Fanatic Martial God

Chapter 1965: Chinese artifact

Saying goodbye to the flower mother-in-law and Hua Ling, Xiao Chen wandered around the streets of Taiming City with great excitement, and his face was filled with excitement.

The rareness of the **** iron, Xiao Chen is very clear in the heart, this is already dead, but Xiao Chen dreamed that he would get a rare **** iron.

Xiao Chen was excited when he thought that the Excalibur could upgrade the grade to the top artifact.

After flying up the holy world, Xiao Chen has never used the Excalibur. If it is not a last resort, Xiao Chen does not intend to use it. This is the killer in the killer.

Now that there is time, Xiao Chen is also looking for a place to let the Shenjian absorb the power of the **** iron and upgrade the level of the sword as soon as possible.

"Leave the Taiming City first, wait for the Excalibur to restore the top artifact, and then meet the wind vibration, even if you can't kill him, I am absolutely sure to seriously hurt him!" The eyes flashed with confidence, Xiao Chen's heart was dark, and the corner of his mouth fainted. Sneer.

Think of this, speed up the pace to leave Taiming City, Xiao Chen needs a hidden place, can not be found by others, so as not to bring trouble.

Moreover, Xiao Chen has not practiced for many days and can no longer waste time.

Leaving Taiming City, Xiao Chen flew directly to the depths of a certain mountain range. The cave in the mountain range is the most hidden for Xiao Chen.

In the deep forest, I found a cave and waved the enchantment. Xiao Chen was rushing to sit in the center of the cave, taking out the iron again and watching it carefully.

"God iron has a soul body, so the refining artifacts also have a soul body. I don't know if this soul of the **** iron will resist." The palm flipped over the **** iron, and Xiao Chen watched and snarled.

Under the exploration of the gods, the face was suddenly stunned, and Xiao Chen was surprised: "The soul of this **** iron is actually sleeping! No wonder that it is hidden because of the fear of the mother-in-law, it is sleeping!"

"Master, when you are asleep, is the best opportunity to absorb." Shenjian hurriedly voiced, it seems that I can't wait.

After careful exploration, Xiao Chen really felt the iron of the gods, which contained the strength and purity of the power, and the heart was once again admired, it is the essential material for refining artifacts, and it is powerful.

A clean and handsome face emerged with a touch of excitement, Xiao Chen nodded: "Immediately absorb! As soon as possible, let you restore the top artifact!"

The voice fell, and with a wave of hand, the Excalibur flew out of the body. Xiao Chen suddenly urged the Shengyuan force to inject into the Excalibur, and manipulated the huge power of the Excalibur to devour the Iron.

The Excalibur exudes dazzling golden light, covering the entire cave, and the powerful atmosphere is filled with it. The iron of the gods suddenly trembles fiercely, and it is also a silvery gray glow.

At the beginning of the Excalibur, it was the power of absorbing the iron of the gods. In the process of absorption, Xiao Chen also obviously felt that the breath of the Excalibur was improving, and his heart became more and more excited.

However, when the Excalibur is madly absorbed, the sacred light of the gods, but suddenly there is a strong force.

"The soul of God Iron is resisting, this is the instinctive rebellion!" A slight wrinkling, Xiao Chen dignified.

"The owner can rest assured that the soul of God's iron sleep can be said to be in a young age. Even if he wakes up, he can't resist it. It just takes some time." The sword is proud to smile, and now it is greedy to absorb the power of the **** iron.

Can not be nodded nodded, Xiao Chen smiled: "Hurry to absorb! It is best not to let it wake up, so as not to bother."

When the voice falls, Xiao Chen is injecting more powerful force into the Excalibur, and the speed of the Excalibur is also a little faster.

The more the sword is madly absorbing the power of the **** iron, the more sturdy the spirit of the sword is, and it is facing the grade impact of the top artifact.

It is only the last thing that is unwilling to happen, or it happened. When the Shenjian absorbed the power of the **** iron for a few minutes, the **** iron suddenly spewed out a stronger force. It was violently resisting, and the cave was actually shaking.

The raging power suddenly erupted from the **** iron, forming a gust of wind swept out, Xiao Chen's face suddenly changed, and was shocked by the terrible power of the **** iron.

"This sleeping soul, wake up! Actually has such a terrible power!" A slightly stunned look at the **** iron, Xiao Chen is difficult to channel.

"Hey! It's hard to beat me! Master, suppress him with the power of chaos!" The sword's heavy cold screams, tyrannical power burst out from the sword, and madly suppress the power of the **** iron.

The power of the overbearing chaos suddenly spurred, and it was injected into the Excalibur. With the help of chaos, the power of the Excalibur suddenly rose several times, and the power of the gods that spewed out was also greatly suppressed.

"Hey! I want to stop me from advancing to the top artifact!" The power of the gods was suppressed, and the sword could not help but sneer.

At the same time of strong suppression, the Excalibur continuously absorbs the power of the **** iron, and the breath is rapidly increasing!

"The power of the **** iron is very large. I am afraid that the sword will be upgraded to the top artifact. The power of the **** iron is still not exhausted." The reincarnation is also shocked by the huge and pure power in the **** iron.

"This is the best, and it will not be too much trouble to upgrade to a higher grade in the future." The face showed a happy smile, Xiao Chen smiled lightly.

Just as the Excalibur is madly absorbed, the **** iron has been violently resisting. I don’t know whether it is because of the madness of the Excalibur or the suppression of the power of chaos. The power of rebellion is instantly disappeared, the power disappears, and the iron is restored to the original silver gray. There is no brilliance.

"Abandoning resistance?" The face was slightly stunned, and Xiao Chen was shocked.

"Hey, the power of chaos is one of the strongest forces in ancient times. The power of the gods in the district can compete with it?" The proud smile, the sword said.

God Iron gave up resistance, the Excalibur was absorbed by greed, and the breath increased rapidly, and it has become stronger and stronger.

Only when the Excalibur was proud, a more terrible force suddenly spurted out of the iron, more than twice as strong as before.

"Sure enough, it's not simple!" It was noticed that the power of the **** iron was lifted several times in vain. Xiao Chen's face changed again and again, and the force of chaos suddenly urged and injected into the sword.

"Good power!" The sword was shocked and lost.

Xiao Chen is full of force to promote the power of chaos. The Excalibur is also trying to suppress it. The entire cave is violently vibrating. It is already bursting with a crack. The halo of the enchantment is dark and bright, which is very strange.

As time goes by, under the madness of the Excalibur, the breath is becoming more and more tyrannical, the golden light emitted by the sword body is getting stronger and stronger, making it difficult to open your eyes, but at high intensity, Xiao Chen’s face is a little pale, but he also clenches his teeth and supports it.

The power of Xiao Chen is gradually weakened, but the power of the Excalibur is getting stronger and stronger, and the Shentie is weakened because it is absorbed.

"Master, the Excalibur is going to advance to the top artifact!" The reincarnation that has been watched, suddenly said.

"Hey, God can't hold it for a long time!" The sword was smirking, and it was already sensing that the power of the **** iron consumed too much, without the violent violent violence.

The Excalibur has absorbed the strength of eight tenths and absorbed two tenths of the strength, so that it can successfully advance to the Chinese artifact.

"Call! The power of the **** iron has finally been weakened!" Slowly relieved, Xiao Chen smiled comfortably, his face was a bit paler.

The soul of Shentie’s sleeping soul wakes up, and the violent force really bursts out. Fortunately, the dust of Xiao Chen’s chaos is strong enough, otherwise it is really difficult to suppress.

When the last tenth of the power was completely absorbed by the Excalibur, the Excalibur suddenly became generous and golden, and a terrible breath of bloodthirsty atmosphere permeated.

"Master! Success!" The reincarnation of the reincarnation.

"Sure enough! This is the breath of the Chinese artifact!" The ecstasy of the heart burst out, Xiao Chen excited, his eyes fixed on the sword.

Smoothly promoted to the top artifact, the breath of the Excalibur completely changed qualitatively, the breath became more bloodthirsty, and the power became more aggressive.

"Master, did you feel it? After the sword was upgraded to the top artifact, the power was directly increased by three times!" After the dazzling golden light gradually dispersed, it was the whisper of the Excalibur.

"Yes! The power has indeed increased too much!" Nodded excitedly, Xiao Chen smiled happily, and quickly reached for the Excalibur.

Excited, Xiao Chen actually danced the sword in the cave. The golden sword shadow continued to flash in the cave. The exquisite and free and easy moves were all displayed by Xiao Chen. Each sword was sharply broken. The voice of the air, domineering.

The power of the **** iron was absorbed by the Excalibur. The original iron of the size of the bowl is only the size of a walnut. It is greatly shrunk.

The enormous power is absorbed, and the **** iron has become weak. It is no power to resist, and the soul body sleeps again.

After a set of swordsmanship exercises, Xiao Chen suddenly felt full of strength in his body, and his confidence in his eyes was more than a few points. He said, "I will touch the guy again, and when I will show the sword, I will help you with the top-level artifacts. It must be seriously hurting him!"

"Master, this time I am afraid that the Holy Spirit Palace will also send a lot of strong people to chase you! There is also a strong man who sits on the squad, and he will not be willing to give up. If you want to get the power of chaos, you will definitely send someone." Reincarnation.

"Come on, come on, but I still can't run?" The face evokes a sly smile, and Xiao Chen is slightly cold and cold, not afraid.

Excited to look at the sword in the hand, the smile on the face is a little more, and immediately the palm flips, the sword becomes a golden light into the body.

A faint look at the **** iron, Xiao Chen laughed: "Reincarnation, I was really guessed, there are some gods, but the power is not as big as before."

With a wave of hand, the walnut-sized **** iron was taken into the storage ring by Xiao Chen, and immediately took out a medicinal medicine to restore the power of consumption.

"The truth is always unbelievable. My mother-in-law, thank you for your **** iron, I owe you a favor." Now Xiao Chen feels incredible, always worried that he is dreaming. Once he wakes up, Shen Tie will be gone. .

PS: The artifact of Xiao Chen in front is already a Chinese artifact. The little soul didn't think about it for a while, so it was a little messy. Now it is the top artifact. The title of the little soul can't be changed. You need to edit it to change it.