City, you are smart from an early age, it is impulsive. If you can calmly deal with things in the future, you will be able to become a big weapon." !"

"Hey, I was really crazy by Xiao Chen's bastard, so I was so impulsive." Murong Liancheng sighed: "But with the control of the soul, I can find him revenge, my anger has been completely excited instead."

"At the moment, we only have this method. The owner will set up a banquet as soon as possible and invite more masters of the gods! When they control them, they will let the four alchemists of Nanming listen to these people," the elders said.

"City, you immediately die to tie the people to go, the masters of the forces and the surrounding forces around the Murong family are invited to the Murong home, it is said to be the father's life!" Murong Feng laughed.

Regardless of whether Nan Ming has ever thought about controlling Murong's family, Murong Feng must be prepared, just in case, even if it is not, Murong Feng will not let them go. They must eradicate the bane and preserve the Murong family.

Although they are seven alchemy masters in Nanming, they are all in the middle and early stages of the Shenjun. Their strength is not strong. It is easy for Murong to kill them.

In the alchemy room of Murong's house, when Nan Mingang wanted to refine the control of the soul, he would teach the other three seven-in-one alchemy: "Three, the control of the soul is very terrible, even the master of the king can easily control, just now You have also seen that the Murong family has a huge financial resources. If we can control the Murong family and become our power, we will be able to grow our Murong home with the realm of our seven-integrated alchemists."

"It is indeed terrible to control the soul. As the South Brother said, if we control the Murong family, we will not have to worry about the medicinal materials. From then on, we can sit back and relax." Another seven-product alchemy teacher smiled. It seems that he also has this idea in his heart.

Another old man smiled and said: "If you can control the master of the gods, we will not be jealous of anyone in the realm of the gods."

"Breakthrough the eight-in-one alchemy master, are you afraid that you can't control the master of the gods?" Another seven-inspired alchemist sneered, all of them are ambitious.

"Yes, it seems that the three thoughts are in line with the old man. If this is the case, we will envy the host family to host a banquet and control the Murong family together. It is only Murong who is cautious and considerate. We must be very careful not to show a little bit." Nan Ming sneered and laughed, and he looked like a sinister.

"Murong Feng can't be underestimated. If there is no chance, we will wait for the next opportunity. We must not be in a hurry. If they are aware of them, I am afraid that our lives will be difficult to protect." One person dignified.

Nan Ming did not worry at all, smiled and said: "Li Lao is relieved, we are all seven products alchemy teacher, how to say in the realm of the gods also have some prestige, they dare not rushed, not to mention we also know some gods master, Murong style wants It’s not that easy to kill us. In short, we must be careful.”

After a pause, Nan Ming sneered and said: "I am afraid that Murong Feng is already guarding us. This old thing is very savvy. If you have a feast, he must be very careful. If you want to control them, you must put the control soul in it. Among the drinks and teas, and even some of the dishes, Murong has no cellars and can only be purchased from Xishen, we can start from here."

Li Lao agreed: "The South Brothers are justified."

"Oh! As long as we control the Murong family, and we have the prescription to control the soul, we will be able to draw a relationship with the Supreme Shrine, and our position in the realm of the gods will be greatly improved." South sneer sneer, The more you think, the more excited you are.

"Who is going to be better?" Li asked.

"This old man has his own way to control the Murong family first guard." Nan Ming sneered, everything has been thought of, just wait for the banquet to begin.

Sure enough, Murong Feng is sending people to the West God to buy wine.

Just as several guards wanted to leave, a guard came out of the alchemy room and ran up quickly. He laughed at the guards: "I am going with you, just as the South Ming dynasty asked me to invite his apprentice to come. Refining and controlling the soul together."

"Take it, the owner will let us as soon as possible." A guardian, no one noticed anything, everything is normal.

"Apprentice? When did the old thing in Nanming have an apprentice? No, Nan Ming has always been alone, there is no apprentice!" The guardian’s words were just heard by Murong Liancheng, which made him wonder, and his heart was secret. "Nantong, this old **** is really ambitious. It seems that the guard has been under his control. I don't think this pharaoh wants to do so soon! Maybe some of them have already colluded, I must tell my father as soon as possible!"