Fanatic Martial God

Chapter 956: Spike

"Oh? Indicates that people who don't need Dan Dian to intervene? It seems that there is some relationship with Dan Dang." Xiao Chen heard that, first of all, it seems to have also come to interest.

Mu Yunshan smiled and said: "Maybe the person he wants to kill is the person of Dan Dian!"

"What do you say?" Yan Aotian asked coldly, and the eyes full of terrible murderousness swept to Xie Yun.

Seeing the situation, Xie Yunfu did not change color, smiled and said: "Inflammatory Lord is not going to be angry, this is the meaning of the owner of Ba Pindan. Since the auction has already helped him bid for Ba Pin Dan, he must act according to his requirements. It is the rules of the auction. As for the grievances of the people and the Dan Temple, the old man does not know."

Yan Aotian asked coldly: "Who is this person?"

"The auction site will not leak any news sold, but also hope that the lesser and the Lord will forgive me, this is also the rules of the auction house." Xie Yun smiled lightly, not flustered. ,

In a box, the turbidity asked: "Great elders, do we want to bid?"

The shadow shook his head and said: "The eight-in-one alchemy teacher is going to kill. It is definitely not simple. We don't know who it is. From Xie Yunkou, this person does not need Dan Dian to intervene. The person he wants to kill is not The Dan Dianqiang is the other stronger and stronger, and you can't bid freely."

"Xie Yun elder, if you don't know who to kill, I'm afraid no one dares to promise. This is just a piece of eight Pindan. If you want to kill a powerful reincarnated emperor, or a fairy strong, this is not a joke. Play." Yin Yang Shaotian said, even if he is a yin and yang family, the Lord does not dare to agree easily.

Xie Yunwei smiled and said: "The old man really has no way. The owner of the drug can not say who to kill."

"I don't know who to kill, and I don't know what to do with my opponent. I can't bury my life for the eight-product Dan." One said, life-saving is important.

"Yes, although Ba Pin Dan is expensive, but it is not important, right? Life is gone, what is the use of Ba Pin Dan?"

"Even if you want to promise, there is no such strength."

None of you here dare to promise, even if the temptation of Ba Pindan is strong, but there is no life important.

"If no one bids for this eight-piece Dan, this last baby has to be done." Xie Yun said with a smile: "This auction will end here, there is no baby to trade, please wait a moment, others please Self-contained."

"Xie Yun elder, since the owner of the drug does not need Dan Dian to help, may wish him to come to the soul door to find me, maybe I can help." Xiao Chen looked at Xie Yun laughed.

Yin Yang and Shaotian heard the words, and smiled in the heart; "Xiao Chen is not so simple to help, it is estimated that I want to recruit, ah, eight products alchemy in the fairy world is not much."

"Xiao Chen, this stinky boy wants to draw the eight-in-one alchemy teacher? Hey!" Yan Aotian cold channel, guess without thinking.

Xiao Chen really thinks this way. The eight-in-one alchemy teacher really has a higher status in the fairyland. Since he does not need the Dan Temple to help, Xiao Chen is willing to help. To put it bluntly, he is doing the opposite of Dan Dian.

Xie Yun looked at Xiao Chen and smiled: "Oh, the old man must recommend it to the soul master."

"Thank you for the cloud elders, I will wait for the first words." Xiao Chen said with a fist, the auction auctioned a lot of baby, but also made the soul of the door famous.

The most powerful star soul temple and Dan Hall in the fairy world are now suppressed by the soul gate. Once such huge news is transmitted, it will surely sensation the entire fairy world.

At the end of the auction, various forces and numerous scattered repairs left the auction site and went back.

Xie Yun went to a room, and Ba Pindan did not bid for it. This must be done to the owner of the drug.

"I can't think of so many big forces and strong people. No one dares to bid for this old man." Among the rooms, the owner of Ba Pindan shook his head and was disappointed.

Xie Yun smiled and said: "It is not without, the soul door owner is somewhat interested, so the soul master said, if you have time, you can go to the soul door to find him, he can help, he must try his best to help, the soul of the main person, The old man can use his personality or even his life to guarantee."

The old man heard the words and said with amazement: "Oh? Why did Elder Xie Yun trust this Xiao Chen so much? To know that the people know each other and don't know, the old man used to be like this, and he only suffered a big loss."

"Although the old man does not know what happened to you in the past, Xiao Chen is absolutely trustworthy. If you really want to take revenge, you can go to the soul door to find Xiao Chen. The alchemy of the soul master is terrible, refining Qi Pin Dan. You are definitely not his opponent." Xie Yun smiled, very sure.

The old man looked at Xie Yun with doubts and asked: "Elder Xie Yun, why do you trust Xiao Chen? Do you understand Xiao Chen?"

Xie Yun shook his head and smiled. "Although the old man said that he did not fully understand it, he did not know the details of Xiao Chen. However, he repeatedly contacted Xiao Chen. The old man felt that Xiao Chen was absolutely trustworthy."

"Xiao Chen is really not a kid. The old man can't see his cultivation as a depth. Even the realm of alchemy can't be seen." The old man said that it seems to be somewhat heart-warming.

Xie Yun smiled and said: "This time I didn't help you bid for Ba Pin Dan. The auction will not charge any fees. If you think Xiao Chen is reliable, you can go to the soul door. If the soul master can help, he I will definitely help myself. This person is very important and very reliable."

"The old man wants to go to this meeting for a while." The old man smiled slightly and looked at Xie Yun. He smiled and said: "This time I would like to thank Yun elders for help."

"Polite!" Xie Yunwei smiled, looks very polite.


On the other side, on the way back to the soul gate, Xiao Chen was suddenly blocked by two mysterious people, and it was near Xiandu. Both of them were reincarnated and powerful, and their strength was terrible.

"Sure enough, I guessed it, I guess someone would rob us halfway." Xiao Chen sneered, his eyes glanced at the two reincarnated emperors.

Mu Yunshan sneered: "I think it should be the strong person hired by Dan Dian. The purpose is to grab the baby we got from bidding."

"I think they are coming to die, here is the South, not the East!" The seven souls sneered, even if the enemy is a reincarnated emperor, there is no fear.

"Xiao Chen, the baby of the auction today is not bad? I will hand over the baby to the acquaintance, otherwise you may have more than 20 people to be buried here." A reincarnated fairy sneer, looking at Xiao Chen's eyes full of disdain The color. ,

Xiao Chen heard the words, his hands attached to his chest, and he looked proudly and smiled: "Is it? You can try it if you have the ability! But before you start, you must think clearly, don't put yourself in the interests of Dan Dian. The life is buried."

Another reincarnated fairy emperor sneered: "I want to kill us because of your strength?"

The ghost sneer said: "You are just three turns to the emperor's realm. Do you think we can't kill you?"

"Boy, you are very confident, but I don't know if you are doing this in the late Luo Jinxian's period, can you block the strength of the old man's punch!" A reincarnated emperor sneered, more disdain, the horrible power of the body is crazy. Move out.


The incomparable power of the violent spread, the blue light flashed, the surrounding space trembled, and the black cracks and the claws burst open, and the original white space turned into a darkness in the blink of an eye.

"Little fox, immediately summon Xiao Hei and Tian Shanjun to come over! Since they are the killers hired by Dan Dian, they must die!" Xiao Chen hurriedly conveyed that their strength is not the opponent of two reincarnated emperors. But summoning Xiao Hei and Tian Shan Jun, the ending is different.

"Yes! Master!" The little fox heard the words, respectfully, and then quickly spurred Xianyuan, and the two claws slammed together.


On the void two meters away from Xiao Chen, a dark crack was torn out, and two extremely horrible breaths filled the cracks.

Feeling such a terrible power, a reincarned emperor frowned: "When is this kid calling the strong?"

"Three turns to the Emperor and five to the Emperor! When did the Soul Gate have such a terrible powerhouse?" Another reincarnated fairy emperor frowned, his eyes full of jealousy.

Among the cracks, Xiaohei and Tianshanjun slowly came out, and Xiaohei smiled and said: "Xiao Chen, it seems that you are in trouble."

Oriental Snow Lima Road: "Little Black, Tianshan predecessors, kill the two bastards, they want to **** our baby!"

"They should be the killers hired by Dan Dian! In order not to let the reputation of Dan Dian be damaged, so the means of such a mess!" Ghosts sneered.

In the auction, yin and yang are unlikely to be right with Xiao Chen. The rest are only the two super powers of the Star Spirit Hall and the Dan Temple.

However, at the auction, Xiao Chen did not give Yan Aotian a face, let Dan Dian lose his face, Yan Aotian naturally will not easily give up, so these two reincarnated emperors, in all likelihood, is the strong employed by Dan Dian In an attempt to kill Xiao Chen and rob the baby.

"This old thing is a five-turned emperor strong, we can not even rival him, go away!" A reincarnated emperor frowned, seeing that Tianshan Jun is the five-turned emperor, they have already I was scared and scared.

"Tianshan predecessors, don't let them run! Otherwise, you can't put down the face of the five emperors." Xiao Chen laughed, full of murderous eyes swept to the enemy two reincarnated emperors.

Tianshan Jun heard the words and sneered: "There are two three-turned emperors in the district. The old man is still not in the eyes. He wants to escape. It depends on the old man who disagrees!"

"Kill them!" Xiao Chen cold channel, as long as it is an enemy, it will never let go.

"Not good! Go!" A reincarnated fairy emperor changed his face and shouted.

"Space is forbidden!"

Tianshan Jun suddenly spurred Xianyuan, and his hands quickly printed. Then he waved his hand and sighed low. A very terrifying force spread quickly, and the speed was fast.

"Can't go." Tianshan Jun smiled coldly, the space imprisonment contained the power of terror, and the two three-turned emperors could not break free.

"It's over! Yan Aotian's stinky boy didn't say that Soul Gate had such a terrible powerhouse!" A fairy emperor angered.

"Hey!" Tianshan Jun's figure flashed, the speed was fast, Xiaohe couldn't see it, and then he saw only the chest of the two reincarnated emperors in the enemy's chest and a fist-like laughter, **** madness, eyes have become dim.

"Tianshan predecessors are beautiful! Instantly kill two reincarnated emperors!" Ghosts cheered excitedly.