Fanatic Martial God

Chapter 361: Inferior animal

"Less lord, you. What are you doing?" Luo Hou was also shocked. The wind broke out and they were unexpected.

The wind is cold and laughs: "Grandpa, I know what I am doing."

"Small lord, you. Why do you want to do this? The old man is loyal to the Promise, the affairs of the sect are the management of the old man, never betrayed, why do you want to shoot the old man?" Yang Xiu really wondered if he was in the Promise The status is only ruthless, and it has made great contributions to the Promise. I did not expect such a result.

"Yang Xiu, I know that you have not betrayed the Promise, and you know that you are doing your best to the Promise. I am doing this to revitalize the Promise."

"I. I didn't read it wrong? Broken Tianfeng actually shot Yang Xiu? Is it difficult to break the wind and the North Ming old demon?" The stunned and horrified, thought it was wrong, could not help but swear Rubbed your eyes.

"What do you guys want to do when you break the wind? Actually, you hurt yourself. If you don't hurt Yang Xiu, they can destroy them. Are the bastards' consciences eaten by dogs?" Mu Yunshan also Do not dare to channel.

"Break the wind has no conscience at all." The blood witch angered, although she hated the Promise, but she was angry at seeing this scene.

The move of breaking the wind and the murder of the murder in the treatment of the murder, etc., they are very strange and shocked, do not know why the wind is doing so.

"Why do you want to hurt Yang Xiu? What is this stinky boy doing?" Cold Xuan frowns wondering, no one can guess the intention of breaking the wind.

There were a few old demon and sorcerers in the North, and their brows were deeply wrinkled, and they looked at the wind and the wind.

The wind broke slowly in front of Luo Hou, sneer: "The two elders, thank you for your efforts for the Promise in these years, for the Promise, you took out a lot of painstaking efforts, I am very good to you. Respect, even if I am a young lord, I have never violated your orders. I am telling the truth."

"Since you can think so, why do you want to do this? What do you want to do with the young masters? As long as you kill the North Ming old demon, Mu Mingkong is not our opponent, we can get the ancient strongman of the ancient city. Power, can this not revitalize the Promise?" Luo Hou said, do not know why, he looked at the eyes of the wind, there is always a very uneasy feeling.

"You are right, but Grandpa once taught me that people don't kill themselves. They must be ruthless, or they will not live long, so the two elders will say goodbye."

Speaking of this, the wind of the wind is on the top of Luohou Tianling, and it is quickly absorbing the power of the **** of Luohou!

"Wind! Stop! What are you doing? Do you know what you are doing?" The screaming screams.

"Less lord. Keep up! Do you want to kill the two elders?" Yang Xiuqiang yelled at the wounded.

Luo Hou was seriously injured and had no resistance at all. He allowed the wind to absorb the power of the gods.

"What is the wind breaking? The power of Luohou's Yuanshen is getting weaker and weaker. Does he really want to kill Luohou?" Huangfu stunned and stunned.

"No, the wind is breaking the power of the gods of Luo Hou!" Mu Ming screamed and stunned.

"What kind of martial arts is this? Can actually absorb the power of other people's gods!" Mu natural also shocked and widened his eyes.

"The situation of the late stage of the fit! Broken. The wind is actually the end of the fit!" The screaming exclaimed, can't believe it, just a few months, the broken wind actually rushed to the middle of the middle to the late!

"This guy's repair is rapidly improving!" Mu Yunshan frowned, and his heart was shocked.

"Absorb the strength of the gods? Good familiar martial arts!" Xiao Chen frowned, his face was shocked and dignified.

In a few minutes, Luo Hou’s Yuanshen power was completely absorbed by the wind, and Luo Hou’s soul body was already scattered, leaving only a dry body.

"Two. Two elders." Yang Xiu looked at Luo Hou with horror, and all of them trembled.

"Wind, you. When did you cultivate this evil martial arts?" asked the shocked stunned, and in a few minutes, completely absorbed the power of a metaphysical master.

The wind broke slowly toward Yang Xiu, sneer: "Grandpa, I can't tell you anything?"

"No. No. There are a few masters, don't." I saw that the wind was close, and Yang Xiu was seriously injured. His eyes were full of despair.

"Yang Xiu's law, I will accept your strength, Promise revitalization, you have made a contribution." The wind and cold laughed, and he did not hesitate to hit Yang Xiu's Tianling cover.

"No. No.." Yang Xiu was terrified, and his body was trembling. The Yuanshen power was quickly absorbed by the wind.

"Good evil martial arts! Where did this stupid boy come from? If you don't want to do anything, the **** of the seat will certainly be absorbed by him!" North Ming old demon is in a hurry, and now the injury is serious, it is completely gone. Combat ability.

"Wind! Keep your hands! Cough!" The extremely angry anger of the end of the road, because of too excited, fierce coughing twice, and spit out two blood.

"The repair of the broken wind is to improve quickly! Seeing that it is necessary to break through the peak of the late stage!" Ghosts and horrified, seeing this scary scene, the ghost can not help but tremble.

"This bastard's repair can be upgraded so fast. Did it absorb the other people's gods before? How could there be such a terrible martial arts?" Nethered, panic, couldn't help but swallow a horrified spit.

"I know, ruthless and broken army and Luo Zhuang, the three of them must also be absorbed by the wind to absorb the power of the gods! At that time there was Luo Zhuang, the army did not have the opportunity to break the ruthless!" A fierce exclamation.

Wen Yan, everyone's face suddenly changed dramatically, Xiao Chen shocked: "Yes! It must be like this. At that time, it was the wind that took the three of them away, and then there was no news. It was a bastard, and it was not as good as a beast!" ”

"Yes! It must be like this! God, the wind is not even let go of his father. Is this guy a human?" The ghost was more alarmed.

"The beast!" The blood witch roared.

"Do you even have your own biological father?" When I heard the words of Ling Zhan and Xiao Chen, Mu Mingkong and others were shocked again, saying that they had never seen such a big rebellion.

"What? Wind, are they all true? Ruthless and Luo Zhuang really kill you?" The end of the world heard, the same face changed dramatically, suddenly asked for anger.

Broken Tianfeng absorbed Yang Xiu’s Yuanshen power, and then sneaked to the front of the break, sneer: “Yes, they are all right, my father and the elders are killing me.”

"You. You are a beast! Even your own father is killed, are you still human?" The snarl snarls, his eyes are full of bloodshot, both painful and angry!

After a pause, the end of the world was angry and said: "You lied to me that it was a broken army to kill the ruthless, just want me to lose both the North and the old demon, so that you can absorb the gods! You are a beast! How can the old man have you? A grandson who is not as good as a beast? Is it retribution?"

"Grandpa, you are also smart, but unfortunately you know it is too late! Give me the power of your gods, I will not let you down." The wind and cold laughed, the palm gently pressed in the broken horizon On, began to absorb the power of the Yuanshen.

"Animals! You are a beast! Xiao Chen, although the old man has done countless sinful things, but today the husband has a request, anyway, I must kill this beast! The old man knows that you are not in the pool, you can Do it! Please promise the old man!"

"Dang Yazong, the younger generation respects you as a master of the Mahayana period, your request I promise you!" Xiao Chen slowly said, this moment, Xiao Chen really does not know how to answer, he can feel the extreme pain of the end of the world Despair and unwillingness.

"Hey! I am afraid that Xiao Chen does not have this ability!" The wind and cold laughed, and did not put Xiao Chen in his eyes.

"Break the wind, you should not be too arrogant, not to look down on Xiao Chen, one day you will die in Xiao Chen hands!" The ancient white tiger angered.

"Is it? I am looking forward to that day, when I will make all of you feel scared!" The wind and cold laughed, not afraid.

"Jiangchengzi, throwing the medicinal herbs soon!" Beiming old demon eagerly looked at Jiangchengzi and shouted, and it was their turn to see them. The North Ming old demon was terrified.

"The great elders, give me one too!" Wu Yi also asked with astonishment. I saw that Luo Hou was absorbed by the Yuanshen without any resistance. The seriously wounded witches could not help but fear.

"Oh? Are you scared?" The wind and cold laughed, and glanced at the Beiming old demon.

However, at this moment, Jiang Chengzi was trembling with horror. He couldn’t say a word in half a word. He was terrified in his heart: "The old man must not die. Seeing that he will advance to the nine-inner alchemy, he must not die here!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Chengzi panicked out a few medicinal herbs, took one of them, and then quickly mobilized the real yuan, the figure flashed away, no matter what the North Ming old demon.

"Oh! Despite the escape, you will survive and survive!" The wind and cold laughed, and did not stop. After all, Jiangchengzi is a master of eight products, and he has a powerful medicinal medicine. It is very likely that he will be killed.

"Bastard!" Seeing Jiang Chengzi escaped from himself, the North Ming old demon raging into the sky, could not help but swear out, the heart is extremely scared and panic.

"It's over. Finished.." Witches panic, full of despair.

"The end of the world is also dead." Ghosts panicked, the first time I felt that the wind was so terrible, it was creepy.

"Break the wind is so ruthless!" Mu natural frown, even he could not help but shudder.

"The North Ming old demon they can not escape a death." Xiao Chen frowned.

Absorbed the power of the Yuanshen, the broken wind directly flashed to the front of the North Ming old demon, the wind and cold laughed: "Northern Ming Lao Yao, I can't think of you today? You were originally the peak of the Mahayana The environment belongs to the body of the half fairy, and your power of the gods must be very powerful! Haha!"