Fanservice Paradox

Chapter 22: Kasuga prison snow

The male planner is a full head shorter than Pei Tingsong, and he appears extra weight in front of him. He can only smile awkwardly, "Ah ... nothing, just feel a bit pity."

"Is it?" Pei Tingsong smiled innocently, "Why is it a pity for a boy to look beautiful? I don't understand this logic well. Isn't it worth being praised if it looks bad?"

It was obviously a very friendly question, but the back of this plan came out with cold sweat. He had just seen the power of this young male idol, and even the big photographers had to sell him a little face, "Not that ..."

"I understand what you mean." Pei Tingsong loosened his hand on his shoulder. "It's a pity to look good as a boy, and it doesn't mean that" no wonder "will happen. You want to say this, right. "


Pei Tingsong nodded and nodded, "It's fine, then our concepts are quite similar." He said with a relieved performance, "I thought that there would be indecisive straight men speaking, Daodu I raised it, but I didn't expect it to be an ally. "

"Then I will take back the knife, so as not to accidentally hurt." Pei Tingsong smiled, "I am a famous thorn head. It is a heavy hand."

After he finished talking, he turned around and left.

After hearing these words, the two staff members were already cold and sweating. Most of the people in the circle know that this Pei Tingsong is not so annoying. I knew it before, let alone now it is red. But they also thought that Pei Tingsong really did not agree with Fang Juexia as rumored, and did not expect him to come forward. But in any case, they didn't want to lose their jobs because of broken mouths, so they could only eat the deflated heart and hide aside.

It was getting late, the orange sunset fell into the fir bushes, and the snow was burning in the twilight.

Pei Tingsong came warmly and walked a few steps towards the shooting location. From a distance, he saw Fang Juexia in a black sweater walking forward under the guidance of Lin Mo.

"Okay, turn your head and laugh."

At that moment, he saw Fang Juexia turned back, his smile brighter than snow.

Stepping on the snow and walking closer, it seems that the line of sight has not been controlled by consciousness, and Fang Juexia's figure is traced in the gap of the crowd.

He was dyed with snow all over his face, and his face glowed vividly under the snow and sky. As soon as he lifted his eyes, the red in the corner of his eyes stretched out like a wound. The clear eyes are half-covered by the snow eyelashes, and in the close-up shot, the infiltrated eye sockets are reflected by the snow color to give a sense of transparency, which will turn into unfrozen ice.

Lin Mo guided from the side, "Go further and feel the summer."

According to his words, Fang Juexia stepped deep into the snow forest step by step, and was not stopped until he reached a fir.

"Turn around, half of the body is hidden behind the tree, and then pass some more." Lin Mo held the camera. "Yes, only half of his face."

Pei Tingsong also followed, he didn't know why he wanted to go. Perhaps it was because of curiosity, just as he was curious about whether the dead branch's section was alive when he was a child.

"Eyes, it's too cold now, bring a little emotion, and tap your instincts ..."

The photographer always speaks abstractly. Fang Juexia didn't know what kind of feeling he described, he just felt confused. This is an unfamiliar stereotype. He couldn't understand what it was like to be imprisoned and what instinct was like.

Pei Tingsong walked to Lin Mo and looked at him from Lin Mo's perspective.

"Look, yes."

Fang Juexia's eyes met another person.

Pei Tingsong looked away from the camera and looked up at him not far away. Those beautiful eyes looked at themselves straight as always, with a dead branch of last resistance.

"Yes, that's it." Lin Mo's voice was pleasantly surprised, and he quickly seized the opportunity to take a few photos to see the effect.

"Very good, although this look is not the same as I thought, but it is really good." Lin Mo even showed Pei Tingsong very proudly, "Look, how is it? This face is too photogenic, yet It's more expressive than I expected, so I can switch to modeling. "

In the picture, Fang Juexia is covered in half by the dark trunk, the left half of the face is quiet, and the red birthmark is the only color among black and white. The exposed eye exudes clear light, like a moon in the frozen lake water.

This is the rare emotion in Lin Mokou's mouth, and it is the last struggle of the winter that is about to fall into the trap.

But this struggle was nothing more than a fragile thin ice that shattered with a pinch. Once the warm current invaded, there would be no place to hide this winter. He can only be forced to melt, peeling himself off, revealing his original shape.

"Why didn't you speak?"

Pei Tingsong was fascinated, and then he recovered and nodded, "It's very good, he is very suitable."

Looking up and looking again, Fang Juexia had been wrapped into a big coat, and he laughed quietly because of the staff's playful joke, but also stretched out his hand and took off half of the remaining leaves on the assistant's head.

Pei Tingsong couldn't deceive himself, linking the person in front of him with those rumors, another voice appeared in his heart.

Perhaps he never believed those rumors in his heart. He was just looking for a reason to alienate this person, just as the person alienated himself.

This voice is right or wrong, he can't tell. The prejudice and stubbornness of both of them have pulled this distance too far.

The last bit of sky light also disappeared. At the moment when the sunset jumped into the snow forest and obliterated Fang Juexia, Lin Mo left the scene with the camera.

"It's hard." Fang Juexia, who finished shooting, bowed to the staff and walked back and down in a down jacket. When he walked to Pei Tingsong, he didn't say a word.

Pei Tingsong felt that his heart was a little blocked.

"Hey, you walk so fast and you're not afraid of falling."

After he said this, he regretted it. It seemed as if he had taken the initiative to do something, as if he had Fang Juexia supported in his heart, and accompanied him all the way back to the carport.

But the other party didn't even look back, "Unhappy."

Back at the work shed, Fang Juexia stomped his feet while watching the film he had made. He froze too long in the snow, his limbs numb.

Pei Tingsong sees that his nose and ears are all cold and his cheeks are red and rubbing his hands all the time. He wants to give him the hand warmer he gave him before. But he reached into his pocket, the pocket was warm, and the hand warmer was no longer hot.

"This one is good, this one is also." Lin Moyi was very satisfied. "You can cut a mv out of your tidbits. The mood is very good. It is the cleanest blockbuster I have taken recently."

Fang Juexia was a little embarrassed, "Thank you ..."

"Don't thank me, you are very photogenic, basically there are no scraps, it's hard to get. And you have a special temperament, it's a pity not to be a model."

Fang Juexia was not sociable and did not like to socialize. In the face of so much appreciation, he was not clear for a while how to deal with it. He searched the barren database like a robot, looking for applicable words.

Tangled, his hand was suddenly grabbed. Fang Juexia turned his head subconsciously and saw Pei Tingsong standing beside him, his frozen fingers suddenly wrapped in warmth.

Pei Tingsong grabbed his hand and stuffed it into the pocket of his warm jacket.

"I also think that I just took two photos with my mobile phone." Pei Tingsong freely inserted the topic. "The snowy scenery here is also beautiful and icing on the cake." After looking at him, he looked at Fang Juexia and asked with a smile, "Yeah? ? "

Fang Juexia hasn't pulled away from the unexpected emotion, "Um ..."

"Your hand warmer is already cold." Pei Tingsong didn't look at him and spoke softly again, "Retreat next."

It turned out to be because of this.

Retreat second.

Fang Juexia chewed Pei Tingsong's words repeatedly in his heart. His thinking is simple and straightforward, and he often cannot understand Pei Tingsong's words in the first place, but this does not affect the confusion of his mind. The brain and heartbeat seem to have established their own systems and are no longer related.

The frozen fingers gradually recovered their consciousness, and the heat flow penetrated into the skin from the other hand, rumbling in the capillaries and flowing to his fingertips.

That's another person's temperature.

Every sentence of Pei Tingsong is like a trap shining with cold light, he is used to avoiding it, so every time he will try to break free, although every time is futile.

He was hesitating whether to withdraw his hand. Pei Tingsong had already loosened the hand holding his wrist, making him miss the opportunity to break free.

In the narrow and warm pockets, two very different souls were hidden close to each other.

After confirming all the films roughly, it was too late to rest. Everyone ate something casually in the car and immediately rushed to the two-person shooting venue. Both of them changed their styles, they were the same shirt, but Pei Tingsong was wearing black, Fang Juexia was white, but his size was slightly larger, so that he was a little loose.

This time the shooting site was very simple. There was only a white velvet bed on the ground inside the shed, which looked very soft.

Fang Jue Xia Zheng was stunned at this bed. He heard Pei Tingsong laughing and joking, his tone was loose, "I didn't expect the first bed scene in my life to come so fast."

He can't laugh.

He couldn't imagine how to shoot a double cover of a big magazine on the bed.

Seeing Lin Mo coming, Pei Tingsong was full of curiosity and immediately asked, "What posture are we going to use? Brother Juexia and I."

As soon as this remark came out, the younger sister of the props group who came over covered her mouth and smiled. Pei Tingsong is unknown, so he looks at Fang Juexia with doubt. In some cases, the boy who grew up abroad occasionally made some mysterious speeches because of the mismatch of circumstances, even if he had a high literary quality and a strong learning ability.

Fang Juexia didn't know how to explain it, so he simply said, "The word posture can't be used casually."

Pei Tingsong's expression innocent asked why, Fang Juexia didn't want to take care of it, because the group's camera still followed, he didn't want to discuss the topic of adult Xiang Xiang was recorded in the group.

"Why?" Pei Tingsong asked again.

Fang Juexia said helplessly, "Don't know, don't ask."

Pei Tingsong frowned, "You don't know what you said about me?"

Fang Juexia: "..."

Lin Mo didn't have much time for them to discuss the issue of posture. After discussing the lighting problem with the lighting engineer, he called Fang Juexia over and let him lie on this velvet bed. Fang Juexia's work attitude is serious, what the photographer says is what she lay down without saying a word.

"Lay on your side, facing this side, yes."

After determining the location of Fang Juexia, Lin Mo said to Pei Tingsong again, "You, turn around and lie down." He also made a gesture of turning around.

The staff around was another unidentified smile. Pei Tingsong felt inexplicable, but after all it was work, he still did what Lin Mo said.

"Xiao Pei go down, go down again, your head is close to Jue Xia's head. Yes, you two come over, face to face."

Hearing the command from the side, Fang Juexia lying on his back consciously turned his face, but the distance was shortened too close, and the tip of his nose almost touched the bridge of Pei Tingsong's nose.

They lay half-curled on the side of this large round velvet bed, staggered, faces close to each other.

"It's not close enough." Lin Mo stepped forward and adjusted it personally. "I need your side profile lines to have a sense of fit. If you compress this distance to a minimum, you can fit it tightly. Do you understand?"

Lin Mo is only elaborating on the effect he wants to obtain, but this description is inevitable.

"Especially the straight line of the bridge of the nose, I hope you are parallel here, but one person is from top to bottom, the other is upside down, from bottom to top."

Pei Tingsong and Fang Juexia kept approaching each other at his request, like two meteors drawing close to each other with repulsive tracks. They tend to each other like Tai Chi, and their bodies seem to stretch in the opposite direction. Even pair balance, unity of opposites.

"Very well, that's it." Lin Mo moved away from the big bed and checked again. "Very well, the props are brought in."

Pei Tingsong asked innocently, "There are props?" The people around laughed again, and even Cheng Qiang was helplessly holding his forehead.

The nearest Fang Juexia only wanted him to shut up.

The props crew brought a long green leafy vine with flowers on it but not yet blooming, just tiny buds.

"What is this?" Fang Juexia reached out and touched it.

Before the staff spoke, Pei Tingsong replied, "Honeysuckle." Fang Juexia was slightly surprised by his strange knowledge reserve. "How do you know?"

"When I was a child, my garden was planted." Pei Tingsong replied very simply.


Fang Juexia meditated on the name in her heart and thought it was wonderful. The conceptual fit seems to be more than that.

They wrapped green honeysuckle vines around Fang Juexia and Pei Tingsong, and kept going up to the arms of Pei Tingsong, as if these vines appeared from Pei Tingsong.

"I feel like a tree spirit."

"No, you are a flower fairy." Andy fixed a lot of clematis on the top of Pei Tingsong's head with hairspray. His ears, shoulders, and arms were full of flowers.

Lin Mo came to pose for them again, "Xiao Pei, hold your back by your hand."

Pei Tingsong quickly understood what he meant, and his arms wrapped around his back and held his slender neck.

"Very good," Lin Mo stepped on the chair and took a picture. "The expression is more natural, go to see each other."

I tried it several times, and the film didn't achieve the feeling that Lin Mo wanted in my heart. I always felt that there was a bad breath. "It's almost, the tension is not enough. Xiao Pei first relax."

For some reason, Fang Juexia once again thought of Lonicera, with the word Ninja silent in his heart, and a new idea emerged. He sat up and looked at Lin Mo, "Mr. Lin, I have some ideas."

Cheng Qiang, who was standing aside, was a little surprised. It was Fang Juexia who spoke, not Pei Tingsong.

After all, in his limited memory, Fang Juexia is not a character who will easily put forward his own views.

Before being repeatedly overthrown by Pei Tingsong, Lin Mo already accepted this mode of work, "You said."

"I saw Lonicera and thought of a problem. We seem to have made an assumption at the beginning of the shoot."

Pei Tingsong was still lying on the bed, looking up to Fang Juexia who was sitting up, and all his words were carried with strict logic.

"We have been assuming that in this imprisonment relationship, what bears is winter, what about spring?"

From Pei Tingsong's perspective, Fang Juexia's eyes are looking upwards, the lights are on, and the whole face is shining, "Then if you break this a priori condition, then look at this relationship."

During the speech, Fang Jue Xia Xuebai's eyelashes flashed, "Actually, spring is also patient."

This sentence appeared straight, making Pei Tingsong's heart jump suddenly.

What do you endure in spring?

Endure hardships and lose hardships.

After being close to it, he must watch him melt and lose his original posture.

I have to admit that at this moment he was emotionally convinced by Fang Juexia's point of view. He is not a formula of silence, his aura is hidden in the rules of permutation and combination.

The inspiration and resonance between the creations were speechless. Lin Mo extended his index finger and pointed at Fang Jue Xia Lian several times. "Yes, you are right. This mutual emotion is right."

Tension doesn't mean that there must be tension and resistance, but it can also be that the sensibility wants to be close to the ice and snow, but the reason has to endure. The reason knows to avoid the warmth, but it can't control its heart that wants to spring to the spring.

Fang Juexia lay down again.

Having already grasped the concept, Pei Tingsong did not reach out to hold his back this time, but backed away a little. Hold your hand to the side. His fingers are slender and clean. The fingertips are pulling the veins on the back of the hand with a force, and there is a illusion of forbearance.

Suddenly, Fang Juexia called Andy's name and asked when he came, "Can his hand paint frostbite makeup?"

"Frost wound?" Andy's false eyelashes flickered.

"Well, it's not just this." Fang Juexia said again, "Could you please wrap the honeysuckle more around my neck and extend it all the way up. Then Andy, please draw some on my neck and face Little wound, as if cut by a honeysuckle. "

"Well!" Lin Mo's mouth nodded quickly before swallowing the coffee. "Yes, this is very good."

"Why?" Pei Tingsong actually got the answer, but he still wanted to ask.

Fang Juexia answered simply and plainly, "Only those who have paid the price are called patience."

He has more than beautiful skins, Pei Tingsong must admit.

Everything was carried out according to the temporarily negotiated plan. Lin Mo said he was very satisfied. He needed to connect the part of the single film, so between Pei Tingsong and Fang Juexia, sprinkle the eustoma petals that had been photographed before.

The camera aimed at this picture, he felt everything was in place, "Very good, start."

In the close-up shot are two side faces, they are close to each other, but it seems to be resisting again. Pei Tingsong's hand stretched out, his fingers were frostbitten and blue. His fingertips were only a few inches away from Fang Juexia, but he still didn't touch them. Even a static photo seemed to see his trembling hand.

Fettered by the spring life of Lonicera from bottom to top, it seems to be woven into a green cage. Fang Juexia closed his eyes, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he seemed to exhaust his breath.

The birthmark on the left eye corner is the only color on this face, like a petal and a brutal scar. Pei Tingsong, who is opposite to him, is also in the corner of the eye, and there is a scattered early cherry blossom.

When Lin Mo pressed the shutter.

Fang Juexia, who closed his eyes, showed a delicate smile in the corner of his mouth.

This blockbuster was undoubtedly booked as the cover on the spot by the editor-in-chief. There was no need to select it at all. Experience and first impressions directly told him that this is the best. Fortunately, this spring, which has been swallowed up by monopoly but still struggles to retain the last point of restraint.

Better to be tortured in captivity, but eventually fall into a winter of self-will.