Fancy Manual for Teasing the Male God

Chapter 690: Queen of Cooks

Qin Wansha didn't feel embarrassed for this woman anymore, but straightened her chest up and walked towards the courtyard. As she walked, Qin Wansha put a curve on her lips - she had actually guessed Gu Wanru's plan.

As soon as he entered the yard, the gate of the yard behind Qin Wansha was suddenly closed, saying ‘Boom! ’The sound.

However, Qin Wansha didn't realize it, and turned to look at Shen Dukang who was sitting at the small stone table in the courtyard and was looking at her with a smile.

Shen Dukang had been waiting for Qin Wansha to come, and he was very anxious in his heart. At this time, he finally saw the beautiful woman. While he was excited, he was a little worried about how to explain to Qin Wansha.

However, when Shen Dukang saw the mocking smile on Qin Wansha's face, he felt something wrong.

Standing up, Shen Dukang smiled at Qin Wansha: "Sister Ruoxiang, you are finally here."

Qin Wansha unceremoniously walked towards the other stool beside the round table, and sat down naturally, then smiled and looked at Shen Dukang.

Shen Dukang was slightly guilty when he was seen by Qin Wansha's calm look, but now, if it doesn't happen, he will have no way out.

Therefore, Shen Dukang smiled, reaching out to grab Qin Wansha's hand: "Sister Ruoxiang doesn't ask why I am here."

"Dare to pretend to be King Ning, I only know that Young Master Shen has become more courageous." Qin Wansha said this, I don't know whether it is derogatory or praise.

Shen Dukang suddenly noticed something wrong, but his gaze looked at Qin Wansha and the tightly closed door again, and Shen Dukang once again let go of his mind—now that the door is guarded by several thugs, and Qin Wansha She has fallen into the trap he set, and even though she seems to have known this look now, she can't escape.

Thinking about this, Shen Dukang's expression relaxed again: "I don't know what my sister is talking about, but I also understand in my heart that sister Ruoxiang really annoys me, but now she is not as intimate to me as a child. "

"I got drunk and set the building on fire. They are all people who have escaped from the dead once. I always have to see and understand something, Master Shen feels it." Qin Wansha felt that she didn't need to think of a snake with Shen Dukang anymore. What I said was pretty rude.

Shen Dukang’s expression was stiff for a moment, and a flash of incredibleness flashed in his eyes. He tried to make himself behave more naturally: "Sister Ruoxiang must be joking. What set the building on fire, that day was when I entered the building. My sister was rescued, but my sister forgot!"

"Rights and wrongs, both of you and I have a good idea. I am here today, but I want to see what Master Shen wants to do next, but now it seems—" Qin Wansha raised her eyes and looked at Shen Dukang Go: "It's really better not to come, it's not interesting."

The sarcasm in Qin Wansha's eyes immediately rushed into Shen Dukang's heart, and an unknown fire suddenly surged.

Shen Dukang also noticed that Qin Wansha really didn't mean to reconcile with him anymore. Since this is the case, why does he need to pretend to be like the righteous gentleman now!

Shen Dukang thought, and immediately grabbed Qin Wansha's hand and squeezed it firmly: "Since Sister Ruoxiang is so smart, why not think again, I invite you to come, what will I do next!"

Speaking maliciously in his tone, Shen Dukang tried to pull Qin Wansha directly into his arms with force.

Qin Wansha turned her wrist flexibly, and instead pressed Shen Dukang's hand firmly on the stone table.

The hidden guards hiding in the courtyard all arched their bodies, making a look ready to rush out for rescue at any time, but they didn't want to see that Shen Dukang's face was distorted and couldn't help breathing in pain.

"Let go, let go!" Shen Dukang said that he was also a cook, and his wrists were a bit strong, but for some reason, he couldn't escape the restraint of such a weak woman as Qin Wansha.

Qin Wansha looked at Shen Dukang's frustration, but smiled: "Didn't Shen Lang just say that, you invited me to come, didn't you think I would do it?"

Shen Dukang did not expect it, but when he felt that his wrist was about to break, he finally remembered that he still had a foot, and immediately raised his foot and kicked Qin Wansha.

Qin Wansha released her hand, moved away and hid away, then stood on one side with her back hand, coldly watching Shen Dukang's holding hands rubbing painfully.

"You shrew!" Shen Dukang seemed to be angry, looked at Qin Wansha fiercely, and yelled at her.

Qin Wansha looked at his appearance of a dog jumping off the wall, but smiled proudly: "It's easy to say, it can't compare to your shameless face."

Shen Dukang's face was dark and he looked like he could not wait to eat Qin Wansha. However, he did not forget his purpose today: "Heh! Despicable? Shameless?! After today, I will be no shameless, and you need to rely on it. Your husband!"

With that said, Shen Dukang no longer pretended to be, but instead rushed straight at Qin Wanshahu.

Qin Wansha gestured to those people in the dark not to move, and when Shen Dukang approached, she suddenly bent over, squatted, and stretched her leg—

Put Shen Dukang to the ground with smooth movements!

Shen Dukang was yelling to hold Qin Wansha forcefully with his hands open, but fell to the ground severely in this posture. There was immediate pain in his mouth and the bridge of his nose. There is no end to this matter!

After Qin Wansha stepped aside, she didn't give Shen Dukang a chance to stop and climb up again. She kicked Shen Dukang with her feet up, picking out those painful acupuncture points, or slamming on the back of Shen Dukang's head.

The secret guards hiding in the dark looked at Qin Wansha's violent queen in a cold sweat, and suddenly felt that Shen Dukang, who was rolling on the floor, was a little pitiful.

"Help! Help! Come on! Come in!" Shen Dukang hugged his head and shouted frantically toward the gate.

However, the guards who had thought that they were waiting would come in to rescue him when they heard it, and then subdued Qin Wansha, stripping off his clothes and doing it on the spot! As a result, Shen Dukang waited for a long time but never saw anyone coming. He had a vague sense of bad intentions in his heart, but he could only shout louder, as if he was expecting someone else to hear and come to rescue him.

Qin Wansha was happily playing the game of stepping on the mole, and even giggled.

When Shen Dukang was already crying with tears and snot, she closed her feet, and then said to Shen Dukang with her hands on her chest, "Call for help? No one will come to save you."

Shen Dukang lay on the ground whimpering, looking at Qin Wansha with fear in his eyes.

As a result, I saw that the smile on Qin Wansha's face was a little deeper: "However, I can help you, if I come to shout, will you see if someone shows up?"

"Come here!" Qin Wansha snorted softly.

In an instant, more than a dozen secret guards flew down from the dark, and knelt on the ground honestly: "Yes!"