Fancy Manual for Teasing the Male God

Chapter 832: Business woman on top

As soon as Ren Congsheng returned to his house, he could not wait to open the letter, and then read it carefully.

What was written in it was actually very simple. It was to invite Ren Congsheng to the place where he was staying temporarily, and then to rationalize how this matter of changing sisters into wives should be resolved.

The tone in the letter is based on Zhen Xiong’s usual tone. Therefore, Ren Congsheng basically ignored two things——

Zhen Xiong does not know how to write, and Zhen Xiong should not be able to rent a house in this city.

It can only be said that Ren Congsheng was really driven crazy by the clan elder, family business, and silver affairs. He wished he could immediately bring Zhen Xiong to Qin Wansha and Song Yazheng, forcing the two to hand over the silver. To solve these things.

Yes, Ren Congsheng has changed his attention. He no longer thinks about using Zhen Xiong to be like Qin Wansha. He just wants to use Zhen Xiong to continuously ask Qin Wansha to solve his troubles!

The more anxious, Ren Congsheng couldn't sit still, wishing he could immediately go to Zhenxiong.

I hate it, it's getting late today, and he has to wait until tomorrow to do it again.

He almost stayed up all night with his eyes open. When it was approaching early morning, Ren Congsheng closed his eyes and Xiaoxiao made all the decisions. He ate and drank alone, holding the dream of a concubine.

The girl who came to serve Ren Congsheng to freshen up in the morning gently shouted, Ren Congsheng shouted with excitement and prepared the carriage, and went straight to the place agreed with Zhen Xiong.

Almost just when Ren Congsheng had a move, someone from Ren's Palace ran to inform Qin Wansha.

Qin Wansha and Song Yazheng immediately took the people from the government that had been arranged to go to the yard. After Ren Congsheng left, Ren's mother was helped onto a carriage and headed towards the same destination.

Ren Congsheng didn't know that he had been spotted by the oriole and was immersed in his crazy fantasy.

For fear of being noticed, he got out of the carriage, and Ren Congsheng asked the groom to go around the city again and return to Ren's house. He would naturally find a sedan chair on the street to sit back.

The groom immediately followed suit. Ren Congsheng carefully watched the carriage go away, and then ran to another yard with his feet. He even chose a fake position for the carriage to park.

When he reached the yard, Ren Congsheng finally remembered to check the terrain.

Seeing that the outer walls of the yard nearby were mottled and dilapidated, Ren Congsheng let go of his heart.

The houses here seem to be occupied by the people from the lowest level in the city. Ren Congsheng knows that some people will rent out the vacant houses to people who can’t afford to live in an inn. The same is true if they want to come to Zhenxiong.

Thinking of this, Ren Congsheng's heart was again determined to win.

When he reached the house number in the letter, he deliberately took care of his clothes, just to show off his current status in front of Zhen Xiong!

He stepped forward and knocked on the door lightly, and a voice familiar to Ren Congsheng soon came from the door: "Who! Who dares to knock at Lao Tzu's door!"

Hearing the sound, Ren Congsheng was even more relieved. He curled his lips together and raised his voice: "Brother, it's me, Ren Congsheng."

There was a sound of footsteps inside, and then the wooden door in front of Ren Congsheng was opened from the inside.

"It came very quickly." It was Zhen Xiong who stood inside the door.

Ren Congsheng held the corner of his lips and allowed Zhen Xiong to look at him up and down, and then looked behind him: "Why, haven't you become a master now, or came here alone?"

Ren Congsheng ignored Zhen Xiong's teasing and stretched out his hand to touch his nose: "These narrow alleys, the carriage can't get in, brother is planning to talk to me right here?"

Zhen Xiong sneered: "Come in."

Ren Congsheng didn't see anything wrong with Zhen Xiong, perhaps because Zhen Xiong had originally treated him extremely coldly, but now that it looks like this, it is no different from normal.

But even so, Ren Congsheng thought he was more than a bit taller than Zhen Xiong.

After entering the door, Ren Congsheng carefully reinserted the door for fear that someone would follow him.

Entering the room, Ren Congsheng glanced at the situation in the room again. Except for a mattress on a broken bed, there was not even a place to sit.

Ren Congsheng couldn't help but sneered in his heart and looked down upon Zhen Xiong.

However, it was said that Zhen Xiong stood in front of a wall after Ren Congsheng entered the house, and then asked Ren Congsheng in a bad tone: "Why, the uncle Ren now thinks my temple is small and I look down on it? Oh, yes, You can even do that to deceive the marriage, there is nothing you can't do, Uncle Ren!"

When Ren Congsheng heard Zhen Xiong mention this, he immediately lowered his hand covering his mouth and nose: "What the eldest brother said, if I really look down on eldest brother, I won’t come to the appointment today. I just feel distressed! I didn’t expect eldest brother to come. I still need to live here because of my land. Don’t worry, I’ll take you to a different residence today, and ask your sister to bring your newborn niece to visit you."

Zhen Xiong slammed the wall: "Should tell Lao Tzu that there is nothing! You owe Lao Tzu's daughter-in-law! You also asked my sister to write to me and ask me to come over and marry a wife. Lao Tzu has already asked me. Alright! Your only sister is already married to a rich man in the city! What do you mean by that! Want to regret the marriage?! I can tell you! I have a note written by you in my hand! Annoyed I, I I went to the government to sue you!"

Ren Congsheng knew Zhen Xiong's reckless appearance a long time ago. He smiled in his heart and embarrassed his face: "Big brother really misunderstood me! I originally told my sister of the marriage appointment as soon as I came back. I also talked about the eldest brother’s personality and good looks. Who knew that my younger sister actually had an affair with a wild man outside and refused to marry the eldest brother. My mother also cares more about my younger sister. My elder brother said something. I didn't say the same!"

"I don't care!" Zhen Xiong kicked the bed: "I have the slip in hand! You won't pay my sister to be a daughter-in-law! I took my sister and a few small children away! They were all sold in the kiln! I call you, Master Ren, faceless!"

Ren Congsheng felt that what he had hinted was obvious enough, but he didn't want this Zhen Xiong to even want to threaten him. It was indeed a fool.

He didn't care what Zhen Xiong said about selling his wife and children, but Ren Congsheng's eyes turned and he had an idea: "Big brother, don't worry! In fact, this is not difficult, as long as he doesn't dislike it. My sister with broken shoes has already been played with, as a brother, she will naturally help you with it, and maybe even let the big brother inherit a monstrous wealth!"