Fanatic Martial God

Chapter 1982: Mixed feelings

"Yang Menger?" At the moment of hearing, Xiao Chen and Mu Qing were surprised to look at each other. If no one mentioned it, Xiao Chen would have forgotten the existence of Yang Menger.

The guard nodded and respectfully said: "Yes, I heard that Yang’s family had something to do with Yang Menger, but we don’t know what it is."

"It turned out that it seems that things are not small, at least Yang family can not solve." Indifferent shrug, Xiao Lei indifferent look.

"Mrs. Yang is not very powerful? Can't this little thing be solved?" The face is a little indifferent, and the wind is not good.

"Mrs. Qi Wei, Mrs. Yang has been in the early years because she is old, and she can't improve. Now she is lying in bed and can't move." A current elder next to him shook his head slightly and whispered.

"It's very powerful, it's so powerful that it can't be moved." Feng Ningxiang is another ironic discourse, obviously still a little angry about the things of the year.

"Homeowners, do you want to..." Looked at the wind and fragrant, and looked at Xiao Changfeng, the guards are somewhat guilty, and dare not say more, for fear of saying the wrong words.

"Let him come in." Looked at Xiao Chen and Mu Qing, and found that they did not change their face, Xiao Changfeng only began.

It was only Xiao Changfeng’s decision, and suddenly the wind and the fragrance around him were a little uncomfortable, and a cold sigh.

This cold voice, Xiao Changfeng's face suddenly changed slightly, and immediately revealed a bitter smile, faintly said: "Mrs, things have been so long, forget it."

"Yeah, mother, forget, big things, it is now light." Dongfang Xue also agreed to nod.

"Grandma, what's the matter?" Shui Ling's eyes turned, and the jade hand held the arm of the wind, and Xiao Qinger curiously asked.

Hearing the words, the face of Feng Xiangxiang showed a pitiful smile, touched the delicate face of Xiao Qinger, and smiled: "Nothing, just some small things."

"Yang Menger? I remember that Uncle God Tiger told me that she seems to be the one who was engaged in the same year. Because of the waste that could not be cultivated, Yang Jiacai took the initiative to retire." The sword eyebrows slightly wrinkled and looked at Xiao. Dust, Xiao Feng’s heart is dark.

After a slight pause, Xiao Feng’s heart went dark and said: "This is a matter of squatting in my teens. I know that when I fly to the top, I know that I regret it. But after all these years, I don’t have to care about it. I am afraid I have forgotten it."

I heard that Yang’s family had an urgent need to see, and everyone in the hall was quiet. They all knew what happened in the past. It can be said that it is the biggest shame of Xiao’s family. Every time I think about it, everyone’s mind is somewhat unhappy.

Of course, Xiao Changfeng and Xiao Chen did not have any opinions. They did not dare to say anything. After all, Xiao Changfeng was still the owner of the Xiao family, and the real right to speak was Xiao Chen.

After a while, an old man who looked extremely old entered Xiaochen Hall, dark gray robes, black and white hair, and his face looked pale and awkward. This person is the Yang family owner Yang Zhengxiong.

Yang Zhengxiong is older than Xiao Changfeng, but at this moment, it looks like the old man of sixty or seventy years old, the face of the old man, with a touch of anxiety and helplessness.

Of course, so old, in addition to some headaches and unsolvable things, another reason is the problem of cultivation.

After a few decades, Yang Zhengxiong is now only the middle of the Yuan Ying period. As he gets older, he can't keep up with it, and naturally he looks very old.

Seeing the miserable appearance of Yang Zhengxiong, not only Xiao Changfeng and Xiao Chen, even the current Xiao family and other people, are looking at Yang Zhengxiong with a blank face.

"Xiao Jiazhu, Xiao Chen, children, heard the news of your return, really let the old man see hope." Entering the hall, the old eye looked at Xiao Changfeng and Xiao Chen several people, Yang Zhengxiong cried the old face.

"Yang Jiazhu, what is so worrying and anxious about you?" Wrinkled, glimpsed Yang Zhengxiong's pitiful appearance, his heart is also somewhat intolerable, Xiao Changfeng quickly asked, and at the same time signaled a Xiao Chen people to sit.

"Dream is taken away, the old man is really unable to save the dream, can only come to help Xiao Jiazhu you." Old and sly old face, full of sorrow and sadness, Yang Zhengxiong hurts.

"Yang Menger was arrested? What is this all about?" Frowning again, Xiao Changfeng asked.

Sadly sighing, Yang Zhengxiong reluctantly said: "This incident also happened a few months ago. When Menger was playing in Yunzhou, he was stared by one person. Later, he found Yang Jialai, saying that he would raise a relative and know how to raise a relative. The person is Yunzhou Yunyuezong Shaozong, the dream does not agree, they will force the person, Yun Yuezong is strong, Yang family simply can't fight them, but also dreams to use suicide to force them back, who later thought They caught the dream directly."

Speaking of this, the eyes quickly looked at Xiao Changfeng, Yang Zhengxiong pleaded: "Xiao Jiazhu, seeing that we have known each other for many years, please help the old man to save the dream, the old man is such a daughter."

When I saw Xiao Chen, there was no opening at the beginning. Yang Zhengxiong’s heart was already disheartened. He also knew how serious the incidents of Xiao Chen and Xiao Jia’s insults were.

Even though it has been in the past few decades, Yang Zhengxiong still can't speak, so he did not dare to ask Xiao Chen for help. He could only speak to Xiao Changfeng.

Wen Yan, helpless sigh, Xiao Changfeng faintly said: "Yang Jiazhu do not have to worry, this is not a big deal."

"What kind of power is Yunyue Zong? It seems that I have never heard of it before." Liu Mei slightly stunned, the beautiful screaming doubts, red lips slightly open, Mu Qing asked.

When I saw Ms. Qing Qing asked, Xiao Chen was a little surprised, but there was not much change in his look. He just glanced at Mu Qing.

"Little lady, Yun Yuezong is a new force in the new rise of Yunzhou, because of the relationship between the alchemists, the speed of growth is relatively fast." An elder of the Xiao family replied respectfully.

"Two elders, are they strong?" Looking at the elders who spoke, Xiao Feng asked.

"The Sovereign is in the late stage of the embarrassment. Because there are two five-in-one alchemists in the Zong, so many recruits have been recruited, and there are many masters in the Yuan Ying and Jin Dan periods." Xiao Jiada Elder Said.

"The period of the outing? Yuan Ying period? What is the realm?" On the clean and handsome face, there is a fascinating color, Xiao Feng curiously asked.

"Wind, Qinger, you first came to the world, the division of the human world is not clear, I will tell you later." Looking at Xiao Feng, Mu Qing pity and laugh.

"Wind?" The old face was slightly stunned, and his eyes looked at Xiao Feng and Xiao Qinger. Then he looked at Xiao Chen again. The more he saw it, the more shocked he was. It was just a pattern.

"Xiao Jiazhu, are they two?" The heart shook, and his eyes quickly looked at Xiao Changfeng. Yang Zhengxiong asked, even if he guessed it, he still wanted to hear the answer.

Wen Yan, not waiting for Xiao Changfeng to open, Xiao Chen is faint: "Yang Jiazhu, this is my son Xiao Feng, 20 years old this year, Qinger is his mother, this is a daughter Xiao Qinger, this year 18 Years old, Cher is her mother."

"Sure enough." Xiao Chen said personally, Yang Zhengxiong's heart shouted, and the shock on his face was a little more shocking. He immediately surprised him: "I don't think it's so big."

"Well, if it wasn't for the wife's decision to make an impulse because she couldn't look down on Xiao Chen's waste, plus the dream of a stubborn temper, I am afraid that flying up the fairyland, it is not the naturals, but the old husband, and the Yang family has already been Guangzong Yaozu. Instead of decaying to this point.” The heartfelt smile and regret, even after many years, the heart is still unable to calm down, it should be their Yang family, but now they are others.

Of course, things have become a thing of the past, and they cannot be changed. Yang Zhengxiong has no ability to change and can only accept it all painfully.

"I still don't want to greet Grandpa Yang?" The eyes turned to Xiao Feng and Xiao Qinger. Xiao Chen was faint. On the words, Xiao Chen blamed them for not knowing how to be polite, but the tone was not blamed.

"Yang Grandpa." Xiao Feng and Xiao Qinger's polite nodding greetings did not show anything wrong.

"Hey!" The old and sly face came out with a bitter smile. Yang Zhengxig nodded and responded. If it wasn't for the year, I am afraid this greeting is not Grandpa Yang, but a grandfather!

"Dust, Yang Menger's things, you see..." Looking at Xiao Chen, Xiao Changfeng also wants to see Xiao Chen's opinion.

Wen Yan, indifferent shrug, Xiao Chen faintly said: "Father, this Xiao family big and small things, everything is what you say, your son, I am just a handkerchief, nothing to accompany the mother There are Cher and Sunny, and the young children who accompany me."

When I heard Xiao Chen’s words, Xiao Changfeng’s heart suddenly burst into a warm current. No matter Xiao Xiao became so powerful, in Xiao Chen’s heart, he still respected his father.

Of course, Xiao Chen said that nothing more than to increase the value of Xiao Changfeng, so that Yang Zhengxiong is envious.

The face reveals a gratifying and proud smile. Xiao Changfeng said faintly: "Xiao Mu, you send a few people to Yunyuezong, let them put people out."

"Yes! The owner!" Nodded reverently, and Xiao Mu immediately withdrew from the hall.

"Thank you Xiao Jiazhu, I really appreciate it." I quickly thanked and said, Yang Zhengxiong's heart was finally relieved.

However, when I left, the eyes with helplessness and sorrow were also confessed and helpless, and I took a look at Xiao Chen. I immediately left with a stomachache, but my heart was mixed.

For this matter, Yang Zhengxiong did not know how much hardship and suffering he had suffered in recent years. Such a good son-in-law was actually abandoned by his wife and daughter. This is the strongest supremacy in the human world, not to mention the ascendant world.

If Yang Zhengxiong knows that Xiao Chen has already risen to the realm of the gods, and Xiao Chen is flying up the holy world, I don’t know what kind of expression will be.