Fanatic Martial God

Chapter 1761: Not qualified

"Evil side?" Everyone heard the words, all of them were a slight meal, and suddenly their faces suddenly changed. The shocking eyes were extremely reluctant to sweep from the sky to the distant sky.

"The magical feather world is not the first time.." Xuanyuan has a sorrowful smile, and shook his head helplessly. It seems that he feels powerless to today's happy fantasy.

Happy Tianzhu nodded, sighed a little, slightly indulged, and said for a moment: "The illusion of feathers from a small temperament, sinful evil, and later in a fight with the tribe, after the defeat, he was blown out The stock is far superior to the evil power that it has cultivated. Since then, we have discovered the evil side of his body."

Everyone nodded slyly and shocked, but they kept silent.

The slightest pause, the happy Tianzhu continued: "The reason why the old man is strict with the illusion of feathers, and still imposes a seal on him, is not without reason. The evil side of his body has been wanting to swallow the magical feathers for many years. The old man is worried about the day. Being out of the evil side, I was so strict with the magical feathers, and let the grandfather of the magical feathers seal the evil side of his body. Unexpectedly, today, because of the stimulation of the fire, the magical feathers are angry and lose their senses. The side is released."

"It turns out that." Zhuge Zhengfeng nodded slightly, and everyone fully understood the reason.

"Hey. The evil side of the world's body has been repaired as far beyond the world. If he does not stop him, I am afraid that the world will marry him." Xuanyuan shook his head with helplessness, a bitter smile, but the words behind him could not be said.

"The body will be occupied by the evil side?" The brows of the battle were slightly wrinkled, and the dark eyes were staring at the Xuanyuan Promise. Looking at the latter's look, he probably guessed one or two.

Happy Tianzhu nodded bitterly, as if he was ten years old, but he was even more helpless.

"Mr. Xiaoyao is also powerless?" Soul Tigers frowned slightly, and his heart suddenly moved, and asked with a sigh.

"Our two great families have been fighting against the Kui Ying organization for many years. The Kui Ying Xiu is far above us. If you are not happy, I am afraid that our two great families have long since ceased to exist. In the past few decades, Mr. Xiaoyao has repeatedly The battle of Kui Ying, now the wound is not healed, hehe." Xuanyuan shook his head with helplessness, sighed, and the old face showed a touch of exhaustion.

"The injury has not healed?" Ghost and Mu Yunshan's face changed at the same time. They looked at each other. Obviously, the strong person they said earlier refers to Mr. Xiaoyao, but he never thought that Mr. Xiaoyao was injured. More.


Happy and fascinating feathers fluttering inflamed magic, Rao is the magical feet smashing the void, leaving two white smoke in the void, but still being shaken by hundreds of meters, which shows the strength of the illusion of the illusion.

No, it should be said that the evil side is strong.

Yanmo no expression, his body shape is steady, the dark eyes are slightly moved down, glanced at the position of blocking the fist of the illusion of the feathers, keeping the balance of the hands, this slowly put down, and finally the mouth corner pulled up a touch of faint Evil smile.

The black scorpion of the smog swept away on the illusion of the illusion, and did not see anything unusual. This is a faint smile: "The voice of the voice, and the power of this evil, is enough to show that you are not a happy feather, but I am very curious, why are you in him? Who are you?"

"I don't mean him." The eyes of the stunned feathers and scarlet eyes stared at the sorcerer. They spread their hands and smiled and said: "It's just the other side of him. For me, he is just a useless waste. From now on. In the future, the waste will not appear again."

A slightly hoarse and sharp voice that makes the whole body erect.

Wen Yan, the devil's brow raised his head, slightly surprised, indulged for a moment, faintly smiled: "It turns out that although I don't quite understand it, one thing is certain, you occupy his body with the cultivation that transcends him."

Happy illusion feather brow wrinkled, sneer swept away, face cold, scarlet eyes flashed cold and murderous, cold and cold: "This is my body."

"That's right." The fire does not matter to spread the hand, even in the face of more powerful happy feathers, the fire is still calm, the dark eyes are not flustered.

"There is also the power of evil, but you are under me." The condescending gesture glanced at the flaming demon, and the faint sneer hangs on his face again.

"Is it?" The flaming demon is faint, not warm.

The seemingly dull conversation is full of gunpowder.

"Who will win? The blaze seems to have never made any effort." Looking at the heavy atmosphere at high altitude, Xuanyuan’s words frowned, and he did not dare to make a conclusion.

"Who is strong and who is weak, you know it." Mu Yunshan stared at the high-altitude road.

Happy Xiaoyu Shu stretched the bones and muscles, and a series of crisp sounds sounded like firecrackers. After a while, the head swept to the fire, and the scarlet eyes suddenly brightened, and faintly smiled: "How about warming up?"

The savvy shrugged casually and swept to the eyes of Xiaoyao Yuyu. It was full of Mori cold and faintly said: "Although I just warmed up a little, I can warm up with you."

"Warming up some?" The soul of the emperor sank, his heart violently surging, his face pumped, and he said: "This little **** has said that the battle with us has just been warm-up!"



With the end of the conversation between the two, the warm-up battle will be followed. The so-called warm-up is the activity of the muscles, and then it is clear that it is a melee battle, the hard touch of the fists and feet, a stunned sound spread, a wave of energy In the past, the space was violently twisted and collapsed.

At the beginning, he was also stunned by the illusion of the magical feathers. Nowadays, he can compete with the Xiaoyao phantom, and he has not fallen into the wind. This makes everyone look silly.

The fire demon, really did not make full effort!

Happy and sighed, ridiculed and laughed: "The strength of this little beast is probably super-sharp, only to fight with us, he did not take us seriously."

"What kind of realm is the flaming demon in the end?" The power of the sorcerer once again made everyone feel shocked, and the same sentence appeared in the heart.

Although the fierce hand-to-hand combat is just a warm-up, but the battle between the previous fire and the two homeowners, the power is even more powerful.

After a few minutes, the close combat was finally coming to an end. When the two of them finally slammed against each other, they retreated in the distance.

The two breathed calmly, and their face was still the same, and there was no weakness caused by the fierce hand-to-hand combat.

"Sure enough, the strength has been retained." The body stopped smoothly, and the fascinating feathers twisted their necks, squeaking, and glanced at the distant sorcerer. The scarlet eyes flashed fiercely, posing a condescending gesture, faintly laughing. Road: "Come on the real thing."


"call out!"

When the voice fell, the momentum of the fascinating illusion suddenly soared, the power of destruction condensed in the right arm, and the indigo fainted, seemingly gentle, but full of violent power, under the wave of the fascinating illusion of feathers, a hundred thousand feet The energy bursts out of the air, and the sound of the sound is deafening, carrying the raging momentum to the fire.

Looking at the devastating energy from the rapid flight, the sorcerer is an invisible appearance, not flustered, and a lazy look slowly raises his right hand.

"Is this guy going to block the force by hand?" The faces of the people changed slightly, and their eyes shifted to the sorcerer. Just as everyone thought that the sorcerer was going to resist it by hand, the next move of the sorcerer made them even more shocked.

The right arm is straight, the palm is stretched open, and the sinister mouth evokes a faint smirk, and immediately in the eyes of the public, the sorcerer's palm slams fiercely, but the fingerprint does not move.

Seeing the situation, everyone took a long breath, the fire magic actually intended to resist with a finger!



In contrast, the tens of thousands of liters of huge energy 斩, in contrast, the genie is undoubtedly a small particle in the yellow sand, however, after fierce impact and with the explosion spread, this granule smaller than the ant, actually It was to block the power of destruction in a smooth and steady manner. When everyone was shocked, they heard a broken sound, and the enormous energy of hundreds of thousands of feet was broken.

Shock! Unbeatable shock!

A pair of stunned eyes stared at the fire, even the two homeowners, the look at this time is stiff on the face, unbelievable!

"Happy Xiaoyu, you don't underestimate my strength, I want to test my strength, eight successes are not enough." Lightly and easily use a finger to crush the destruction energy of Xiaoyao Magic Feather. Lift your eyes and sweep away, faintly laughing.

"Eight success?" Everyone was white and stunned by the words of the sorcerer.

The evil side of the illusion of the phantom appeared, and it was fixed on the two homeowners, but also the power of these horrors, which made 80% of the attacks, and they were vulnerable in front of the sorcerer.

Rao is the evil side of the evil phantom. At this moment, the face is also a touch of surprise. After half a ring, with his strength, it will soon recover, but the condescending posture is converging.

"Don't really think that the evil side can easily deal with me. If I guess it is correct, your power limit is at most comparable to that of the year." The faint evil smile, I don't know when it is already The eyes of the happy illusion feathers rang, and the palms were gently pressed on the back of the fascinating feathers.

This touch, the face of the fascinating fascinating feathers suddenly changed, coupled with the words of the flaming demon self-viewing, the face is finally gloomy, scarlet eyes smashed, murderous outside, squinting to the inflammation behind him.

"I may tell you, I have broken through the quasi-holy world a year ago!" The eyes of the illusion of the illusion of the illusion of the illusion, the face of the flaming no face, still faint smile.

"I. A breakthrough a year ago?" Mu Yunshan people were once again shocked by the words of the evil spirits, the body is stiff, and it will not come back for a long time.

"Let's glory in front of me." The fascinating feathers are cold and cold, and the coldness of his face is like icy bones.

It was said that the face of the flaming demon was also cold, and the eyes were getting colder and colder, with a little anger, and coldly said: "You also have a condescending posture in front of me! Because you are not qualified!"