Fanatic Martial God

Chapter 348: Xiaolong reproduction

"Nine of the sages are already dead." The man looked at the body of Jin Zun and others, and found that there were only six bodies and three black liquids, which slowly opened, yes, this person is Three elders nebula!

The nebula touched the beard and glanced at the mountains that had turned into deserts. He said to himself: "Which people can kill the two elders? Xiao dust is impossible, and now they know the things of the ancient city. The soul gate and the Promise, the old **** of the Promise, and the second elder, can't kill the two elders, is there any strong?"

"The nine sages and the two elders have been sacrificed. The master has not recovered. This matter needs to be considered from a long time. The devil is nearby. It seems that the people of the sacred door have been secretly monitoring since the news of the ancient city was taken by the soul gate and the promise. Know, it is better to let them look for the ancient beasts, the ancient beasts are not so easy to find, so we have time to prepare." Nebula secretly, then left to leave, he can sense the existence of the devil, The people who proved the soul door are here, but they have not done it.

"Well? How did the old man go?" asked the strange voice.

The Gorefiend also feels very strange. He said: "Is this old thing so suffocating? The nine sages were killed, the two elders were unidentified, and he left?"

"Xiao Chen, will the old guy be hidden, and when we appear, let us shoot?" asked the ghost.

"Yin and Yang Xuanmai!" Xiao Chen is not sure whether the nebula has left, but also agrees with the ghosts, immediately urging the real yuan, showing the gods to see, the space within the sky suddenly appears in Xiao Chen's mind, but No one exists except for a few of them.

After reviewing, Xiao Chen finally settled down and said: "No one, the old guy has gone."

"Really gone? No? Loss. We let Xiaotian tell you the grandfather! The old guy actually came and left, what is he thinking?" Nether wondered, several people from the yellow sand ground Drilled out.

"It is estimated that I am worried about it, so I dare not act rashly. Since the two elders can sense the konjac of the ghost, I must have sensed this nebula. He should have noticed that we are nearby, but I have not shot it. I am surprised that How did they feel it? When I was in the Lingyu Reality Palace, the same master of the Mahayana period, why didn't he notice the ghost?" Xiao Chen frowned slightly, and became more and more strange.

After a while, Xiao Chen frowned. "And, Ghosts have said that the konjac in his body often wants to rush out of the body. This time is more and more frequent. The konjac has been completely refining by the ghosts. Why? Will this happen?"

Ghosts frowned: "I don't know what's going on. I always feel that I don't have a refining konjac. Although I can motivate the konjac, how can I say this? I don't know the relationship. Anyway, I feel it. It’s weird.”

"Is there any problem with the konjac?" Mu Yunshan wondered.

Nether does not think that: "The konjac itself is the power of evil. Even if it is slaughtered by ghosts, there is still evil. I think there should be no problem with the performance of these resistances."

"Forget it, no matter what, anyway, for a long time, I haven't seen any problems. Besides, we are not afraid of being discovered by them now. We will find the ancient beasts as soon as possible. As long as the ancient beasts appear, they will definitely come out. Then we can destroy them!" Ghost Tu said, I can't understand it anyway, I don't bother to pay attention.

Xiao Chen said to the ghosts: "I am not worried about what the konjac will be. I am just wondering how they perceive your existence. Well, everyone is scattered. Since the ancient city is in this area, the ancient beasts are sure. Also nearby, they either fell asleep or were sealed, just like the two dragons appearing in the Lingyu Reality Palace, tell me what clues are there!"

"call out!"

After half an hour, the wind and the wind and the wind have no life, there are big elders Li He and Xiao Tiantian appear.

"Grandpa, hey, you are finally here!" Xiao Chen smiled happily. Several people appeared in Fengtianlie, and Xiao Chen and Mu Yunshan immediately noticed that they would quickly meet.

"Xiao Chen, what can be found? Xiaotian told us everything." The wind asked without a word, and looked around and said: "It seems to be a battle for the masters of the Mahayana period, otherwise there is absolutely no such terrible. Destructive power."

"Yes! A two elders called the broken army and a ruthless battle, but they have been taken away by the wind, do not know what the wind is going to do." Mu Yunshan said.

Xiao Chen also smiled and said: "There is no discovery for the time being, but we got some news from the Golden Supreme. If we want to open the ancient city, we must find the ancient beasts that guard the ancient city, and the repair of the Northern Monsters. In the middle of the Mahayana, the power of the **** tree he absorbed was taken back after the tree was awakened."

"I don't want to let the grandfather come in, but the strength of our soul door also fights the North Ming old demon. Now I know that the Northern Monsters are down, so I will inform my grandfather, so that even if the North Monster is coming, Can't hurt my grandfather, not even a grandfather's opponent." Xiao Chen continued to laugh.

When I heard Xiao Chen’s words, I was so pleased that I was willing to take risks and not let him be in danger.

Feng Tianlie smiled happily: "It turned out that since the repair of the Northern Monsters has fallen again, it is the blessing of the realm of cultivation. The old man was worried that he would shoot us. After all, the peak of the Mahayana is terrible. The body is not something that can be countered in the later days of the Mahayana."

"Xiao Chen, how can I find the ancient beast?" The wind asked without help.

"Now the soul door is also looking for, but I have a way, I don't know if I can work." Xiao Chen said.

When the blood witches heard it, they suddenly felt happy. "Hurry, do you have any way? If it is possible, the sooner the better."

"I must have known that my grandfather and my aunt are still unknown. The little white tiger is an ancient beast, and it is stronger than the beast and the beast. The last time the sea-covered dragon was shocked by the beast of the little white tiger, so it was surrendered." Xiao Chen said .

"The original, the old man and the cold Xuan are still wondering, this little white tiger is what comes to the head, actually able to suppress the sea dragon, the original is a beast." Feng Tianlie nodded, the heart was secretly shocked, I can not think that Xiao Chen actually has a beast !

"The grandfather knows the beast?" Xiao Chen asked in amazement, but he did not tell the story of the ancient white tiger's beast with Feng Tianlie, and only knew Muyunshan.

Feng Tianren nodded: "The owner of the valley, the ancestor of Tian Xuan Gu, once said to the old man that the ancestor's master is the ancient strong, and the beast said that the old man was also heard from the ancestors. I just didn't think that my grandson actually had a beast!"

"Xiao Chen, what is the way, you are going to say it." The wind asked without help, and it was almost dying.

"I know, Xiao Chen, you want the ancient white tiger to release the power of the beast and force the ancient beast to force out?" The blood witch was hurried, and soon it was guessed.

Xiao Chen glanced at the blood witch, raised his thumbs and smiled: "Smart, I just think so, I just don't know if it works."

"Little white tiger, you come out and try." The blood witch is in a hurry, if it can really work, there is hope to open the ancient city.

The ancient white tiger appeared and said: "Xiao Chen, I am not sure that the pressure of the beast can suppress the ancient beasts. The ancient beasts are different from the beasts. They are born from the heavens and the earth, and the beasts are their own cultivation. Different."

After a pause, the ancient white tiger said: "Since it is an ancient beast, it is definitely very strong, I am worried that we are not able to deal with it."

"Grandfather, you should set up an enchantment first, otherwise I am worried that the ancient beast will come out and will alarm other strong forces. I don't want the baby to fall on them, but also suppress the beast." Looked at the wind and the sky said.

Wen Yan, Feng Tianlie slightly frowns: "I am afraid that the cultivation of the grandfather, set the enchantment, it is also difficult to resist the power of the beast. If you simply breathe the breath, there is no problem."

"I just need to isolate the breath!" Xiao Chen nodded. He was worried that the other powerful forces would perceive the horror of the beast.

"Xiao Chen, if you let Xiaobaihu get over the sea dragon, we are still afraid of fighting the beasts? From the ancient white tiger, the two dragons did not dare to listen." Ghosts hurriedly said that the beast, he thought of Hai Long, that is a terrible existence.

When the ancient white tiger heard it, his eyes slammed and he smiled. "Yeah, the strength of the two little sisters is also very strong. You can definitely compete with the ancient beasts! I call them out for activities, I am against them. The breath is clear and you can summon them at any time!"

"Great! There is a sea of ​​dragons, even if the North Ming old demon came, not dare to easily shot! Haha!" The smashing suddenly burst into excitement.

"Xian Ding! Five elements of Qiankun!" Feng Tianlie urged the real yuan, the hands of the seal, the last ten, fierce low drink, a near-transparent energy layer a terrible speed spread, between the blink of an eye, tens of thousands The space inside Zhang is covered.

Set up the enchantment, the wind and the sky: "The Five Elements of the World must have five elements of real elements to cultivate, and can block the five elements of the real elements of the atmosphere."

"Great!" Ghosts and several people were shocked.

Xiao Chen nodded and said: "Little white tiger, it is yours!"

The sturdy breath of the beasts broke out in vain, and the ancient white tiger was summoning the two sea-capped dragons in the Shuiyun Mountains.



In less than a minute, the yellow sands of the Tiangu Mountains trembled fiercely. After a long sound, two huge sea-capped dragons quickly emerged from the yellow sand, the moment of horror Spread, deter people.

"Hurry! So far away, these two big guys are actually blinking!" Mu Yunshan was shocked and stunned, could not believe it.