Fanatic Martial God

Chapter 508: Defeat the wind

Xiao Chen provoked the power of chaos and the power of the blood of the gods, the golden light and the red blood of the whole body, and the two kinds of light merged together, which is extremely dazzling.

"What? What is this power? How is this possible? How can there be another kind of power in his body? How can the power of Xiao Chen soar?" The feeling of Xiao Chen’s power suddenly soared and reached a state of horror. The wind and the face suddenly changed dramatically, and the eyes flashed with horror.

To the same day, he was scared, and almost lost his balance and fell to the sky. "Xiao Chen actually has another terrible power!"

"I can't think of the power of the blood and the power of chaos. It will have such a terrible force, and it is not under the wind!" Mu Yunshan was terrified, and his heart was secretly excited.

"Wind and sky, what power is Xiao Chen's urging?" Cang leave the old ghost and quickly look to Feng Tianlie.

Feng Tianlie was shocked on the spot, and Xiao Xiao, who was stunned and looked at the sky, was completely shaken by the terrible power that Xiao Chen broke out.

"It is the power of chaos. The force that was motivated before was the power of the blood of the ancient times." The blood witch turned.


To the heavens and other hidden powers, they immediately took a sigh of relief, the strength of the ancient times, these short words are enough to shock them.

"A good and powerful sword manpower! Xiao Chen has learned more powerful swordsman?" Yan Tianxiang panicked, he can clearly feel the horror of the power of Xiao Chen's swordsman.

"I can't believe it! This power is definitely the most terrible force in the realm of cultivation!" Ghosts were excited and scared.

The annihilation is even more exciting: "With this power, the wind is dead! The wind and the wind are severely damaged, and certainly cannot block the power of Xiao Chen."

The power that Xiao Chen broke out, the countless monks who were present were afraid of it!

"Hey! Is it accidental? This is reserved for you." On the sky, the horror of seeing the wind is the eyes, Xiao Chen can not help but sneer. ,

"call out!"

When the voice fell, the sword of the terrorist power had already been condensed. With Xiao Chen’s wave, a strong sound of breaking the air, a huge 100,000-foot blood red sword smashed out, and the surface of the sword Covered with a faint golden light, it is fierce.

"How is this possible? Impossible, you can't provoke such a terrible power!" The wind and the wind stunned, shaking his head and stunned.



Ten thousand feet of huge blood red swordsman's eyes blinked on the lightning vortex of the broken wind, and the bang of the bang banged, the horrible swordsman's strength shook the blood on the spot, the body swayed a few times, and the complexion paled again. a bit.

"What? What is this possible? What is the power in your body?" The face of the wind and the wind changed again and again, and the horror of Xiao Chen’s swordsman’s strength made him smell the death, which made him unbelievable. The terrible gods decided not only did not block the swordsmanship of Xiao Chen, but were injured by Jian Mang, and Xiao Chen did not even get hurt. Such a huge gap made the Tianfeng feel that he had an illusion.

Xiao Chen sneered and said: "It is no problem to tell you. Anyway, you have no way to live. This is a kind of power in ancient times. It is called the power of chaos. It is the power I gained in the ancient city. Now I can bring the power of chaos and The power of my blood is combined, so that such a powerful force will erupt."

After a pause, Xiao Chen sneered again: "To tell the truth, I have already merged these two forces, but I have never tried it. I don't know how powerful it will be. This is the most powerful of my sword." Sword strokes, just after comprehending, how powerful the power is, I didn’t know it before, but now it seems that beyond my imagination, I didn’t know it at the beginning, or I won’t stay until the end to deal with you!”

"The power of chaos? Damn!" Broken Tianfeng gnawed his teeth and angered his strength. In front of Xiao Chen’s swordsman, there was a sense of powerlessness.

"It's amazing!" When I saw the wind and the wind was injured, Mu Yunshan and others were shocked again, and they widened their eyes and looked at the sky.

"Xiao Chen's swordsman power is terrible! Even the wind is difficult to resist!" Mu natural fears, in the real world for so many years, for the first time saw such a terrible swordsman power.

The emperor’s annihilation trembled with a trembling voice: “It’s more terrible than the power of the wind, how terrible is this power?”

"The injury to the wind is getting heavier and heavier. This time he will never run!"

"Xiao Chen brother cheers! Kill the beast!" Mu Qing excitedly shouted.

"Xiao Chen! I must not let him go this time!" The ancient white tiger also followed suit.

End Yan Da Dao said: "Xiao Chen, carefully cut off the space of the wind! Don't let him run!"

"The doorkeeper cheers!" The soul door crowded out at the same time.

"Killing off the wind! Killing the wind!" The countless monks in the distance, came a loud voice, and the sound was shocking.

In the sky, Xiao Chen smiled coldly: "Break the wind, the grudges between us, understand today!"

"Xiao Chen! You want to kill me is not so easy!" The wind quickly turned from horror to anger, and roared against Xiao Chen, struggling to resist.


The voice fell, and the wind slammed out a blood, and the blood instantly turned into a power whirlpool, and the power instantly improved!

"Hey! Do you still want to resist?" Xiao Chen said coldly, and then one-handedly printed and shouted: "Xian Ding! Nine Heavens!"

"What? It is the sound wave martial arts!" Hearing the sound of Xiao Chen's drink, the face of the wind changed dramatically. He saw Xiao Chen's performance of the sound wave martial arts, and his heart was taboo.



The extremely horrible sound wave power is madly spreading. The smashing impact is on the eardrum of the broken wind. The eardrum is very stinging and bleeding. At the same time, the head is almost bursting, the mind is scattered, unable to concentrate, and the pain makes the wind and the wind endure. Live screaming.



The wind and the wind are dilapidated, and it is impossible to control the lightning vortex. At this moment, the horrible swordsman power shook the blood, the injury deteriorated again, and the control of the broken wind was lost. The lightning vortex began to scream and tear, and a crack appeared.

"It's sound martial arts! Very good! This way, the wind and the wind are broken, and you can't stop the attack of Xiao Chen! Xiao dust won!" Mu Yunshan was very excited. After such fierce battle, now it is finally watching. Hope!

"Xiao Chen actually has sound martial arts! Isn't it already lost?" To Wen Tian and others, I was shocked again. Xiao Chen showed a series of martial arts that made them extremely shocked. It can be said that they are shocked to live now. Compared to today’s shock, it’s just like a dream.

"So far away, it can still affect us!" Tianyangzi stunned, some people in the place are very uncomfortable, can not help but cover their ears.

Leng Xuan is uncomfortable: "With Xiao Chen's current realm of immortality, coupled with the power of chaos and the power of blood, the sound martial arts displayed is naturally terrible."

Fortunately, they are far away from the battlefield, otherwise the power of the sound wave martial arts that Xiao Chen now uses is not what they can bear. It is definitely the end of the eardrum bursting and the head explosion.

"Break the wind! You are finished!" Xiao Chen shouted, the madness of the outbreak of terrible power, blood red swordsmanship, strength once again skyrocketed.


With the huge impact of the 100,000-foot swordsmanship, the lightning vortex that has lost contact with the broken wind has been covered with cracks and completely suppressed by the swordsman. Even if the wind is now recovering, it is too late, but unfortunately Xiao Chen’s sound waves Power can not dissipate so quickly.


When the lightning whirlpool is full of cracks, the strength becomes weaker and weaker. Under the impact of the terrible swordsman, the last scream, the huge vortex of 100,000 feet is broken, and the swordsmanship that breaks through the vortex still carries the mighty momentum like a broken bamboo. Broken winds.

"The martial arts of the broken wind is broken! He is dead!" The ghost was cheering and cheering, and his face was flushed.

"The wind has not recovered yet!" The cockroach was excited and his eyes looked at Xiao's huge swordsman.

"Even if you recover, it is too late!" The ancient white tiger was excited, and everyone's eyes were concentrated on the huge blood-red swordsmanship of 100,000 feet.

At this moment, everyone is eye-catching! The 100,000-foot-large blood-red sword mans is undoubtedly the focus of dazzling!


The speed of Jianmang is fast, and it is extremely large. In the blink of an eye, the wind is interrupted. The rumbling sounds of the world’s loud noise, the swordsman explodes and the wind is swallowed.


The devastating explosive power is like a huge tsunami of 100,000 feet. It is swept away in all directions, and the place where it passes is devastated, the space is swallowed up, the terrible temperament spreads unscrupulously, and the diffusion of the force alone Enough to kill the body of the true fairy.

The last sword move was used, almost consuming the power of Xiao Chen everyone, pale and short of breath, so at the moment when Jianmeng hit the wind, Xiao Chen had already retired and did not dare to stay.

After nearly ten minutes passed, the horrible explosion energy gradually dissipated, and under the rapid repair of space, it also became somewhat bright.

At this time, the wind was lying in the gravel desert in the distance, blood was covered, limbs were destroyed, the injury was very serious, and it was impossible to move, but the power of the water **** was helping him to heal quickly.

Xiao Chen flew in, and fell to the side of the wind, sneer: "Is still repairing? You have no chance." Speaking of reaching out to the wind, a blue force is absorbed.

"You. Bastard! Absorb. Absorb my water. The power of the **** of water!"

"Forgot to tell you, my chaos power can absorb any power! Just let me heal." Xiao Chen sneered, the voice fell, a wave, a cross appeared, Xiao dust was tied to the cross by wood branches.

"Wu Huo!" Xiao Chen waved his hand, a black flame did not break into the wind and eyebrows, while using the power of the soul to seal the soul of the wind, so that the soul of the broken wind is separated from the body.

Xiao Chen smiled coldly: "Break the wind, your soul is sealed by me, your body will be slowly destroyed. Once the body is destroyed, the fire that I break into your body will slowly devour you. The soul of the body! Until you are gone, I said that I will let you pay ten times the price, you will enjoy it slowly."

"Xiao Chen! You. You bastard!"