Fanatic Martial God

Chapter 882: Reinventing the Wolf King


The power of the wolf king’s horror is constantly coming out. The dim space has never stopped violently shaking. On the contrary, the area of ​​collapse has become larger and larger. The original bright space is now very dim, as if it were nearly a thousand. The clouds are overwhelming.

Soon, an incomparably huge fire red energy bow condensed out, the surrounding space temperature instantly increased, the audience felt very hot, the skin was hot and painful, and everyone was horrified.

"Huang Taiyun, this is the demon of the old man who has just cultivated in recent years! Let you see and see!" The Wolf King yelled, suddenly pulling a huge bowstring, and quickly condensing a rocket containing terrorist power.

Huang Taiyun frowned slightly and said: "What is this law? The rocket is very powerful!"

"A very good law decision, even condensed the bow!" Xiao Chen shocked and widened his eyes, said that for the first time saw such a weird law.

"This old thing is really powerful, even the shape of the weapon can be condensed out." The ancient white tiger also surprised.

Huang Shifu frowned: "The Wolf King actually cultivated these powerful laws. The power of the rocket is terrible. I don't know if the patriarch can do it."

"What?" Huang Ye heard the words, his face became more and more frightened, and he was deeply worried.

"call out!"


The Wolf King aimed at Huang Taiyun, fiercely let go, bowed a string, and a loud, piercing sound broke out. Everyone’s eardrums seemed to burst like pain, and tens of thousands of huge rockets flew out, so horrible Power gives a sense of despair.

"The power of the rocket is very overbearing! I don't think there is such a powerful law decision for the patriarch!" The wolf warfare guarded the law and said that he did not know that the Wolf King still practiced such powerful laws.

The elders wolf flew and frowned: "The patriarch is trying to display such a hegemonic law. It is estimated that he wants to seriously damage the emperor. If it is a tie, then this game will not be counted. In this way, the wolf kings will have a chance. win."

At high altitude, Huang Taiyun looked at the rocket that blasted at a super-horrible speed. He did not dare to underestimate and fully urged the demon.

"Wolf King, the law of your cultivation is indeed powerful. Unfortunately, the old man has also cultivated a fairly powerful law! It also allows you to see and see." Huang Taiyun cold channel, his hands quickly printed, silver and white burst Flashing out, it suddenly screamed: "Devil! Three souls!"


Huang Taiyun waved quickly and waved three times in a row. Three silver-white energy with terror powers lingered in two, and each energy smashed out the power of the monks, which was terrible.

"At the same time, three forces are exerted, one is more terrible than one! I can't think of Huang Taiyun also left a hand!" Xiao Chen was shocked and said that the strength was enough to make him feel terrified.

"It's amazing! Father is cheering!" Huang Ye excitedly sipped up. Just now there was some worry. Now, seeing Emperor Taiyun also exerts terrible power, fearing that it is missing, but instead is excited.

"It is the soul of the three souls, I can't think of the patriarch's success in cultivation!" Huang Shidi exclaimed, and also became happy.

"The patriarch! The patriarch!" The local elephants cheered and their faces were full of excitement.

"Damn! I can't think of Emperor Taiyun's powerful law!" The Warrior Kings were gloomy and angry, and secretly worried that the wounded Wolf King could not resist the power of Huang Taiyun.



The first energy came instantly, colliding with the Wolf King's rocket, and the bang banged, and the space violently swayed a few times. The violent and terrible power spread unscrupulously, but only a moment of collision, the energy smashed.

"Hey! Huang Taiyun! Your law seems to be not very good." The Wolf King sneered slightly.

"Is it?" Huang Taiyun faintly said, and a sneer smirked at the corner of his mouth.



At this time, the second energy came in and slammed into the Rocket's rocket again. The bang banged, the terrible power spread wildly, and the space vibration just weakened. At this moment, it swayed again. The power of terror was back in shock, and both the Emperor Taiyun and the Wolf King’s body were a little shaken, and their complexion became more difficult.


The second energy is much stronger than the first one, but it only lasts for a few seconds. It slams and is shattered by the rocket's overbearing power. The rocket is still striking quickly, but the speed is slower than before. Quite a lot. ,

"Hey!" Seeing the situation, the Wolf King couldn't help but scream.

"Wolf King, look at your look, seems to be quite confident about your strength." Huang Taiyun sneered, even if the two energy smashes were destroyed, he still has confidence.




However, when the third most terrible energy smashed with the rocket, the two forces exploded in an instant, and the rumbling sound rang, as if it was resounding throughout the East, and the devastating explosion force was beyond The speed of light speed spread, and the two populations of Huang Taiyun and Wolf King spit blood, and they were directly shaken out by the explosive force for several kilometers.

"Not good! The patriarch was injured!" The wolf was shocked and worried.

"Father!" Huang Ye was in a hurry and came out.

The horrible explosion of energy quickly spreads in all directions, and the speed is terrible.

When the emperor was seen, his face changed greatly, and he quickly yelled: "Everyone is going backwards! Go away! Little patriarch, go!"

All the people watching the war were scared by the power of terror, and they lost their souls. The body could not move at all. Under the anger of the emperor, this reaction was over, and they ran one by one.

"The strong man in the reincarnation is terrible!" Xiao Chen was shocked and said that he also quickly retreated.

The tribes of the Wolf King also retreated to the distance, or they descended into the mountains below, and no one dared to stay.

The terrible explosion energy, even the afterglow of the spread, is enough to kill everyone.

The emperor of the earthquake, Wang Taiyun, forced to stabilize his body shape, and at the same time his body retreats. His frowns said: "The power of the four-turned demon emperor is really powerful, and it can actually hurt the old man! Fortunately, the old man is powerful, this hurts. what."

On the other hand, the Wolf King is equally astonished, and can’t believe that the power of the last energy of Huang Taiyun is so terrible.

"The three energy of this old thing, the first two have already consumed a lot of rocket power, and what is really terrible is his third energy, the power is almost condensed on the third road! It is too big." Wolf King frowns Angry, the face became a little pale.

The Wolf King himself was injured and he was once again injured by the earthquake. The injury worsened and became a bit serious.

The horrible explosion energy lasted for five minutes, and it gradually dissipated. The collapsed space was also quickly repaired, and the space gradually became brighter.

"My father is okay?" Huang Ye was in a hurry, his face was extremely nervous.

Xiao Chen took a shot of Huang Ye’s shoulder and smiled and said: “Do not worry, the royal chief is only slightly injured, no serious problems. The power just now is much stronger than the Wolf King.”

"The Xiao Chen brothers said that the third energy of the patriarch is very powerful. Moreover, the rocket of the Wolf King is weakened by the two forces in the past. The strength is still the dominant of the patriarch." Huang Shi smiled.

"Bad! The patriarch's injury has deteriorated and become serious!" The wolf flew and frowned, and became more worried.

The wolf war closed his eyes and sighed: "It seems that the patriarch is still unable to recreate the emperor."

Above the sky, as the explosive power dissipated, the Wolf King once again fully urged the demon element, and his hands quickly printed, suddenly angered: "The Wolf King's Claw!"


The Wolf King fully urged the power and condensed it on the right arm. A suffocating breath of horror permeated, the space violently vibrated, and the newly restored space collapsed layer by layer.

"call out!"


A tens of thousands of huge blue energy claws flew out, the speed is fast, flashing past, magnificent, and people feel desperate.

"Wolf King, your injury has become serious!" Huang Taiyun smiled coldly, urging the demon Yuan, his hands quickly printed, the silver and white light flashed, and he shouted: "Devil! Earth image Break the sky!"

Huang Taiyun suddenly slammed out, his right leg instantly became longer, and expanded, forming a tens of thousands of huge elephant legs, gray elephant legs covered with a huge piece of muscle, can be seen These huge muscles are full of terrible explosive power.

"Legs. I have become an elephant leg!" Xiao Chen was shocked and stunned. He widened his eyes and looked at the huge elephant leg.




The elephant's leg slammed against the wolf's energy claws, and the bang banged. The overbearing power directly shocked the wolf king's mouth and spit blood. The energy claws were easily shattered and could not withstand the terrible power of the emperor.



After the elephant's leg shattered the energy claws, it still stretched out quickly. It was like a mountain. The smashing slammed into the wolf king. The bang banged and the wolf king was shocked and vomited. The injury instantly became very Severe, the figure is like a cannonball flying out, where it passes, through the mountains in the distance, I don’t know.

The Wolf King had been seriously injured before. Even if he tried to display the claws of the Wolf King, his strength would be weakened too much. He could not compete with Huang Taiyun, and it was inevitable that he would be hit by Huang Taiyun.

"It’s a natural power! The elephant leg just now has a terrible power! Even the strength of the Wolf King’s peak is inevitably shocked!” Xiao Chen said with amazement, he was able to clearly feel the big one. Like the terrible power of the legs.

"The patriarch!" The two elders, Wolf Mountain, panicked and slammed away.

"The patriarch was defeated!" The tens of thousands of people of the Wolf King were frightened.

"The patriarch! The patriarch!" and the people of the local elephants, excitedly shouted out, one by one red-faced.

Huang Taiyun looked at the wolf in the distance and sneered: "In the first game, the old man won! Who did you send in the second game?"

The wolf battle looks gloomy: "This law is going to fight!"